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Fresh Step Triple Action Scented Clumping Cat Litter Review

This post is sponsored by expressed here are my own.


Cats can be picky. Some cats will use nearly any litter. Others will refuse to use pelletized litters. Trial and error is the key to lasting litter training success.

From personal experience, I suggest trying several varieties of cat litter to find the best fit for your pet. We literally inundate our cats with their litter. One of our favorite tips for litter continuity is to leave your litter packaging about your home, to allow your pets to become acquainted with the scent of the litter.

Once you have found a litter that seems to be accepted by your cat, don’t switch to another kind. Even if it may seem more convenient for you. Litter brand continuity is uber important to cats. For us, we chose Fresh Step Triple Action Scented Clumping Cat Litter from

Fresh Step Triple Action Scented Clumping Cat Litter is a low-maintenance, high-quality, affordable cat litter solution. We also love that it can be conveniently found on

I also love that this litter helps to lock away odors that can lead to the face you make when your house indicates you have litter boxes nearby! You know, the super stinky litter box odors that can make even the most dignified person’s face look like a petrified tree! Luckily,  Fresh Step offers consumers a wide range of products, so every cat owner can find the best litter for their cat’s needs, which means that you’ll never have to make another Stank Face again.

It is also made with paw-activated plant extracts that release a fresh scent on contact, which means that a hint of freshness will be released only when needed! Then the unique Carbon Plus technology clumps and grabs odors, allowing the powerful antimicrobial agents to eliminate odors entirely. Allowing out cats litter boxes to be clean and fresh whenever he needs them!

A few other things we love about this litter:

  • Made with paw-activated fresh scent and an even more antimicrobial agent to fight even the toughest odors created by multi-cat households.
  • It features Carbon Plus technology and plant extracts help to destroy litter box odors
  • Has highly absorbent granules of clay form solid clumps to allow for an easy litter-box cleaning
  • Helps to reduce tracking throughout the house.
  • You can confidently enjoy up to 10 days of long-lasting freshness at home with each use
  • This is America’s first clumping cat litter made from a premium blend of natural minerals and clay
  • Which is why this litter is our go-to brand for all of our cats. So be sure to purchase Fresh Step Clumping Cat Litter from After all, your cats
  • deserve it!. It’s the feel-good way to keep your homes fresher and to protect your cat’s urinary health. Even our other love bug, Shadow, approves this message too!

Now I want to ask, are you the adoptive guardian of a shelter cat? And do you pamper your pets with Fresh Step Triple Action Scented Clumping Cat Litter at home? Share your stories below!

5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life

Please note, this is a sponsored post on behalf of Lawyers of Distinction. All opinions expressed are my own.


5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life

Spring is officially here! And while many of us are knee-deep in the process of Spring Cleaning, I decided to write a post on something that you may have overlooked this season. The need to declutter your overall perspective. Something we should all do each and every Springtime at home.

After all, who couldn’t stand to improve our lives, homes, and businesses with the start of each new quarter? And what better time to give your life a proverbial refresh than Spring. With that in mind, here are 5 ways that you can spring clean your life!

1. Your Home

When it comes to Spring cleaning, its only right to start with your environment at home. There is just something about having a clean, de-cluttered, and organized space that helps improve your life, clear your mind, and to redirect your focus and your mind.

For me, I know that a new season starts with a clean, cleared space. It helps me feel productive and stay more focuses on my business at hand and can do the same for you!

Studies also prove that decluttered spaces increase your happiness and contribute to reducing your stress levels. Which benefit your health and overall well-being.

I love to start my Spring cleaning in my bedroom and then move on to my office area. This ensures that two of the most profound areas in my life, where I work and where I regenerate each day. is what they should be. I also make a point of scheduling administrative days on the last working day of the month. Days devoted to making sure my goals are being met for my home, my business, and my family life too!

Now if you are just starting a season of decluttering, start off with de-cluttering things you don’t need or use anymore. You can also get rid of things that simply don’t bring you any happiness or remind you of a bad experience. Whatever works best for you.

My general rules of thumbs are to donate an item that hasn’t been used for one year, won’t be used during the holidays, or can easily be replaced in the future.

It’s also helpful to make a list of all the areas of your home that you want to spring clean and have a designated day for each task. This helps you make the most of your decluttering time at home.
Re-arrange your home and organize it in a way that will bring in more space to your home.

