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Top tips for living with roommates

Sharing a house with other people is something almost all of us will do at one time or another. It’s a fantastic way to save some money on rent and utilities, make new friends when moving to a different city, and ensure that you always have someone to hang out with at home. Of course, there are also some potential downsides to living with roommates, including a lack of privacy, personality clashes, and disagreements over whose turn it is to clean the bathroom. 

Luckily there are a few steps you can take to help minimize the chances of falling out with those you live with. Here are some of the best.

Set ground rules from the start

Whether you’re moving in with friends or strangers you met through; it’s best to have a discussion right away and put some ground rules in place that you’re all happy with. This could be anything from no loud music after 10 pm to always letting people know if you’re having a visitor over. It’s better to talk about your pet peeves in advance to avoid arguments in the future.

Be fair about money

Most of the time, the fairest way to deal with shared expenses such as utility bills and cleaning supplies is to split them equally. Make sure you’re all in agreement with this and then use money-sharing apps or a similar system to stick to it. Don’t be the one who always owes people money!

Split chores in a way you’re all happy with

Very few people enjoy cleaning, but sadly it’s a necessary part of life! Work out a chore chart or other system with your roommates so that everyone knows who is responsible for what and when. You could take turns with the worst tasks, such as cleaning the bathroom, or divide them up according to preference. It doesn’t matter what system you use as long as you’re all happy.

Communicate openly and honestly

It’s best to talk to your roommates if there’s something bothering you to avoid a small issue growing into a larger one. They might not even realize that what they’re doing irritates you and be happy to change their behavior after talking things over. Just make sure that you’re willing to compromise too.

Respect each other’s space and property

Just because you live with someone, it doesn’t mean that you have to share everything. Don’t barge into people’s private bedrooms without knocking, and don’t use their stuff without asking for permission. This includes eating their food, watching their movies, borrowing their clothes… everything! Even if you’re happy to share all your possessions, other people might feel differently.

Be considerate

Essentially, this is what it all comes down to. Consider how your actions will impact those you live with, and adjust your behavior accordingly – whether it’s playing music through headphones rather than out loud, always doing your dishes after meals, or asking before inviting lots of people over. Finally, don’t forget to set aside time to hang out with your roommates so you can get to know each other as friends too!

Disrupt Aging: The Changing Face of Caregiving as a Millennial


Disrupt Aging: The Changing Face of Caregiving

Growing up my grandmother was the strong-willed, hyper-capable matriarch of our family.  A woman who spent most of her life caring for her entire family. From raising her youngest brother to helping put her younger siblings through college, she always found a way to be of service to those near and dear to her heart.

Even in her later years, her life served as an example of courage and strength. Despite an early onset dementia diagnosis, she remained as engaged, lively, and empathetic to others as she was able to be. With her life being a shining example that when it comes to aging, a life build on character and grace will take you far in life. As beauty is truly a fluke of nature, whereas a woman who becomes more beautiful as she ages, is the result of a life well-lived.

Born in the Appalachian Mountains on Taylor’s Mountain, Virginia in 1944, as the second oldest of six, my grandmother, Carolyn, took to her role of caretaker with poise and grace. At the age of 10, her family was disbanded and siblings were each sent to various homes in their area as their family could no longer afford to feed their children. My grandmother was sent with her youngest brother, Danny, who was a newborn child. At the age of 15, she tested out of her county school and became the first in her family to graduate from high school. She would take a factory job and secured herself a home. At age 16, she legally adopted her brother and raised him as her own.

While raising her brother, she received a grant that allowed her to quit her job and attend college. She and her brother lived in a family dorm suite while she went to college and eventually receive her master’s. Working nights cleaning the school and tailoring dresses for professors’ wives to pay boarding fees. Shortly after college, she would marry and become a mother, twice over, only to divorce a few short years later. After her divorce, she relocated to the D.C. area where she took a job at the veteran’s administration.

Disrupt Aging: The Changing Face of Caregiving

There she would become a regional director and the first woman Shop Stewart of her union in her region. She also befriended many veterans and became a staunch anti-Vietnam protestor after seeing the condition of veterans coming home. This is a picture of her in the summer of 1965. Taking a break from helping to register African Americans to vote. The same woman who in two decades’ time would take on the task of raising me. By way of the woman from whom I learned to care for others and to allow others to care for me.

