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Get Your Home Looking Great Without Spending a Fortune

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Everyone wants an attractive home; a place where you can feel relaxed and feel happy to have visitors over. Creating a home that perfectly matches your tastes and also looks immaculately presented is not always easy. Sometimes, changing your home into your perfect living space can be met with challenges. For many people, the cost involved with improving their property is the most significant barrier to them creating their dream home. 

The great news is that you don’t need to spend a fortune to get your home looking great. Instead, you merely need to look for creative solutions that will help you to perfect your home without spending stacks of cash. Living frugally and in an eco-conscious way doesn’t mean that you have to go without a perfectly presented home. In fact, rising to the challenge and thinking creatively about transforming your home is a big part of the fun.

Working hard to carefully create a home that looks impressive without spending your life savings on it will give you so much satisfaction. Working on your home becomes a labor of love, with each room receiving care and attention. It is so much more rewarding to carefully curate a room and improve it yourself, than merely going out and buying every item new. When you shop carefully and consciously, you will find that the items that you choose will hold more meaning and have a story behind them, which brings extra character into your home.

Want to know how you can create a home that never fails to impress guests, and brings you joy every day? Here’s how you can create a home that looks great without overspending:

Make a Plan

To make a noticeable change to your home, it is crucial to make a plan. Spending time gathering together some interior design inspiration is an excellent idea, plus it’s a lot of fun too! Looking at photos of other home makeover projects can help you to form a clear idea of what you want your home to look like, and crucially, what you don’t want it to look like.

Creating a plan for your redecorating project will help to guide you through the process. Having a plan is especially crucial if you are someone that finds it hard to get started on a job. Working to a plan breaks down your jobs into more manageable tasks which can help you to stay motivated. Think about the jobs that need to be completed, are they renovation jobs, or merely redecorating tasks? Establishing what needs to be done will help you to prioritize your tasks.

Take it Slow

While finding the motivation to get started is obviously the most critical step in your project, it is a good idea not to try and get the project complete as fast as possible. Taking things more slowly and focusing on one room at a time will help you to get each room to the best standard, and looking exactly as you want. Taking a slower approach also gives you the time to find the perfect décor and furniture for the room, without needing to compromise because you are in a rush to get the room finished.

Consider Your Color Scheme

A change of color scheme is one of the fastest and easiest ways to update a room. Repainting a room in a new color is also one of the cheapest ways to make a significant change to a room without spending too much money. Choose your paint color carefully and think about that way that your chosen shade will make the room feel. 

A room that is painted all-white or cream is a super simple way to make it look fresh and give a more spacious appearance to the living area. Alternatively, sticking with a color palette that consists of just two or three complementary shades and using these throughout your design scheme is an excellent way to create a big visual impact. The reason that choosing a color palette consisting of a few shades works is that it helps to create a stylish, uncluttered look, which then helps the room to look more expensive. You only need to look at the popularity of monochrome schemes in upmarket hotels and restaurants to see the visual impact and vibe that a carefully curated color scheme creates.

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Upcycle and Restore

Re-using and repurposing your existing items is an excellent way to save yourself some cash, and reduce the impact on the environment. Think about ways that you could incorporate your current pieces in with your new décor. Perhaps, you could keep your current chairs but re-upholster them in a fabric that better suits your new scheme. Or, maybe you could transform a long-forgotten piece of furniture and give it a whole new lease of life with a lick of paint? 

Upcycling and restoring home items is a great way to reduce waste in your home and to make use of items you already own.

Buying preloved items to restore and upcycle will also help to reduce the number of items that end up in landfills. Staying on the lookout for preloved items for sale when you are out and about is an excellent way to pick up some unique finds which you can then improve.

Shop With Care

When you are trying to save money on your home makeover, and also trying to complete the project in an environmentally responsible way, you need to shop with care. Do your research to find the best sources for things like furniture and paint.

If you are buying new items, because you cannot find anything suitable that is pre-loved, then it is essential to consider both the quality and the price of the product. Choosing brands such as Ashley bedroom furniture will enable you to buy new pieces that are both excellent value and high quality. 

Furniture is something that you will want to ensure lasts for many years, so from both a financial and sustainability viewpoint, it is vital that the furniture that you choose is high-quality. Buying poor quality furniture because it is cheap is worse for the environment, and will ultimately cost you more in the future.

