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What’s The Best Way To Invest In Your Smile?

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Want to improve your smile? By spending some extra money, you could help to keep your teeth whiter and healthier. Nowadays, there are lots of ways to spend money on your smile from DIY whitening kits to dental procedures. This post lists the expenses that are actually worth investing in. 

A new toothbrush

Switching from a manual to an electric toothbrush could be a worthy investment. Electric toothbrushes are much more effective at removing plaque due to their fast-rotating bristles, and also tend to be easier to maneuver around the mouth due to having a smaller toothbrush head. 

Not all electric toothbrushes are created equally, so it’s worth reading reviews and looking at toothbrushes that are recommended by dentists. Check out this guide to the best electric toothbrushes to help you find the best one. 

Dental check-ups

It’s worth spending money on bi-annual dental checkups. Visiting a dentist twice per year can allow your teeth to be regularly inspected for any problems such as cavities or build-ups of tartar. By catching these problems early, you may be able to seek out preventative treatment to stop the problem from getting worse. 

For example, a dentist may be able to remove a build-up of tartar there and then, preventing decay from setting in. This could prevent infection and save you from having to get much more expensive treatment such as root canal treatment or tooth extraction in the future.

Make sure that you visit a respected dentist when going for a check-up. You can then be sure that you will get the best treatment and that no dental problems will be overlooked.

Teeth straightening

Having straight teeth can make brushing easier. It’s much harder to access certain teeth if they’re all misaligned, which can lead to plaque building up, increasing the risk of decay. By investing in tooth straightening you could help to protect your teeth from damage.

There are many different forms of orthodontic treatment worth looking into. Traditional metal wired braces are still popular among teens, however many people are also now trying out invisible braces, which consist of a transparent retainer. It depends a lot on the condition of your teeth as to which braces you should opt for – an orthodontist will be able to recommend the right form of teeth straightening for you.  

Teeth whitening

Having whiter teeth can make many of us more confident in our smiles. Nowadays, there are so many different forms of teeth whitening. But which one is really worth investing in?

If you want effective long-term results, it’s often best to opt for laser teeth whitening. Unlike at-home teeth whitening kits which only last a few weeks, laser teeth whitening can keep your teeth looking bright for years. There are also options like veneers and lumineers that have long-term results and are generally cheaper, however, you may be limited by what you can eat. Whatever procedure you choose, make sure to visit a reputable dentist so that you know you’re getting the best treatment. 

Worrying Things About Your Old Fridge

How long should you keep your old fridge? Most households insist that with the right amount of care, refrigerators can last well above 15 years. However, not all fridges are made the same. 

If you have purchased a second-hand fridge or are still using the hand-me-down appliances that your relatives gave you when you move out, it’s time to think of the long-term consequences of keeping the same old fridge. 

First of all, the most important question you need to ask yourself is: How do I get rid of my fridge when I don’t want it anymore? Indeed, pollution and environmental damages are the most commonly overlooked risks with old appliances. The truth is that your old fridge doesn’t belong in the bin or in a landfill. Specialist recycling and metal scrapping center, such as Norstar, can make use of the metal parts inside your appliances. Alternatively, you can also reach out to your local repair company to find out if they want to use parts for repairs. 

But even if your fridge is still in working condition, you want to think about how it can affect your household, health, and neighbors. 

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#1. It doesn’t keep your food safe

The reason why we use fridges is that they can help us conserve our favorite ingredients for longer. If you choose to cook from scratch regularly to boost your health and control what you eat, you want to use ingredients that are safe for consumption. 

Old fridges can sometimes struggle to control temperatures. If you find that some of your ingredients can develop mold patches or unpleasant smells inside the fridge, it could be a sign that they are exposed to fluctuating temperatures. Fresh meat and fish, especially, are the first to go bad when the fridge temperature increases. You may believe they are still safe to cook, but they could already have attracted bacterial growth. 