2. Downsize your Digital Life

As a digital entrepreneur and blogger, I know the idea of downsizing your digital life can be daunting. But think small. Make a list of your digital distractions and see if you can do without any specific apps, social media accounts, or browser extensions. Consider decluttering unnecessary pictures, documents, pdf files, printables, and software that may be bogging down your systems.

If you work from home, be sure to do a legit scan of your mobile devices to make sure that each of your apps still serves a purpose in your business and home life. Deleting any apps that you’ve not used within the last 3 months. Then set a date on your calendar one season from the date of your digital decluttering to reevaluate your progress.

3. Let Go of Busyness

It’s easy to get addicted to the business of everyday life. From overbooking our schedules to taking on too make volunteer responsibilities, busyness can easily creep into your life. To remedy this, look at your planner or calendar and ask yourself if all those To Do’s are truly necessary and cost-effective in your current season of life? Are there places in your schedule that can be decluttered?

Instead, create a daily schedule of small, obtainable tasks. Goals that can not only be marked off your list but help progress your life, home, and business from one hour to the next.

And to give yourself a workable measure, remove just one task from your daily schedule each day and replace it with 30-minutes of self-care time. Then before you add more tasks to your schedule, ask yourself, “is this task worth my self-care time?” More than likely its not!

Because in the end, you sometimes have to say no to others to be able to say yes to yourself. Something that cannot be accomplished with an archaic, overbooked schedule.

We need to learn that we can’t get everything done in just a day, it is best to take it one day at a time. If you find that you’ve overbooked your day with too many things, then try to prioritize them and see which ones can get done the next day.

4. Rid Your Life of Negativity

One of the best ways to Spring clean your life is to rid your exitance of things that may be physically or emotionally holding you back. Including negativity.

A few ways you can easily accomplish this goal is to first and foremost, think more positively. Making a priority out of thinking positively can change not only your perspective, but the atmosphere in your home, and the course of your life too!

Some of the best ways to rid your life of negativity are to get rid of toxic people, online and in real life, and instead choose to surround yourself with positive people. Folks that challenge you in healthy ways. Keeping in mind, that just because you don’t see completely eye-to-eye with someone else doesn’t mean they are a negative person. And that surrounding yourself with only like-minded people doesn’t truly help you grow as a person. Being placated is never a good look on anyone!

Also, consider how you consume information. Consumerism, the news media, and even friends and family can inundate us with information that can leave us feeling drained and in a mood of uncertainty and anxiety.

I personally remedy this by focusing less on social media and online publications and instead ascertain my news information from credible sources in print form. Including my local newspaper, medical journals, seasoned publications such as the New York Times, and my quarterly law school review.

5. Get Your Legal Affairs in Order

No one likes to discuss the harder aspects of life. But it’s one of the most important areas of life as we age and so it bears repeating- In order to properly Spring clean your life one must get your legal affairs in order too!

As a former legal professional, this is a measure near and dear to my own heart!

And what I mean by getting your legal affairs is to first make sure the big tasks are covered by proper estate planning. Including the following questions:

  • Is your will up-to-date?
  • Do you have a notarized medical directive?
  • Does your family know you wish to be an organ donor?
  • Do your loved ones know you wish to have funds posthumously given on your behalf?
  • Do you have a trustee appointed for your estate?
  • Do you have longterm plans for your retirement years?
  • Will your children be properly provided for, both financially and in terms of guardianship, in the unlikely occurrence of your death?
  • Are you are your spouse or partner legally mentioned on one another’s wills, records, deeds, business ledgers, titles, utilities, and accounts?
  • Are your pets and their care mentioned in your estate planning?

All measures that can turn the passing of a loved one into an emotionally draining fiasco. Measures that can be quickly and painlessly avoided by the visit to a legal professional in your area.

And when it comes to finding the right legal professionals, you don’t want to leave your most important issues to change. Make sure to check out the Lawyers of Distinction website. A directory of legal professionals that can quickly help you find the right attorney to meet your personal legal needs in your area.

Lawyers of Distinction also offers consumers tax aid advice and a directory of members for quick referencing this season.

All-in-all, Springtime is the perfect season to make sure your hardest hitting tasks are checked off your list. Especially when it comes to the legal security of yourself and your family.

So, everyone, those are the 5 ways to spring clean your life. I hope you found this post helpful and you found some inspiration to start spring cleaning your life! Now I want to ask, will you be using any of these tips to Spring clean your own life this season? If you are, please share your thoughts below!

5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life

Why I’m loving Nature’s Miracle Enzyme Cleaner at Home

I’ve often said that a house becomes a home when a cat resides there. Which is very true in my world as I am the adoptive pet guardian to two amazing, lovable, precocious cats, Boo Radley, and Mr. Darcy. And on most days, I love them to pieces.