Despite the difficulties she and I faced together over the years, it was a true honor in being her caretaker for her last few years of life. The privilege of serving the woman who served so many others throughout her life. An opportunity to pay it forward to the woman for whom I owe so much of my own success in life. And with her passing, I strive daily to fulfill the role of provider and confidant she lovingly bestowed upon me. To cultivate the same sense of loveliness she embraced in life. Both as the woman of her own home and caretaker for our family.

Because there are many types of caregiving. Many of us think of caregiving as literally taking care of a person who can no longer take care of themselves. As an adult millennial, I witnessed my grandmother taking care of her elderly mother. This is where I learned about what the continuum of caregiving means for those of my generation. From working with physicians, therapists, and later hospice workers to collaborating with loved ones on monitoring exercise, medications, and company for elders within our reach. Working side-by-side with our elderly to maintain their comfort, dignity, and daily routine as much as affordably possible from diagnosis to hospice.

Because caretaking is an occupation that affects every generation. With nearly 24% of the 40 million family caregivers in the United States being fellow Millennials. Including my own personal caregiving journey.

With this in mind, here are a few very important roles to consider as a millennial caretaker or someone starting the journey of caretaking themselves at home:

Social Outreach

In this role, I made sure that she was cultivating and maintaining relationships with family and friends. Setting up scheduled FaceTime calls, holiday Google Hangouts, and the like. This allowed her to remain connected to memories and sensory stimulation. Vital to her in her later years as an Alzheimer’s patient.

Human Services

I often acted in the capacity of her social worker. Making sure her health insurance, premiums, deductibles, copayments, taxes, final arrangements (including the power of attorney methods were in place and acting as the executor of her will and living will), voter registration, and banking needs were are order. Requiring me to be both knowledgeable of her ever-changing personal information as well as in keeping her personal information is up-to-date and correct. I spent untold hours researching health programs, coverage overlaps, available medical grants, and prescription information.  All the while compiling a veritable, working dossier of her information and effects each quarter year.


Due to both an Alzheimer’s and glaucoma diagnosis, it was imperative that I be available to take her anywhere she needs to go. A skill that took time to coordinate between family members.

Keep in mind, as family members age, there is a lot to consider. Emotions that will come into play. Being ever mindful that despite a diagnosis, our elderly loved ones are not children, despite a child-like demeanor. A situation that requires caretakers to be even more mindful in their bedside manners. To be full of compassion, empathy, and readiness to change.

Caretaking is all about building relationships. Relationships built on a foundation of mutual respect. Even at times when I would be completely frustrated with my grandmother’s mood swings or absence of necessity of my own personal boundaries and personal identity, it was key for me to remain steadfast in my ability to remain calm, to ask for help when I became overwhelmed, and to remember who and what she was, my grandmother. A role that no diagnosis would be able to change.

As the most important of these roles being that of compassion. For no matter how challenging a day, I was presented, no matter how demanding my day, my commitment to her care was key. Despite how increasingly heartbreaking days became, it was an honor to aid her in whatever life brought our way.

Even in her later months, she taught me some of my most valuable lessons. Including the knowledge that love and compassion will continue to play vital roles throughout my life. That the dignity we give those we care for sets the stage for the care we hope to receive as elders ourselves. To always be mindful of the journey of others.

For that is ultimately where the heart of caretaking lies. A bedrock of love and compassion.

Friends, are you are caretaker? What are your tips for Millennial caretakers this season? Share your stories, tips, and thoughts below.

Disrupt Aging: The Changing Face of Caregiving

Make Some Real Money On TikTok

TikTok has taken the social media world by storm in the last couple of years. It’s where the funniest videos are rotated on Facebook and it’s attracted a massive crowd of video creators. It’s become so big that it’s not just about funny videos anymore, but those with influence and it’s these videos that have led to huge careers in content creation for some TikTok users. The creators came to TikTok for fun and we’re all being exposed to things from new musical numbers to cooking and cleaning hacks – and we all buy into it!

Making money is just the cherry on top of the cake for influencers on TikTok, and there’s a reason that they are all making such great money: their content is valuable. Creators have done so well that businesses are doing the same. You can brand and rebrand your business over and over by using TikTok, and all you need to do is learn how to change your name on TikTok and you’re good to go. If you have a good idea for content you could create, then getting on TikTok is just the smartest thing that you could do with your time this year. So, with this in mind, you need to learn how you can go viral and let your business become an overnight sensation on TikTok while making some real money!