Keep Things Simple

Keeping things simple in your home is a sure-fire way to keep it looking good. If you clutter your rooms up with too much stuff and crowd your room with ornaments and furniture, then you will be making so much more work for yourself. The simpler your home, the easier it is to keep clean and tidy, and the more relaxing it will be to spend time in it. 

Choosing to include a few meaningful decorative items in your room will have a greater visual impact than cramming it full of mass-produced ornaments. It is so easy to accumulate tons of stuff over the years that you don’t need. Your home makeover is the ideal opportunity to make a fresh start and only buy what you need, which will benefit both your bank balance and the environment.

Get Creative

One of the most surprising things about redecorating a home on a budget is the things that you learn. When you need to carry out almost every task yourself, you will find that you develop a whole new set of skills. At times, the learning curve may be pretty steep, but nothing beats the satisfaction of completing a project yourself.

Redecorating your home is the ideal opportunity to let your creativity run free and to acquire even more new skills. Making items for your home brings a truly personal touch to your living space, so why not consider giving crafting a go and see what you can create? 

There are loads of different creative projects that you can attempt around the home. Perhaps you could learn how to use a sewing machine and then have a go at making pillows to match your new color scheme, or maybe you could repaint your picture frames to freshen them up. When it comes to crafting and getting creative around the home, the possibilities really are endless, and the only limit is your imagination.

Keep Up With Maintenance

After spending so much time and effort on making your home look at its best, it is vital that you try to keep it that way so that your work does not go to waste. Maintaining your home is crucial to not only keeping it looking amazing at all times but also to save yourself money. 

Without care and maintenance, your home can run into problems that have the potential to be expensive to fix. A well-maintained home will always look neat and clean, so keeping on top of those maintenance jobs is vital. Simple things such as keeping your home well-ventilated, cleaning the rainwater guttering, and protecting your woodwork from pests and mold will ensure that your home stays looking great for many years to come, and will also help you to avoid costly repair bills further down the line.

7 Ways You Can Help The Older People In Your Life

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Do you have an elderly relative in your life that needs a bit of additional support? It could be your mother or father, your grandparents, or an aunt or uncle. Whoever you know in your life, regardless of whether they have someone as their primary carer could do with that little bit of extra company and support. 

Growing old can be a big challenge physically. There may be things that they can no longer manage on their own. They may have physical health problems that they need help to deal with. In addition to this, there may be mental health worries to think about.

Here are seven great ways that you can help older people in your life. 

Talk With Them

It can be easy for older people to start to feel isolated and lonely. They may have lost a partner, their siblings, and also many friends that are a similar age, and this can be very tough to deal with. In addition to this, they may not be able to get out as much and see other people. 

This can really impact a person’s mental health. However, sometimes just being there for someone and talking to them can make a world of difference. 

If you are speaking with someone who experiences hearing loss, you will need to factor this in. It’s important that you engage with hearing loss communication techniques that make it easier for them to understand you. 

Speak slowly and clearly, make sure that you are facing them and that they can see your lips as they move. Check their face to see whether they look like their taking in or understanding what you’re saying, and be patient if they keep mishearing you. 

Take Them Out For The Day 

Sometimes when your loved ones have been couped up inside for weeks or months on end, just going somewhere quite normal will make a big difference. 

Talk your elderly relatives out for a change of scenery. Taking them for a day trip will be really special, however, even just taking them for some lunch or to the park could be all that they need to brighten up their entire week. 

Take An Interest In Their Health 

Check-in with your elderly loved ones about their health as often as you can. Asking how they are doing will show them that you care about them. 

Try and take in any health concerns that they have, as you may need to help them seek the right care and support if they have any medical conditions that need addressing. 

If they need to visit the doctor, or have ongoing appointments, offer to take them. Knowing that they have someone supportive can make a huge impact. 

Offer To Shop For Them

If you’re off shopping for yourself, phone your elderly relatives and see if they need anything picking up when you’re in the shops. By doing this, you’ll be helping to make sure that they have plenty of food in their home so that they can eat a good meal. It will also save them the worry of having to go out and do the shopping themselves if this is something that they struggle with. 

Help Out Around Their Home

Keeping up on top of the household chores can be a challenge for the elderly. They may have issues with their mobility that stop them from getting around the home and cleaning it. 

Cleaning can be quite a physical activity, so offer to do chores such as vacuuming, the laundry, and even washing the dishes. 