#2. It is too loud

Old refrigerating systems can get loud as the defrost timer, condenser fan, or compressor becomes more worn. It’s a good idea to get your fridge checked for issues when it develops abnormal noises. However, it can be a good idea to measure the sounds when the repairman doesn’t find any damage except for old age. 

Dirty compressors can be loud without affecting their functions. Compressors typically make low humming noises, so you may be so used to the noise that you don’t register it anymore. If your fridge emits sounds of 70 dB or over, it’s time to worry. Fridges tend to register sounds around 55 dB to 60dB. For comparison, 60dB is the sound of a normal conversation inside an office or a busy household. It is unlikely to disrupt your home or your neighbors. However, if your fridge becomes louder and reaches 80dB or over, it can lead to noise pollution. For reference, 80dB is the sound of a hairdryer, and 90dB is a lawnmower. Imagine how your neighbors must feel if the fridge next door to their apartment is as loud as a lawnmower!

#3. It has mold growth

Mold can appear in extreme temperatures, including the inside of your fridge. If you have a fridge with multiple drawers, expert hygienists recommend emptying and cleaning your drawers and shelves with safe products at least once a month

Mold can develop in damp spots where food residues are left untouched for several weeks. The vegetable drawer in the fridge is the most commonplace for mold spores to appear. So how do you best keep your fridge sanitized without putting your food at risk?

Soapy water will remove the dirt, while you can use cotton buds to clear the back wall. Sanitize the surface using baking soda and vinegar, which are safe for your food. Make sure to dry all compartments before placing them back inside the fridge. 

#4. It is not energy-efficient

Depending on size and model, you can expect the average fridge to consume around 150 and 800 kWh per year. For instance, a large side-by-side American-style fridge would run an annual cost of around $104. On the other hand, a smaller fridge model may cost only $65 per year. 

Where does energy efficiency come into play? An energy-efficient appliance is likely to cut kWh consumption by half or more for compact fridges. On the other hand, old refrigerators are less likely to be energy-saving, as they can consume up to 2,000kWh per year. For comparison, it’s more than twice the cost of an XXL side-by-side fridge. 

You may think that keeping your old fridge can save you money in the long term. However, it’s a false economy. Indeed, the old appliance could prove to be more expensive to run than modern models. Additionally, it could severely affect your health and contribute to housing noise pollution. 

Housework That’s Easy and Quick: How to Get the Job Done Fast

Housework is never anyone’s favorite pastime, but it has to be done. And sometimes, you just don’t have the time to spend hours on it. That’s where this blog post comes in. We’re going to share some tips with you on how to get your housework done quickly and easily. So sit back, relax, and let us show you how it’s done.

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Someone Say Shortcuts?

One great way is to use shortcuts. There are all sorts of shortcuts for cleaning, cooking, and more. You can also get help from technology. For instance, there are many apps these days that can help with grocery lists, meal planning, and even recipes. 

Organization Is Life 

Start by making a list of the tasks you need to do. This will help you stay organized and focused. Then, work in an organized fashion. This will minimize the chances of having to go back and fix something later on. Next, create a plan of action by deciding which rooms you’re going to clean and what tasks you’re going to do. Start with the rooms that you use the most. Tackle those first so that you don’t have to keep going back to them.

Eat The Elephant One Bite At A Time

Break down each task into smaller steps so it’s easier to accomplish. For example, instead of trying to vacuum the entire house in one go, break it down into rooms or areas. Vacuum one room at a time, or even just one section of a room. This will help keep your momentum going and prevent you from getting too tired or overwhelmed.

Time’s Up 

Set a timer for yourself, and try to complete as many tasks as possible within that time frame. If you’re having trouble getting started, try setting a timer for ten minutes and just cleaning until the time is up. If you don’t get everything done in that amount of time, at least you’ll have made progress and will feel better about your efforts! The next day, set another timer for ten minutes and pick up where you left off. It may take you several days to finish the job, but at least it won’t feel quite as daunting because each task is so short-lived. Work in bursts. Tackle one task at a time, then take a break before moving on to the next one.