Image Source: Pexels
  • Selling an account. Did you know that people are selling products through their TikTok profiles? Bigger than that, they are also earning in a much bigger way by selling their account as a whole. Imagine growing your followers to huge numbers and selling them to a brand – that’s what is happening. As a brand yourself, you can grow your numbers and followers and give them some insight into your business behind the scenes. You can then sell that account to another business if you plan to upgrade and change things. It’s a great way to add cash to your pocket!
  • Going live. TikTok offers the chance to go live and collect donations from followers when you do it. If you’re a TikTok user, you can buy coins and then give them to others, which then build up and you can cash out. It’s a good way to have a branded flash sale – people can send you TikTok coins and you can convert those to cash money!
  • Sponsorships. As you grow your brand, you can reach out to other influencers on TikTok and have them work for you. They’ll earn an income through your brand sponsorship, and you’ll earn more because their reach could be bigger than yours!
  • Influencer campaigns. Similar to the above, you can sprinkle your products among a range of influencers around the world, and they can then advertise these to others. You can have your influencers test and use your products and then the world on TikTok will see it. Those videos are shared, again and again, further ensuring that you can extend your reach!

3 Amazing Benefits of Houseplants

Image via Pixabay

Houseplants have been commonplace in living rooms and offices for as long as we can remember, with a whole new community of enthusiastic Instagram plant parents and plant-based podcasts emerging in recent years. But why are they so popular, and do their benefits surpass their eye-catching colour? Here, we will run through the top ways that investing in house plants could benefit you, both mentally and physically. 

Stress reduction

Image via Pixnio

There have been numerous studies in recent years, highlighting the effect of indoor foliage on our stress levels and overall mood. The simple task of successfully taking care of, and being the sole parent of your indoor plants can genuinely elicit similar emotions to a parent caring for their child. By introducing a plant baby to your desk or workspace, you can easily ensure that each day begins with at least a small dose of this calming feeling of accomplishment. This stress relief has even been linked to improved work performance, with studies showing offices that are home to indoor plants report improved overall staff well-being. 

Natural air purifiers

Image via PxHere

There are considerable variations in the effectiveness of different plant species in improving air quality. Still, if you find the right one, it could make a huge difference to the quality of the air you breathe. And with many modern paints, waxes and cleaning products containing harmful toxins, this could prove hugely beneficial to your overall health. These plants pull contaminants into their soil, where they subsequently convert them into cleaner air for the planet. You can achieve this with an impressive Spider Plant or Bonsai Tree, which can be purchased online for a reasonable price or grown at home. In addition to this, the moisture released by plants as a part of their photosynthesis processes can increase the humidity of a room; this is instrumental in keeping respiratory problems at bay. 

Add texture and color to otherwise dull interiors

Image via PxHere

Aside from the mental and physical health benefits of indoor plants, foliage can do wonders to the overall appearance of your space. Much like a piece of furniture, a  tall plant with large, bright leaves can add a new texture element to a room whilst also brightening up any blank wall or empty corner. It is an organic interior addition that adds a steady presence of life and nature. They are a universally loved element of interior design that can work in any space no matter the desired aesthetic; this is also a great thing if you’re worried about plants going to waste after redecorating. To really match a plant to your chosen colour scheme in a less permanent way, why not find a unique plant pot, or even design your own?

Overall, the health benefits of house plants are undeniable. The effect of certain plant species, such as Bonsai Trees, on air quality, humidity and mental outlook are truly unmatched. When this is combined with their eye-catching shape and appearance, it is not hard to see why they are a staple piece of interior design in homes and workplaces worldwide.

How to keep your kitchen clean and smelling fresh

two clear glass jars on brown wooden floating shelf

It can be challenging to keep your kitchen clean and smelling fresh. Follow these tips to help and you will notice a difference.

Let Air In

Air can get stale quickly, especially if the food smell is lingering. Make sure you keep fresh air coming in by opening the windows. Use some potpourri around the kitchen for a beautiful floral fragrance.

Counter Tops

Keep your countertops clean and crumb-free by cleaning after each use. Crumbs have a habit of getting behind appliances such as toasters and microwaves, so pull these out and clean behind them regularly. White vinegar will clean your countertops well, but an online cleaning and medical supply store can provide you with fresh smelling cleaning products too.