Encourage Them To Socialize

Socializing is important to people of all ages, but this becomes particularly vital when reaching old age. There may be barriers to your loved ones being able to socialize. They might not be able to get out to meet other people of their own age, or they may find it physically draining. 

There will always be ways around this. Find solutions to the problems that prevent your loved ones from getting out and enjoying the company of their friends. Offer to drive them, and if needed, stay with them. Alternatively, if your loved ones really can’t get out of the house, bring visitors to them. 

Get Them Talking Our elderly loved ones will have lived for decades before us and may have experienced so much we know nothing about. Encourage them to talk about their lives and listen to their stories. Not only will you find it interesting, but quite often they’ll really benefit from talking about these things.

5 Little Things We Could All Be Doing To Take Better Care Of Our Ears

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We all know that we should be taking care of our bodies by eating nutritious food, exercising regularly and ensuring that we get plenty of sleep, but certain parts of our bodies need a little extra help to stay in tip-top condition, and without it, we may notice that they start to deteriorate. 

One such area is our hearing. 

Hearing loss affects 48 million people in the US alone and over 466 million people worldwide and although our chances of experiencing hearing loss increase as we age, there are also environmental factors that can cause hearing loss and things that we can be doing right now to prevent it. So here are 5 little things we could all be doing to take better care of our ears in order to ensure we protect our hearing for the future. 

1, Reduce the volume

Music may sound great when played extra loud, but listening to music at loud volumes for prolonged periods of time can cause serious lasting damage to your ears. Just 15 minutes of loud music played through headphones or a speaker can cause lasting permanent damage to your hearing, and if this is repeated regularly then you are at serious risk of developing early hearing loss. Try improving the quality of your headphones or speaker rather than increasing the volume. 

2. Wear hearing protection when required

Whether you’re drilling through concrete with a power tool, attending a music concert, or simply spending a lot of time on a noisy subway, your ears don’t discriminate between the sounds that cause them damage. If you know you are going to be exposed to very loud noises for an extended period of time, such as on your daily commute or at a music festival, then the only way that you can protect your ears is to wear suitable hearing protection. The loud noises may not feel like they’re hurting your ears, but the damage will be done and you will have to live with the effects for the rest of your lifetime. 

3. Don’t try to clean your own earwax

Our ears naturally produce earwax and for the most part, are also very good at regulating production and self-cleaning. Over the years, people have become obsessive about cleaning their ear-wax but putting your fingers or other devices in your ears can actually do more harm than good. Trying to remove earwax yourself will almost always result in pushing the earwax further into your ear canal, causing compaction and buildup that can give you an ear infection or make it hard to hear. If you’re worried about ear-wax build up then always visit a hearing specialist who will be able to remove your earwax safely. 

4. Keep your ears dry

Animals that spend a lot of time in water often have specialist ear structures that prevent water from entering their ears, but because humans weren’t designed to spend a lot of time in or underwater, we haven’t evolved this adaptation. Excess water and moisture inside the ear canal can create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow, leading to ear infections such as swimmer’s ear, which are not only painful but can pose a threat to your future hearing. To avoid getting ear infections, try to always keep your ears dry by gently towel drying them after bathing or swimming, tilting your head to the side to allow excess water out or even wearing specialist ear-plugs. 

5. Visit your audiologist regularly

We go to the dentist at least once a year to have a checkup for our teeth, and many of us visit the optometrist to have a checkup on our eyes, and yet many of us fail to visit an audiologist to have our hearing and our ears checked out. The best way to ensure that your hearing stays in tip-top condition is to follow the guidance above and to visit your audiologist every year or so. At your audiologist appointment, your hearing specialist will be able to test your hearing, remove any build-up of earwax if required and give you guidance on how to protect your hearing as you age. Another important reason to visit an audiologist, especially if you are over 60, is because age-related hearing loss can go undetected for many years, and you risk living with undetected hearing loss that may start to have a big impact on your daily life. 

Our hearing is a gift and deserves to be looked after, so stay safe, and look after your ears if you want good hearing for many years to come. 

Five things to do on winter weekends

Five Things to Do on Winter Weekends

The winter months can drag on, especially the dark evenings when the sun sets by mid-afternoon. That’s before you take the weather into account: if it’s not raining constantly, it’ll be bitterly cold. Unfortunately, the joys of spring are a very long way away, and that can affect not only your mood but your motivation and energy levels.