Be Prepared Before You Start 

Choose the right tools for the job. If you have the right tools, it’ll make your work go faster and more easily. Make sure you have all of the supplies you need before starting. This will help save time later on.

Do It To The Beat

Use music to help get you in the groove. Listening to upbeat music can help make household chores more enjoyable and less of a chore.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Delegate And Bribes

Ask your spouse or kids to help out with some of the housework tasks. You can even create a chore chart if that helps motivate them. But, let’s be honest, bribery is also a very, very good trump card. “Reward” your kids if they complete the tasks with either treats or pocket money. 

Don’t Count Yourself Out 

Reward yourself for getting things done, such as taking a bath or watching TV after finishing up all your chores. Then, sweeten the “self-reward” with a glass of wine or bubbly while relaxing. 

Dinner In Minutes 

If you can’t imagine spending hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm, learn how to do things fast with nifty quick meals. There are hundreds of dinner recipes on the internet that can be done in under an hour or even half an hour, like this red snapper recipe

Clean As You Go

Wash your dishes as soon as you use them. This will save you from having to scrub them later on. Or better yet, get a dishwasher. It will save you time, water and kill more germs than the regular route. 

Eliminate Excuses 

Consider investing in an air purifier if dust allergies are causing problems with your housework routine. Many people find that their symptoms improve when they use one of these devices on a regular basis to remove harmful airborne particles from their home environments.

Keep It Simple 

Finally, try not to overthink things. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best one. If you find yourself getting distracted by the task at hand, take a minute to step back and evaluate what you’re trying to accomplish.

When it comes down to it, housework is not that difficult if you follow these simple tips. Just remember: keep your head in the game! And don’t forget about those who depend on you most each day—your family members or loved ones.

Why Homes With Kids Should Consider a Pet

Are you considering bringing a pet into your home? Introducing a pet could be a great idea if you’ve got kids!

Pets give a family a distraction from the stresses of day-to-day life and provide a sense of unconditional love. They’re also a great way for kids to learn about responsibility, compassion, and other values that can be difficult to pick up in the classroom.

Whatever your reason for bringing a pet into your family, it’s good to know the pros and cons before deciding what kind of pet best suits you or your family.

How to Choose Which Animals are Right for You and Your Family

There are four main animals that you’ll find at shelters and rescue groups: cats, dogs, rabbits, and guinea pigs.

With cats and dogs, there are many breeds from which to choose. Just make sure you know what kind of care it takes to keep your pet happy. You don’t want to introduce a new pet into the family without knowing how to keep them healthy and happy!

Rabbits are great pets for small children because they’re a fun way for kids to learn responsibility. Just make sure you know the best ways to handle them safely, so your kids don’t get scratched!

Guinea pigs can be a good option if you have younger kids.

Whichever species of pet you’re considering, give the experts at your local Easy Vet clinic a call to get some advice for your particular situation.

Is it Time for Your Family to Start Having Pets?

You may have some background in animal care already, but if you don’t, don’t let that stop you from getting a pet! 

Your local vet clinic can provide free consultations and give you pointers on keeping your pets healthy and happy. Just make sure to follow the safety precautions and get the proper care for your new pet!

Who Should You Ask When You’re Considering Getting a Pet?

If you have children, it’s important to teach them how to be responsible for a pet—and that includes teaching them how to help with daily care and how to handle the animal properly.

Finding a pet is a family decision—make sure everyone gets a say! In fact, doing so also helps keep the peace between siblings who might want different pets.

Here are some questions you should ask your kids when considering whether or not to get a pet:

  • How would you feel about being responsible for taking care of a pet?
  • Do you think we can do everything it takes?
  • Even though we have enough stuff to keep you busy, will you help out with feeding, cleaning, and pet care?
  • Would you be willing to take care of a pet when we’re not here?

