7 Ways You Can Help The Older People In Your Life

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Do you have an elderly relative in your life that needs a bit of additional support? It could be your mother or father, your grandparents, or an aunt or uncle. Whoever you know in your life, regardless of whether they have someone as their primary carer could do with that little bit of extra company and support. 

Growing old can be a big challenge physically. There may be things that they can no longer manage on their own. They may have physical health problems that they need help to deal with. In addition to this, there may be mental health worries to think about.

Here are seven great ways that you can help older people in your life. 

Talk With Them

It can be easy for older people to start to feel isolated and lonely. They may have lost a partner, their siblings, and also many friends that are a similar age, and this can be very tough to deal with. In addition to this, they may not be able to get out as much and see other people. 

This can really impact a person’s mental health. However, sometimes just being there for someone and talking to them can make a world of difference. 

If you are speaking with someone who experiences hearing loss, you will need to factor this in. It’s important that you engage with hearing loss communication techniques that make it easier for them to understand you. 

Speak slowly and clearly, make sure that you are facing them and that they can see your lips as they move. Check their face to see whether they look like their taking in or understanding what you’re saying, and be patient if they keep mishearing you. 

Take Them Out For The Day 

Sometimes when your loved ones have been couped up inside for weeks or months on end, just going somewhere quite normal will make a big difference. 

Talk your elderly relatives out for a change of scenery. Taking them for a day trip will be really special, however, even just taking them for some lunch or to the park could be all that they need to brighten up their entire week. 

Take An Interest In Their Health 

Check-in with your elderly loved ones about their health as often as you can. Asking how they are doing will show them that you care about them. 

Try and take in any health concerns that they have, as you may need to help them seek the right care and support if they have any medical conditions that need addressing. 

If they need to visit the doctor, or have ongoing appointments, offer to take them. Knowing that they have someone supportive can make a huge impact. 

Offer To Shop For Them

If you’re off shopping for yourself, phone your elderly relatives and see if they need anything picking up when you’re in the shops. By doing this, you’ll be helping to make sure that they have plenty of food in their home so that they can eat a good meal. It will also save them the worry of having to go out and do the shopping themselves if this is something that they struggle with. 

Help Out Around Their Home

Keeping up on top of the household chores can be a challenge for the elderly. They may have issues with their mobility that stop them from getting around the home and cleaning it. 

Cleaning can be quite a physical activity, so offer to do chores such as vacuuming, the laundry, and even washing the dishes. 

Encourage Them To Socialize

Socializing is important to people of all ages, but this becomes particularly vital when reaching old age. There may be barriers to your loved ones being able to socialize. They might not be able to get out to meet other people of their own age, or they may find it physically draining. 

There will always be ways around this. Find solutions to the problems that prevent your loved ones from getting out and enjoying the company of their friends. Offer to drive them, and if needed, stay with them. Alternatively, if your loved ones really can’t get out of the house, bring visitors to them. 

Get Them Talking Our elderly loved ones will have lived for decades before us and may have experienced so much we know nothing about. Encourage them to talk about their lives and listen to their stories. Not only will you find it interesting, but quite often they’ll really benefit from talking about these things.

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