How can you add some fun and entertainment to your days when you’re away from work? There are many different activities to take part in, no matter what your interests (and your budget!). Stuck for ideas? Here are a few suggestions that can inspire your next winter weekend – whether you spend it indoors or out of the house.

Do your life admin

When the weather is looking awful, this is an ideal time to deal with your to-do list. Unlikely to be distracted by the outdoors, you can do things like washing and cleaning, complete any paperwork, make appointments and anything else you need to do. This means that you’ll have the rest of your weekend to relax and unwind.

Reorganize your home

A winter weekend gives you a great chance to look at your habits and see what really makes you happy. We all want a clutter-free and mindful life. For any summer items, you want to store, check that they’re protected. If you have any items you‘re happy to part with, then make sure you dispose of them wisely – sold, swapped, recycled or donated – so they are
kept out of the landfills.

Spend time on your hobbies

No matter what you like to do – baking, taking photos, playing the piano, writing poetry, or gardening – make sure to spend time doing something that you enjoy. It means that you get mental relaxation and the satisfaction of pursuing your interests so that you can get that sense of fulfillment.

Enjoy your food

There’s no rush to get to the next thing because you haven’t got a schedule to follow. So taste and smell what you’re eating, and enjoy it. Be in the moment without having to think about what you need to be doing next. Going somewhere for food, such as the best gastro pub weybridge has to offer, means you can choose from a number of great dishes. Indulge yourself and eat a meal that you truly enjoy. You could even have a fantastic Sunday roast for your lunch, maybe even pairing it with a choice real ale.

Spent time with loved ones

Why not use this time to reconnect with any friends or family you may have neglected recently? Don’t do it out of guilt, but do it because you want to do so. See how they’re doing, and don’t only call them when you need them. Human connection is important for everyone’s wellbeing.

Also, spend time with people who share your interests. Get to know them over a coffee or a meal. You’ll feel more rejuvenated than you would be spending time alone.

7 Must-Do Chores This Winter At Home

While the majority of cleaning gurus will lay claim to the idea that when it comes to cleaning, spring is the time when the vast majority of your household chores should be completed. The truth is wintertime, with all its environmental muck, the mud and dirt brought in from the outside, the soot of the fireplace, and less-than-ideal indoor air. All of which makes cleaning in winter just as important as any other season.

So with this in mind, here are 7 cleaning chores you should be doing this winter to keep your home in its healthiest and cleanest shape:

brown wooden surface

Protect your floors:

To keep as much dirt and mud outside of your house as possible, place mats at all entry points. This will encourage people to rub the mud off their shoes using your mat, and not your carpets! Placing mats inside the house can also help reduce indoor dampness.

Performing regular vacuuming sessions, twice weekly at a minimum, can help to get rid of dirt on the floor and things being trucked in as well. It’s also a good idea to have a different pair of house shoes or slippers for each member of your household to wear while indoors.

This will help keep your floors from marring and prevent foot oils from transferring to newly cleaned floors. A Tip: Placing a boot tray, filled with river rocks, by each entrance will encourage others to remove their soiled, stained, soaked boots before coming further into your home.

two brown spray bottles on brown table

Cleaning your home more often:

During the winter season, people spend most of their time indoors, so it’s best to maintain the cleanliness of the home daily rather than weekly. Maintenance is especially important when you have children and pets at home as they love to play both outdoors and indoors, making it essential that you regularly sanitize countertops, wipe out bathroom sinks, and sweep and mop high-traffic areas with disinfectants such as white vinegar with a few drops of organic citrus essential oils each day.

yellow knitted bag

Carpet cleaning even in winter:

Having your carpet thoroughly cleaned helps protect your health. While everyone wants clean and beautiful carpeting in their home, they also should want a carpet that is not saturated with the chemicals common in ice melt and from rubber boots. Helping to remove this dirt building up, by sprinkling your carpet with baking soda, and vacuuming up the debris, will help to refresh your home and health!

air tight jars

Perform a pantry audit:

Start by removing all the cans and boxes from your pantry and storage shelves, and then vacuum away any lingering dust or crumbs that may have accumulated since spring. Then, inspect each item before putting it back in its place, tossing anything that is expired in compost, and donating anything you will not use within the next two seasons to a local food bank. You may be surprised at all of the soup-building staples you may already have on hand at home.