Okay, so I love them every day. But some days its harder than others. Especially when you are dealing with a cat that believes he owns the house and can relieve themselves of any and all bodily fluids as they please indoors. Days you have to remind yourself how much you actually love their furry little faces.

As a multi-pet household, we’ve tried most of the leading products out there to get rid of pet stains and odors, and have finally settled on a few that we feel work best for us. Products designed to help remove cat or dog urine smells from carpets, clean common surfaces, and to remove stains from hardwood floors and tiles.

I’ve also found that avoiding products intended to cover up animal smell only exasperate the problem. Because most animals sense of smell is much greater than our own and just because you don’t smell it, that doesn’t mean they can’t. Which often leads to the habitual act of marking corners and areas within homes. And in order to solve these issues, pet owners need to start by eliminating the odor completely. How is this best done? With enzyme cleaners.

Why enzyme cleaners? They are the best, easiest, and safest way to completely remove pet odors from your home. As enzymes are biological molecules, specifically proteins, that accelerate chemical reactions and dissipate protein-rich messes in their tracks by way of binding to protein molecules on a molecular level. To catalyze the chemical reaction that breaks pet stains and their scent tractors including ammonia and carbon dioxide. Leaving nothing behind on the surfaces of your home, including carpet and floor.

Enzymatic cleaners work great on any biological mess including urine, feces, blood, vomit, and the like. And my cleaner of choice? Natures Miracle Advanced Severe Mess Enzymatic Stain and Odor Remover deeply clean to remove the odor of cat urine and other messes. This bacteria-based formula produces cleaning enzymes when it comes in contact with bio-based messes including urine, diarrhea, vomit, and blood. The enzymatic cleaner will continue working as long as the food source is present.

Nature’sMiracle is safe to use on carpets, hard floors, furniture, fabrics and more, when used as directed. Contains a light fresh scent and works on even the toughest pet odors in our home, including cat messes including urine, diarrhea, and vomit. Natures Miracle Advanced Severe Mess Enzymatic Stain and Odor Remover are affordably priced under $11.00. I purchase our products from This allows us to make sure all of our pet stain and odor removing products can be easily kept on-hand and shipped right to our door quickly and easily.

This allows me to maintain a clean, manageable home that’s also healthy for my cats and dogs too! Friends, I encourage you to check out this awesome enzyme product for yourself this season from Now I want to ask, are you currently Nature’s Miracle user or do you currently use other enzymatic cleaning products at home? Share your favorite products and cleaning tips in the comments below!

3 Last-Minute Chores to Tackle This Fall

With winter just around the corner, it’s time to conquer those end of season deep-cleaning outdoor chores that help you and your family enjoy a clean and comfortable home this season.

Personally, I love seasonal cleaning- it helps me prepare for the upcoming holiday season in a non-chaotic, orderly, and somewhat fun manner. And what better way to usher in the upcoming fall season than a clean, orderly home?

With this in mind, I want to share with you all how I break down my own season chores as part of my Fall Cleaning Chore Checklist. A list to help you get your home in its healthiest shape before the winter season ahead. Here’s how to get started:


When it comes to outdoor cleaning, I always make sure to start with my patio areas. With cleaning the stone walkways and storing patio furniture, umbrellas, and summer toys.
If you own a pool: Drain the pool, if applicable. Close it up for the year.

Winter Maintenance:

I also like to perform a general outdoor maintenance checklist to include making sure the caulking around windows and doors is in proper order and inspect external doors and garage doors for gaps which can cause drafts. I also like to make sure the exterior windows are cleaned and, weather permitting, touching-up paint as needed. Another area of measure includes cleaning gutters and making sure to insulate and drain exterior spigots. Finally, make sure to clean out birdhouses and feeders. Then purchase new feed accordingly.


One of the lessons I learned first and foremost as a homeowner was to maintain the integrity and value of my home by valuing my home’s roof. Maintaining your roof allows you to maintain the beauty of your home’s exterior, maximize and protect your dwellings investment, help prevent health issues within your home, and save money over time preventing higher energy bills at home.

All of which start with a clean, properly maintained roof at home! And for homeowners who are seeking a more singular less weekend warrior approach to roof maintenance this season, then you should definitely look into seasonal roofing services before the official start to winter this season.

With professional roof servicing being typically quoted by the square foot and tile type. However, the size of the job, roof pitch, landscaping and overall severity of the stains are also factors that can influence the overall cost. Costs as necessary as they are affordable to most homeowners at home.