Empty your bin regularly to get rid of bad smells, but make sure you clean it out too. A spray of disinfectant and a wipe around the base and sides will neutralize any odors that have been left behind.


Your fridge can smell bad and become unpleasant if you have left food to go off in there. Use airtight containers to keep your food fresh for longer and make sure you clear your fridge out regularly to stop food from going off and turning moldy. Remember to clean your fridge shelves and trays regularly too as this will prevent bad odors from lingering.


Keep your dishwasher clean and odor-free by using a dishwasher cleaner and rinsing well. Check your dishwasher filter regularly too as food can become caught in the filter and make your dishwasher smell bad. This will also prolong the life of your appliance.

Washing Machine

Check the filter and around the rim of your washing machine regularly. Also, it can help to put on an empty cycle occasionally as this will keep your washing machine odor-free and running smoothly. Don’t forget to wipe down the front of your kitchen appliances regularly to keep them looking pristine.


Use an oven cleaner to keep your cooker fresh and smelling lovely. Don’t forget to clean the filter on the chimney hood too as grease can collect here and create bad odors. Wipe the hob after each use to prevent spills and crumbs from building up.


Use a clean and sweet-smelling broom and mop on your floor regularly. Mops can start to smell if they are not changed regularly and cleaned, so don’t forget this important part of floor hygiene. Crumbs can collect underneath appliances too, so pull these out regularly and clean around and behind them to stop crumbs building up and creating odors.

Dish Cloths and Tea Towels

These are a breeding ground for bacteria as they are usually kept warm and damp. Make sure you wash them regularly or buy disposable ones so that they can be changed often. A lot of bad odours in the kitchen can be traced back to these items.

Use these tips for a pristine and sweet-smelling kitchen.

5 Ways To Save When Renting Your Next Apartment

Please note, this post is sponsored by Diamond Links. Thank you.

It’s official, 2020 is almost over. But before the holiday season, other important goals must be met. Including moving to your next apartment, and giving your new space an intense clean. Personally, I love the idea of cleaning up many facets of my life each Spring season. And not just the proverbial sprucing up of the interior of my home but the location of my home too!

Fall is arguably the best season when it comes to the new rentals this season. And I should know. As all of my best leasing opportunities have always occurred during the Fall of the year. 

So if you too have the wanderlust for a new local, here are 5 ways to maximize your chances of moving into your new home:

gray steel 3-door refrigerator near modular kitchen

1. Be decisive

With so much economic upheaval the nation over, apartment space is at a premium. Making this a landlord’s market, for sure. But just because it’s a seller’s market doesn’t mean renters are seeking to wait exasperatingly long periods of time to entertain applicant selection this season. 

It’s also a buyers market. Which is why many homeowners are preferring to rent and not sell properties. Making them more likely to offer amenities, utility inclusion, application fee waiving, and even impromptu showings. As for cleaning, schedule disruption, and child and pet care arrangements that need to be made to accommodate potential renters.

According to ApartSEO, renters can save money by looking for new advertisements on social media networks including Facebook Marketplace. Where agents can be directly contacted, potential buyers profiles can be combed through, and, on occasion, rental fees can be negotiated.

Making it essential to be properly prepared to rent your next space this season. Including a copy of your credit report, explanations for a previous apartment/leasing-related offenses, pet disclosures, application fee money orders, and having your first and last month’s rent on-hand. Fall is not the season for hesitating when it comes to making housing offers. As the saying goes, fortune favors the bold.

2. Inventory can be an issue

When it comes to renting your next space, timing is key. As the most coveted leasing properties, in the best of neighborhoods and school districts, have been on a decline since 2016 and the trend will continue this season. According to Zillow, rentable inventory declined by 10.5% in the past 12 months

With fewer homes being available for rental, now is the season to reassess your actual square footage needs. Gone are the days of living in McMansions and ethical, smaller footprint homes are all the rage. Which makes knowing how large a home you actually need a great asset to buyers as smaller homes will be easier to acquire at an affordable price than homes larger than 2,000 square feet in size according to Zumper and As landlords and leasing agents will raise the price of rent to cover the cost of land, skilled labor, building material, lack of buildable space, density rates, and advertising costs.

