Why I’m loving Nature’s Miracle Enzyme Cleaner at Home

I’ve often said that a house becomes a home when a cat resides there. Which is very true in my world as I am the adoptive pet guardian to two amazing, lovable, precocious cats, Boo Radley, and Mr. Darcy. And on most days, I love them to pieces.

Okay, so I love them every day. But some days its harder than others. Especially when you are dealing with a cat that believes he owns the house and can relieve themselves of any and all bodily fluids as they please indoors. Days you have to remind yourself how much you actually love their furry little faces.

As a multi-pet household, we’ve tried most of the leading products out there to get rid of pet stains and odors, and have finally settled on a few that we feel work best for us. Products designed to help remove cat or dog urine smells from carpets, clean common surfaces, and to remove stains from hardwood floors and tiles.

I’ve also found that avoiding products intended to cover up animal smell only exasperate the problem. Because most animals sense of smell is much greater than our own and just because you don’t smell it, that doesn’t mean they can’t. Which often leads to the habitual act of marking corners and areas within homes. And in order to solve these issues, pet owners need to start by eliminating the odor completely. How is this best done? With enzyme cleaners.

Why enzyme cleaners? They are the best, easiest, and safest way to completely remove pet odors from your home. As enzymes are biological molecules, specifically proteins, that accelerate chemical reactions and dissipate protein-rich messes in their tracks by way of binding to protein molecules on a molecular level. To catalyze the chemical reaction that breaks pet stains and their scent tractors including ammonia and carbon dioxide. Leaving nothing behind on the surfaces of your home, including carpet and floor.

Enzymatic cleaners work great on any biological mess including urine, feces, blood, vomit, and the like. And my cleaner of choice? Natures Miracle Advanced Severe Mess Enzymatic Stain and Odor Remover deeply clean to remove the odor of cat urine and other messes. This bacteria-based formula produces cleaning enzymes when it comes in contact with bio-based messes including urine, diarrhea, vomit, and blood. The enzymatic cleaner will continue working as long as the food source is present.

Nature’sMiracle is safe to use on carpets, hard floors, furniture, fabrics and more, when used as directed. Contains a light fresh scent and works on even the toughest pet odors in our home, including cat messes including urine, diarrhea, and vomit. Natures Miracle Advanced Severe Mess Enzymatic Stain and Odor Remover are affordably priced under $11.00. I purchase our products from Chewy.com. This allows us to make sure all of our pet stain and odor removing products can be easily kept on-hand and shipped right to our door quickly and easily.

This allows me to maintain a clean, manageable home that’s also healthy for my cats and dogs too! Friends, I encourage you to check out this awesome enzyme product for yourself this season from Chewy.com. Now I want to ask, are you currently Nature’s Miracle user or do you currently use other enzymatic cleaning products at home? Share your favorite products and cleaning tips in the comments below!

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