Capstar Review

Please note, this review was sponsored by All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you.

Capstar Review

Living in the deep south, our warm weather seasons are quite long. And as a family with several pets, buying year-round flea and tick treatment for our pets is a must! Which is why we included Capstar Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats in our monthly order from!

Capstar is an FDA approved oral pill used to control fleas on dogs. It promises to kill all adult fleas and the treatment works for 4 hours. Effective for both dogs and cats. Capstar flea treatment is also safe for use on kittens and puppies above 2 pounds of body weight and at least 4 weeks of age. It comes as a single box of 6 tablets or 12 tablet value pack. We received the 6-pack this month.

Capstar Review

What I like best about Capstar is that a single dose does the trick! With each tablet consisting of a single dose of flea killing action. Keeping in mind, this product is only effective for killing fleas that are already on the pet. You will also need to use another flea preventive treatment alongside the Capstar flea treatment, especially if your dogs and cats spend copious amounts of time outdoors, use outdoor runs, or engage in nature walks, hiking, or the like!

For best results, give your pets one pill every 2 days until all the fleas are dead. As the typical flea hatching lifecycle is 3 days, so it is best to remain regular with the dosage.

I also like that Capstar is very convenient to administer to pets and can be easily kept on hand at home. And when ready to give to your pets, simply hide it in your pet’s favorite treat. The pill gives you a 24-hour window, giving you a window to treat your home for fleas. Especially to vacuum carpeted areas, baseboard, pet bedding, and crates.

Capstar Review

A few things to remember:

  • Capstar is ideal only for small to medium sized dogs. For stronger breeds, the product may not be enough.
  • You have to repeat the dose to ensure newly hatched fleas are killed.
  • Contains FDA approved Nitenpyram.
  • Each pill contains 11mg of Nitenpyram.

A single dose of Capstar starts the flea killing action and can be very distressing to pets, especially in the fall. Because flea and tick prevention is a year-round job. Friends, prevent this issue by ordering Capstar for your pet family at home!

Like with all of our previous purchased, Capstar products arrive at your doorstep in just a couple of days of ordering, without any quality control issues, and so we will continue ordering Capstar in the months to come as well! It’s our new favorite way to treat adult fleas that may hitchhike their way into our home on our dogs this season!

Now I have to ask, what flea treatments will you be buying for your pets this season? I’d love to hear about it below!

Capstar Review

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