2. Prepare for disappointment

In a competitive market, it’s likely that there will be several applicants for each rentable space. With bidding wars becoming the new norm for many renters. Because unless you’re an applicant with impeccable credit and renting history, you face the very real possibility of not securing your rental of choice.

One way to lessen the blow of renters’ disappointment? Accept beforehand that this may be your renter’s outcome. It’s tough when you’ve fallen in love with a location, but it happens. Always be realistic about renting. As what you love about a particular apartment is also likely to also beloved by dozens of other prospective renters as well.

3. Know your budget

The best way to prevent the apartment of your dreams from slipping away is to be able to build strong offers for leasing agents.

Generally speaking, you should allocate no more than 30% of your gross monthly income. So, if you gross $5,000 per month, the max you should be paying for housing costs, including rent, is $1,500.

Knowing the exact amount of wiggle room in your budget will allow you to avoid having your budget-tight low-ball immediately rejected in this seller’s market. Because with multiple rental applications potentially on the table, agents and landlords are less inclined to play games with renters. Sometimes you just have to leverage your dream against your instinct to frugally haggle your way to your next home.

4. Be realistic

If there was ever a time to be financially realistic, it’s during a pandemic. Again, national home prices have climbed for 23 consecutive months. And the trend of high-value property rentals will also continue. Experts say prices will continue to increase in 2021. For some people, the uncertainty of the current market combined with rising prices may make renting more prudent in your area than buying. Knowing your personal rent versus buy equation could tilt toward renting in costly markets. Making you a more sought-after renter. 

5. Get Pre-Approved

Because landlords live in the real world they know the world is full of unknowns, and have no idea about your income, credit score, or debt to income ratio. In this seller’s market, being a pre-approved renter, by way of your individual leasing agent’s requirements, will give you a leg-up in renting your next property. Reassure agents that you are are a qualified, serious renter.

All-in-all, remember that Fall is kicking up its heels making now the perfect time to start figuring out how you can best afford to buy your next home this season! But if you follow the tips outlined above, the only thing you’ll have to worry about when summer comes are tan lines and garden gatherings.

Now, friends, I want to ask, are you looking to relocate or rent your next home this season? Share your journey below! 

9 Frugal Ways To Bring Hygge Into Your Home

Please note, this post is sponsored by Diamond Bloggers. All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you.



When I began traveling to France over 15 years ago, I fell in love with so many aspects of the French culture. From the food to the perfume, there was something new and exciting everywhere I tuned. Everything was magical. Things ran at a slower pace. I learned what cultivating a life for yourself meant.

This was in no small part due to the French believe in Joie de vivre. The joy of life, the joy that can be derived from simple acts such as conversation, eating, and simply existing.  Joie de vivre is all about possessing joy through one’s whole being.

An idea that I have tried to adapt to my adult life these many years later as well. Which is no small task? Being Americans, we are constantly inundated with media portrayals, consumerism, and cultural backlashing that tells us that modern technology and networking trumps friendship, connection, and experience.

Even our language has not been able to escape this trend. For American English over the past 20 years has become a cornucopia of abbreviations, pointless emoticons, and falsified expressions. Thanks in no small part to the simple, artificial act of laughing out loud.

What is Hygge?

We also love our shortcuts. We like everything fast. We eat fast, work fast, live fast, and relax even faster.  Such as simply living. A way of living that often leaves me feeling tired and drained in more ways than I care to admit. This is why when I came across the Danish term, Hygge, (pronounced hue-guh), the Danish terms used to describe a feeling or moment, whether alone, with friends, or at home, of extraordinary coziness and charm, my Joie de vivre deprived soul sang out loud. 

Moreover, this same concept plays well into my minimalist moral compass. Hygge doesn’t require learning to buy anything. As it is simply the acknowledgment of one’s relationships, surroundings, and comfort.

Why Hygge is so popular?

Hygge is less about learning and adopting and more about feeling and promoting self-care.

Hygge is also life-affirming. A mindset based on affectionate compassion. Consider the harsh, cold, bleak Scandinavian Winters. Days that are dark by mid-afternoon. Hygge allows Danes to make the best of abysmal conditions.