Test and clean your smoke detectors:

You already know to put fresh batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on the days you change the clocks for Daylight Saving Time, but you also need to clean your units as well. Since dust accumulates on each unit, it can cause them to underperform. Use your vacuum cleaner’s soft brush attachment to clean in and around the detectors’ openings, and if any are more than 10 years old, replace them.

white bed by the window during daytime

Flip your mattress:

When you turn back your clocks, you should turn your mattress over, too. But I also recommend rotating pillowtop mattresses a full 180 degrees to prevent body impressions from causing certain spots to slump. Also, sprinkle your mattress with baking soda to neutralize odors, and then vacuum it up monthly.

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Vacuum all upholstered surfaces:

You think your couch is clean until you plop on it, and a haze of dust appears around you. Give sofas and chairs a good vacuuming, making sure to hit both sides of the cushions, the back, sides, arms, and even the platform underneath the cushions.

Don’t forget the exterior of your home after your 7 chores:

While interior upgrades should take priority, it’s also important not to overlook exterior projects. Start by clearing out gutters to protect against water damage and ensure proper drainage. Your foundation should be clear of debris to reduce pest infestation and water damage. Power washing the siding, deck, and patio will remove mildew, grime, or accumulated dirt over the seasons. Additionally, inspect the exterior walls, windows, and doors for cracks that might allow drafts or moisture in. Furthermore, examine your roof to look for missing or damaged shingles that might require repair. Hire a roofer if needed to make necessary repairs. Trim any overgrown bushes or trees near your home that could provide access for pests, as they could provide entry points for them and cause exterior damage. Don’t neglect to give some attention to the exterior during winter cleaning.

So, friends, those are the 7 Must-Do Chores To Do This Winter. Chores that will help to keep your home in tip-top, healthy shape. So now I have to ask, do you have any chores that you perform at home to help keep your home healthiest each winter? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Effective Ways To Ruin Your Own Mental Health

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When it comes to physical health, we know what habits are bad. We understand that overeating can contribute to obesity, and smoking can cause cancer. Sadly, many people don’t have the same understanding about mental health. They don’t tend to understand the nuance that comes with getting the right help or the need for the right support. They don’t get the benefits of telehealth platforms for mental health that can and do have a huge, positive impact on people who are likely too anxious to attend an appointment in person. Mental health is hard to manage but it’s much harder to manage when you are doing it alone.

Along with physical health, we all have a state of mind that can be affected by the outside world, along with internal factors. This means that your actions can cause poor mental health. With that in mind, here are six bad habits you must avoid. 

Ditching Any Workout Plans

Exercise might help to maintain physical fitness, but it has mental health benefits too. When you exercise, it triggers the release of chemicals in the brain, which not only combat stress but improve mood overall. Because of this, you should exercise for at least thirty minutes every day. Although exercise isn’t always enjoyable, choosing the right workout will make it much more fun. 

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Staying Awake Too Late

Although exercise is crucial, rest is necessary too. After a difficult night’s sleep, most people find themselves emotional and cranky the next day. While this won’t cause too much trouble, if you continue to lose sleep, it will affect you mentally. That is why you should adopt healthy sleep habits. Make sure you stick to a bedtime, sleep for eight hours, and avoid caffeine before bed. 

Ignoring Other Health Issues

Many physical health problems, like hearing loss, are known to trigger mental health issues. Rather than allow this nasty domino effect, you should combat any physical problems too. You can prevent hearing loss, for example, by wearing hearing protection in loud spaces. If you notice symptoms of health issues, like hearing loss, book an appointment with a doctor right away. 

Keeping A Messy House

Cleaning is a chore everyone must endure. While you might argue that cleaning harms your mental health, leaving your house to become messy is much worse. In fact, clutter is a huge source of psychological stress, which, if left unmanaged, can develop into more serious issues. Thankfully, purging your house of clutter and keeping it organized can avoid such problems. 

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Choosing To Self-Medicate

Natural remedies can be effective in treating mental health problems. However, that doesn’t mean that all at-home methods are recommended. Trying to cure anxiety or depression with drugs or alcohol won’t ever work. Instead, it could leave you with an addiction, which would only add to your worries. Never rely on any substance unless it’s prescribed to you by an expert. 

Refusing Mental Health Help

A common reason why many people self-medicate is that they’re embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help. Despite what some people might say, speaking to a doctor isn’t a sign of weakness. In fact, it’s one of the bravest things you can do. There are many effective treatments a doctor could offer you, but they can’t do that unless you book an appointment with them. 

Mental health matters, so make sure you treat yours right. With the advice above, you can avoid ruining your own mental health.