Rescue Vs Breeder

There are two options when it comes to adopting a new animal into your home, and both have their pros and cons, but rescue animals always need a happy, healthy home to grow old in.

Friends, are you thinking of welcoming a pet into your family this season at home? Share your thoughts below.

Protect Your Patio During the Winter

A lovely patio is a wonderful place to sit during warmer weather. But as it starts to get cold, the idea of sitting out on your patio or deck probably doesn’t appeal so much. It’s too cold and wet to spend long outdoors, especially when you’re just sitting still. Your patio might not see much action over the winter but that can prove to be a problem. You don’t want to have to deal with all kinds of problems when winter is over and it turns out that your patio has been ravaged by the cold weather. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect it.

Keep It Clear

Firstly, clear off your patio before winter arrives. Removing furniture, grills, potted plants and anything else is not just good for your patio but also good for any items that you remove. It will give you the opportunity to check your patio over and make sure it’s in good health. Sweep it and give it a light clean before you check for cracks. If you notice any cracks, fill them in to protect your patio. As for anything that you remove, you might need to decide whether to store items or how else to protect them.

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Protect Your Furniture

Your patio furniture needs to be protected during the winter. If you have cushions on your furniture, now is a good time to clean them, repair any damage, and store them away. Using covers for your patio furniture is a smart idea during the winter. It will protect everything from snow, ice, and rain, as well as cold temperatures and winter sunshine. It’s often easier to cover your patio furniture than it is to find somewhere dry to store it, especially as you might have large pieces of furniture that don’t store easily.

Seal Your Patio

Some people may need to seal their patios before winter really hits. This is mostly something that you will need to do if your patio is masonry, so you will probably be ok if you have a concrete patio. Masonry needs to be sealed to prevent water from leaking into the cracks and gaps, which can cause damage. You don’t necessarily need to seal your patio every year. Every three to five years is a basic rule of thumb to keep your patio sealed.

Clean Your Patio

Cleaning your patio is something that you might want to do before winter, but it could also be something you want to wait to do until spring arrives. You could clean it lightly now, but there’s a good chance it’s going to get pretty dirty over winter. In which case, it could be smart to wait and use a pressure washing service to give it a really good clean. Your patio could get pretty grubby over the winter, with grit, mud, and slushy snow affecting it. A good spring clean is a smart idea.

Protect your patio during the winter and you can ensure it still looks good and is in good condition in the spring.

How to Stay Safe when Returning to the Workplace

After being out of the workplace for over a year, many businesses are opening back up and employees are coming back. Many offices allow their employees to do a hybrid of remote work and going to the office. While plenty of others are either doing 100% remote or 100% in the office. Those who are going back to the office for good or are planning to do a hybrid version of visiting the office may be worried about staying safe while the world is still undergoing this pandemic.  These tips are vital in staying safe when having to go back to the workplace. 

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Check to see what sort of protections your employer has

At the beginning of the pandemic, were there any safety protocols? Are there any protocols right now for your company? This is incredibly important to figure out as this is going to be necessary to keep you and everyone else in the office space. Ask your employer what sort of safety measures they have such as cleaning protocols, sanitizer, masks, social distancing, as well as other possible rules.  

Avoid using public transport when commuting

If you were having to use public transport to get to and from work, it may be best to ask what other options could be put into place. Public transport, especially during rush hour isn’t the safest as people are crammed together in a tight space. Nobody can keep their distance when this is happening. However, if you have to commute, try to ask for a ride from a coworker, leave early to avoid rush hour, or even try to cycle to work.

In addition, if you decide to drive to the office each day, you must ensure that you stay safe on the road. After being home for so long, many drivers will be nervous and may make mistakes. So make sure you are always aware of your surroundings and drive cautiously. If you are involved in an accident, you should consider contacting a personal injury lawyer to help you gain access to sufficient compensation. Personal injury claims can be accessed by people who have been injured in an accident as a result of another person’s negligence or misconduct.