After attending to necessary home improvements, including eco-friendly touches like tankless water systems, heated floors, and energy star appliances, including touches like Energy-Efficient Windows in the Baton Rouge area, pulling together a home with friends and family is a cinch. With small touches, such as beautiful candles, comforting foods, and drinks, houses become homes. Allowing the soul can be recharged and reaffirmed. It’s a change in perspective. A mindset reversal. A true, social game-changer. After all, have you ever felt your worst sitting by the fire, sipping tea, around your nearest and dearest?


I cannot tell you how revolutionary this idea has been to my life. How I love using Hygge to embrace the things I love at home. Especially in winter. Which is why I’d love to share with you 9 ways you can naturally, minimally, and affordably bring the spirit of Hygge into your home this season too:

Make your house a home: Starting the path of Hygge most often begins with a simplified interior design. A design that is both cozy and function for you and your family. Turning your home into an oasis can be simple. Starting with pairing down belongings that do not bring you joy, displaying the things that do, and learning to know the difference. There’s also something to be said for adding quality products and features in your most-used rooms at home. Especially in the bathroom. As adding natural mats and easy-to-maintain flooring options such as Kohler LuxStone. Cosmetic home improvements will put you at ease when you will be hosting family this season by creating a statement of who you are within your home.  As small improvements can speak volumes about your home.

Buy with a purpose: Danes are nothing if not thrifty. Favoring the idea that it’s better to save up for that favorite furnishings in lieu of buying something they don’t really like just because it’s cheap. Bring items into your home only if they are both beautiful and bring purpose and utility to you and your family’s week.

Cultivate that matters: Your home deserves respect a sense of respect in your children for the home you have built and the things that help make that house a home. In many Danish homes, kids don’t run the household. Parents dictate behavior. Allowing kids to have designated play spaces, meal stations, and smaller, decluttered bedroom spaces. All done in a way that allows kids to enjoy their childhoods and parents to enjoy stylish, cozy interiors. It’s all about letting them know early on that a home needs to be shown some respect. An idea that permeates well into their adult years, too.

Be a great host: Treat others in your home the way you would want to be treated. Always ask your guests, upon entering, if they want food or drink. A show of great manners is the first step to being a cozy, caring, warm person.  Because you set the tone and temperature of the atmosphere within your home.

Learn to linger: This lesson was one of the hardest for me. As an American, we are often rushing out the door eating or are in the process of cleaning up from a dinner party before our guests have actually started leaving our homes! Dinners and meals, in general, can be made to feel more hygge when you start seeing the act of breaking bread as less a chore and more a celebration. That meals are to be mindful. That company is the premium. That nourishment is the truest expression of love. None of us are so busy that we can’t make time to enjoy being with those whom we love. Slowing down will be difficult at first, but if you practice mindful eating, you will learn to love lingering. And this intentionality will love you right back!

Be grateful: The grass will always be greener in your neighbor’s pasture until the day you stop to see how green your fields already are. A home filled with Hygge is already as green as the owner desires it to be. Sure, you may desire new things, but you cannot lose sight of the bigger picture. A sense of contentment is important. Perfect is boring. A life of gratitude is superb. 

Share: In a Hygge home experiences are shared. Guests bring food. Hosts allow help in the kitchen. The family entertains one another. Every thought, idea, and expression is equally validated. No one needs to internalize sentiments or tear others down to make their points known. Coziness is knowing your opinions, customs, beliefs, and traditions can be safely shared. 

Light candles: Candles can turn even the smallest and most dank spaces into a warm and inviting oasis. Each evening, light a candle. They instantly create a mood and can transform your senses.

Embrace who you are: Learning to love who and what you are, is one of the easiest and most important ways to bring Hygge into your home. Embrace your humanity. Give yourself the grace to know when you need to be still and quiet. Give yourself the option to unwind and relax. You deserve to take time out each day just to have some tea, do yoga, read a chapter of a book, whatever works best for you. This is the very essence of what Hygge is. A pause. A moment for yourself. A time to let your soul catch up to your body. A time of self-care you should give yourself today!

While there are so many more things that I could add to this list, these are just some of my favorite ways to embrace Hygge in your home this Winter. I hope this list will inspire you to think outside the box when it comes to embracing a home, mindset, and lifestyle reflective of love and self-care for yourself, and others, this season. 

Now I want to ask, what’s your take on Hygge? Do you have any favorite ways to add coziness to your home and life? If so, I’d love to hear all about them below!