Let’s also not forget how slippery fall leaves can be. Why risk the potential hazards of slips and falls when you can trust the care of one of your homes best lines of defense with professionals? After all, the upfront costs of having your roof professionally cleared and cleaned, along with gutter cleaning services, can help maintain the value of your home, help prevent nasty repairs during the dead of winter, as well as being able to prevent costly repairs during the nastier parts of the year.

Friends, those are the three seasonal chores you should be attending to at home before the start of winter next month. Now I want to ask, what are seasonal chores you are currently undertaking at home to prep your home this fall? Share your thoughts below!


7 Healthy (Yet Delicious) Foods You Might Not Have Tried

Many health conditions and diseases are often tied to the foods we eat, adopting a healthier diet can be one of the best things you can do for your body and mind. However, this doesn’t have to mean that you have to sacrifice your sense of taste to do so, as there are foods out there that taste wonderful while also being really healthy for you. Here are some of them for your reference and convenience.

Milked nuts

Milk is one of the healthiest and arguably one of the tastier things you can include in your diet. It’s creamy, it’s got loads of vitamins and calcium, and it’s very filling. However, if you’re watching your waistline or are lactose intolerant, then you might want to go with its plant-derived alternative, namely healthy milked nuts or nut milk.

Nut milk is essentially milk made from nut varieties such as peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and more. A glassful contains just as much calcium as a regular glass of dairy, as well as a creamy taste that carries with it the distinct note of the nut it’s derived from. Best of all, it comes with absolutely no lactose and far fewer calories! Grab a glassful of healthy milked nuts right now and enjoy milk as you’ve never enjoyed it before.

Goat cheese

This exotic type of cheese tastes amazing and even a little bit indulgent. However, you can easily apply it to your favorite sandwich bread or recipes without any guilt, as it has less fat per serving than other cheeses. It also has a healthy amount of protein, calcium, and 3% of the recommended daily intake of iron in just one single ounce.

Air-popped Popcorn

While popcorn is a movie going staple all around the world, there’s a good chance that you haven’t consumed its healthier form—namely air-popped popcorn. Making it is simple: dump fresh corn kernels into a non-stick pot with a tight-fitting lid, place it over a stove on low heat, and shake the entire thing every couple of seconds. The lid will keep the heated air inside, while the non-stick coating will ensure that no kernel will stick to the pot no matter how hot it gets. The end result is popcorn that’s a lot healthier than the kind you buy at cinemas and sporting events, with only 83 calories per cup. Just add salt, no fattening butter or oil required!


We all know how too much butter can be unhealthy for you, both for your circulation, waistline, and digestion. However, the Indians have discovered that if you clarify butter by melting it and then skimming off some of its fat before use, you can make it tastier and also healthier to use. This clarified butter is called ghee. You can use it as cooking oil or a butter alternative to taking advantage of its high vitamin content, lowered fat content, and subtle nutty flavor.

Purple potatoes

If you’re a potato aficionado but you want to replace your normal everyday spuds with something healthier, then pick these purple beauties instead. Not only are purple potatoes rich in potassium, but they’re also rich in anthocyanin, the antioxidant that can help reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. It’s also responsible for its attractive purple color!


Sauerkraut is essentially fermented cabbage, and it contains a whole lot of fiber as well as a ton of essential vitamins such as iron, manganese, copper, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. It’s also got a moderate amount of protein to help build muscle. Finally, the fermentation process lends sauerkraut a probiotic quality that can improve your digestion and gut health upon consumption.


If you want your fermented cabbage to have a bit more kick to it, then you can’t go wrong with Kimchi, Korea’s take on the fermented vegetable. A single serving is loaded with vitamin A, B, and C, all essential vitamins to keep your body healthy. Just like sauerkraut, it contains probiotics that help you digest better. Spoon it over rice or soups for added spice and healthiness!


Healthy eating doesn’t have to feel or taste like torture. Include these tasty and delicious foods in your diet and you’re sure to look forward to every meal instead of dreading them, while still enjoying the benefits of a vitamin-filled and nutritious diet.

Dr. Elsey’s Clean Tracks Multi-Cat Strength Clumping Cat Litter Review

This post is sponsored by expressed here are my own.


Cats can be picky. Some cats will use nearly any litter. Others will refuse to use pelletized litters. Trial and error is the key to lasting litter training success.