The Reviews Are In: BISSELL Cordless Max Is A Must-Buy For Pet Owners

If you are online looking for BISSELL CrossWave reviews, you’ve come to the right site. As a pet owner of three, I’m always on the hunt for the right tools to keep my home cleaner and safer for my pets too! This is why I’ve been doing my research and found that the BISSELL CrossWave Cordless Max is not just the right multi-surface vacuum but the better option for multi-pet homes as well. 

I do my due diligence to give my pets all the love and attention they rightly deserve for all that they freely reciprocate to me with all their hearts, giving me their all each day. With a little, or lot of pet hair. As in Great Pyrenees level tufts of hair. Or as I like to call it, little tumbleweeds of love. So it goes without saying that sometimes our homes may not always look their best when you fill it with tons of fuzzy love.  As a dog, cat, and small mammal mom for over two decades, I understand what tools and cleaners it takes to keep a sprawling home clean. And let me tell you, not every cleaner work the same for multi-pet homes. This is why I’ve been seeking out the best multi-surface vacuum cleaner, with our pet needs in mind.

That’s why I’ve been reading BISSELL CrossWave reviews. To make sure that this product can stand up to my home’s four-legged cleaning stress test. And I’m proud to say, it makes the cut.  As the BISSELL CrossWave Cordless Max can go from the carpet to the kitchen tiles to your hardwood floors and not skip a beat. Or leave residue behind on flooring strips and dividers alike.

Other great features include:

  • Multi-surface cleaning.
  • Safe and effective for use on tile, sealed wood floors, laminate, linoleum, rubber floor mats, and more.
  • With improved edge cleaning, you can easily pick-up pet hair that gathers along baseboards and in corners.
  • A self-cleaning cycle that maintains the machine’s cleaning performance by cleaning the brush roll and inside of the CrossWave.
  • A two-tank design system that keeps clean and dirty water separate, so you never clean with dirty water.
  • Filling and disposing of water can be done easily. 
  • Bagless technology saves users time and energy.
  • There aren’t any bags to buy or replace.
  • A cord-free design that produces up to 30 minutes of cordless cleaning power with a 36V lithium-ion battery.
  • BISSELL Connect app provides helpful alerts, maintenance tracking and usage tips using a Wi-Fi connection.

The BISSELL CrossWave Cordless Max, now at Best Buy, vacuums and washes your floors at the SAME time! Talk about multi-tasking. And with its cord-free design, you can freely move from room-to-room or surface-to-surface. Saving you time, energy, and hassle along the way. And thanks to a 36V lithium-ion battery, you will enjoy up to 30 minutes of cordless cleaning. Which may vary based on model and usage. Making the BISSELL CrossWave the most effective way to clean tile, sealed wood floors, laminate, linoleum, rubber floor mats, pressed wood floors, and refresh area rugs.

The Self Cleaning Cycle

This unit self-cleaning cycle provides the user with extra cleaning performance thanks to a Two-Tank Technology that keeps clean water and formula separate from dirty water and dry debris. If your home is anything like mine, you are digitally connected to the max, and as the BISSELL CrossWave Cordless Max, with Wi-Fi connectivity, will provide users the ability to receive notifications from the BISSELL Connect app. Including helpful alerts, maintenance tracking, and usage tips to keep your machine always working at full capacity. Which I love. 

And don’t just take my word for it. Other users on Best Buy love the BISSELL CrossWave Cordless Max too:

I love the CrossWave Cordless Max Multi Surface Wet Dry Vacuum! I am able to vacuum and wash everything I need without having to worry about plugging in a cord or running out of battery! It works on carpet, tile, wood floors, laminate, linoleum, and area rugs! It displays the battery level so I know how much is remaining! My favorite feature is the Two Tank Technology! This keeps clean water and formula separate from dirty water! The Bissell app alerts me when the filter needs to be cleaned! It has a self-cleaning cycle that cleans the brush and tank! It also keeps track of the cleaning history and the formula! I am incredibly impressed!

Social Good Campaign

What’s better than this machine’s performance power? Currently, if you purchase this product, BISSELL will donate $10 to BISSELL Pet Foundation®. That is for each CrossWave® Cordless Max purchase upon activation. Just visit to register your device. For more information, visit Best Buy.

Friends, will you be checking out the new BISSELL CrossWave Cordless Max for yourself at home? Which features are your favorites? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. 

Please note: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Best Buy. All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you.