Ask the employer about safety protocol

While it’s true that COVID-19 is still a major issue, another one that is raising questions would be general safety at work. Is there a safety officer present? Is there an urgent care facility close by? Is there a first aid kit? How about fire alarms or carbon monoxide detectors? There are multiple aspects of safety and your employer needs to make sure that the environment is safe enough for all types of emergencies that could take place.

Always keep your workspace clean

Keeping your workspace clean is one of the smart tips to help you reach your health goals. A clean desk leads to a clean healthy mind. This includes making sure there isn’t any clutter but also being sure that it’s sanitized as well.  Keeping hand sanitizer and wipes at your desk at all times will drastically help in keeping safe and healthy during work.

Speak up about your concerns

Since you’re having to go to work, it’s understandable that you have a lot of questions. If you feel unsafe at your job then you have to speak up. Think about it, is risking your health or even your life worth it for your employer? If you feel unsafe or if someone is making you feel unsafe you must speak up about it. You don’t even have to be completely confrontational if you’re wanting to indicate your intent either. Sure, there is always a risk of raising your worries but your life comes first, your health comes first, and your safety comes first.

Ideas On How To Increase The Longevity Of Your Favourite Accessories

You know how expensive it is to buy new clothes and accessories every few months. It would be great if you could just make them last longer, right? Well, we have some tips for you that will help extend the longevity of your favorite pieces. Check out our tips below!

Handbags, Wallets, And Purses

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Tip 01. Don’t carry a heavy load in your purse or handbag. If you pack it too full, it will cause the seams to break and weaken faster than normal wear-and-tear would. It’s also not good for your back! And we all know that these don’t come cheap.

Tip 02. There are a few things you can do to make your wallet or purse last longer. The first is to keep it dry and clean because mold will grow if the leather gets wet, dirty, or soiled with oil or grease. You should also avoid storing it in very humid environments for extended periods since this promotes mildew. Caring for leather wallets and purses can save you a lot of money in the long term.

Help Your Shoes Go The Extra Mile

It is not uncommon for us to buy a new pair of shoes and then wear them every day without giving much attention. But how often do we take the time to clean our favorite shoes? It sounds like it would be a quick chore, but what if you found out that this could actually help extend their life span by making your shoes last up to three times longer?

Tip 01. Cleaning your leather or suede footwear regularly will prevent natural oils from getting absorbed into the fabric, which can make it crack with age. You don’t need anything fancy; all you need is a couple of spritzes and wipes with water-dampened cloths and an old toothbrush (or other soft-bristled brush) to get at those tough to reach places.

Tip 02. If you’re in a pinch, some shoe care products will work wonders when it comes to keeping your footwear looking new for a bit longer.

Tip 03. With a “prevention is better than cure” attitude, you can save lots of money by preventing damage and wear. You may consider products such as hydrophobic nano sprays to give your shoes a water-repelling layer, ensuring that water and moisture don’t ruin the party.

Think About Your Phone’s Battery Life

Tip 01: Purchase a power bank. We all know how quickly our phone’s battery drains, and as phone manufacturers continue to release newer models at faster rates, the lifespan of your old device will naturally decrease. A power bank is an inexpensive way to prolong the life of your smartphone by providing more juice.

Tip 02: Check for apps that are constantly running in the background even though you’re not using them – these can be draining your battery without you knowing it! You might want to check with Apple or Android about this because they usually have helpful tips specific to their operating system on how best to keep things running smoothly with minimal impact on your battery life.

In the end, it’s all up to you. You decide what your favorite accessories are and how much time and money they deserve from you. The best way to extend any accessory is just by taking care of them. Make sure to store your accessories according to storage best practices. Regularly clean and maintain them, and you’ll get the longevity out of your most beloved accessories.