From personal experience, I suggest trying several varieties of cat litter to find the best fit for your pet. We literally inundate our cats with their litter. One of our favorite tips for litter continuity is to leave your litter packaging about your home, to allow your pets to become acquainted with the scent of the litter.

Once you have found a litter that seems to be accepted by your cat, don’t switch to another kind. Even if it may seem more convenient for you. Litter brand continuity is uber important to cats. For us, we chose Dr. Elsey’s Clean Tracks Multi-Cat Strength Clumping Cat Litter

We find that Dr. Elsey’s is a low-maintenance, high-quality, affordable cat litter solution. We also love that it can be conveniently found on

I also love that this litter helps to lock away odors that can lead to the face you make when your house indicates you have litter boxes nearby! You know, the super stinky litter box odors that can make even the most dignified person’s face look like a petrified tree! Luckily, Dr. Elseys offer consumers a wide range of products, so every cat owner can find the best litter for their cat’s needs, which means that you’ll never have to make another Stank Face again.

It is also made with paw-activated plant extracts that release a fresh scent on contact, which means that a hint of freshness will be released only when needed! Then the unique Carbon Plus technology clumps and grabs odors, allowing the powerful antimicrobial agents to eliminate odors entirely. Allowing out cats litter boxes to be clean and fresh whenever he needs them!

A few other things we love about this litter:

  • Made with paw-activated fresh scent and even more antimicrobial agent to fight even the toughest odors created by multi-cat households.
  • It features Carbon Plus technology and plant extracts help to destroy litter box odors
  • Has highly absorbent granules of clay form solid clumps to allow for an easy litter-box cleaning
  • Helps to reduce tracking throughout the house.
  • You can confidently enjoy up to 10 days of long-lasting freshness at home with each use
  • This is America’s first clumping cat litter made from a premium blend of natural minerals and clay

Which is why this litter is our go-to brand for all of our cats. So be sure to purchase Dr. Elsey’s Clean Tracks Multi-Cat Strength Clumping Cat Litter from After all, your cats deserve it!. It’s the feel-good way to keep your homes fresher and to protect your cat’s urinary health. Even our other love bug, Shadow, approves this message too!

Now I want to ask, are you the adoptive guardian of a shelter cat? And do you pamper your pets with Dr. Elsey’s litter at home? Share your stories below!

Clean, Fresh and Bright: Touching Up Your Home on a Budget

Maintaining a happy household can be pretty expensive at times; there is always a new cleaning product to invest in or a fashionable interior design statement to make. When you’re working with a small budget it can be very difficult to keep on top of the latest trends.

The truth is, keeping your home in good condition will save money in the long run. If you invest in cheap furniture then it is likely that you will have to replace it more often, which will cost you more over time. Here are a few ways that you can uphold your household without breaking the bank, from discount designer furniture and terrific tidying techniques.

Designer Discounts

Believe it or not, you can discover amazing designer furniture for just a fraction of the price, as long as you are looking in all of the right places. If you are a bargain hunting expert then you will probably know the best places to find discount designer products.

Check out these discounts for designers, from stunning dining tables to beautiful bed frames, you can truly have it all if you are looking in the right places. Buying high-quality furniture will ensure it lasts for longer so that you don’t have to keep investing in new bits and pieces every time something breaks.

(Image Source)

Keep it Clean

One of the best ways to maintain your household is to keep on top of the cleaning as often as you can. When dirt and grime build up over time it can be very tricky to reverse the damage. If you can do small daily jobs to keep on top of the cleaning duties you will soon be able to boast a perfectly maintained home all year round.

Good quality cleaning products don’t have to cost the earth either; you can probably find all of the ingredients you need to clean your surfaces, stainless steel and drains in your own cupboards. Use baking soda and boiling water to clear out a blocked drain and use a squeeze of lemon juice to bring a natural shine to your taps.

Get Creative

You can keep your home looking fresh and bright on a budget, by making your own home accessories. As the seasons change you could create a new addition for your home each week. One of a kind home decor is something every homeowner deserves to enjoy, so why not give it a try? Whether you’re creating the perfect candle arrangement or sewing your own design onto a pillow, you can use your creative flair to decorate your home little and often.

(Image source)

Terrific Tidying

Keeping your home looking minimalistic and tidy will help you to enjoy it much more. You might find tidying up a huge chore, especially if you have little ones that seem to make a mess wherever they go. Invest in cheap and cheerful storage solutions to keep your home spick and span all year round.

Having a beautiful home doesn’t need to be expensive. As long as you know where to find good deals and how to create the illusion of a well-kept home, you will never have to worry about breaking the budget.