How to keep your kitchen clean and smelling fresh

two clear glass jars on brown wooden floating shelf

It can be challenging to keep your kitchen clean and smelling fresh. Follow these tips to help and you will notice a difference.

Let Air In

Air can get stale quickly, especially if the food smell is lingering. Make sure you keep fresh air coming in by opening the windows. Use some potpourri around the kitchen for a beautiful floral fragrance.

Counter Tops

Keep your countertops clean and crumb-free by cleaning after each use. Crumbs have a habit of getting behind appliances such as toasters and microwaves, so pull these out and clean behind them regularly. White vinegar will clean your countertops well, but an online cleaning and medical supply store can provide you with fresh smelling cleaning products too.


Empty your bin regularly to get rid of bad smells, but make sure you clean it out too. A spray of disinfectant and a wipe around the base and sides will neutralize any odors that have been left behind.


Your fridge can smell bad and become unpleasant if you have left food to go off in there. Use airtight containers to keep your food fresh for longer and make sure you clear your fridge out regularly to stop food from going off and turning moldy. Remember to clean your fridge shelves and trays regularly too as this will prevent bad odors from lingering.


Keep your dishwasher clean and odor-free by using a dishwasher cleaner and rinsing well. Check your dishwasher filter regularly too as food can become caught in the filter and make your dishwasher smell bad. This will also prolong the life of your appliance.

Washing Machine

Check the filter and around the rim of your washing machine regularly. Also, it can help to put on an empty cycle occasionally as this will keep your washing machine odor-free and running smoothly. Don’t forget to wipe down the front of your kitchen appliances regularly to keep them looking pristine.


Use an oven cleaner to keep your cooker fresh and smelling lovely. Don’t forget to clean the filter on the chimney hood too as grease can collect here and create bad odors. Wipe the hob after each use to prevent spills and crumbs from building up.


Use a clean and sweet-smelling broom and mop on your floor regularly. Mops can start to smell if they are not changed regularly and cleaned, so don’t forget this important part of floor hygiene. Crumbs can collect underneath appliances too, so pull these out regularly and clean around and behind them to stop crumbs building up and creating odors.

Dish Cloths and Tea Towels

These are a breeding ground for bacteria as they are usually kept warm and damp. Make sure you wash them regularly or buy disposable ones so that they can be changed often. A lot of bad odours in the kitchen can be traced back to these items.

Use these tips for a pristine and sweet-smelling kitchen.

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