3 Reasons you need self-care in your schedule each day

“This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.”


Running a household is stressful. From working from my home office to trying to mother the masses, there always seems to be something that needs to be done. Always one more list to write and one more task to finish, and those are just my chores and tasks! 

Then there are the issues that come from sharing your space with family. From temper tantrums to healing boo-boos to cleaning up after the trails of things my husband leaves around our home. You know the drill. Messes. Lots and lots of messes. The kind of messes that made our home always feel a touch on the hectic side. 

So it goes without saying that being a WAHM can be stressful and over time that stress can begin to take a toll on your health and disposition. Personally, this stress caused me over time to become grouchy, look how tired, and appear rundown. Worse still was the guilt. The guilt of thinking that I needed to put my self-care on the shelf to spend time with family. It took me years to realize that guilt-free self-care was vital to my personal growth as a person. That I didn’t need to feel guilty about taking the time to sit down with a book, take a hot bath, listen to a podcast, or binge out with Netflix.  Then one day it dawned on me, that I needed that

This was time, I needed to help me be a more relaxed and well-rounded person and here are three reasons why you need self-care in your life as a woman, wife, and mother:

1. You to recharge your batteries. When you’re a wife and parent, your mind is always going. You think about meals need to be planned, the laundry that needs to be folded, and school functions that require you to volunteer at the school. This is especially true for those like me who are introverts. Your mind and body need time to recharge, to reset your mood, to quelch the what if’s of your mind. You need to rest! 

2. It makes you a better person. If you’re constantly thinking of others and not yourself, it inevitably leads to resentment. And no one suffers from this embitterment but you. But if you take that break, you feel refreshed. revived, and reset You will also be able to think in a more rational, levelheaded manner. You may even be able to, maybe just maybe, tackle that pile of laundry with a little pep in your step.

3. You’ll reset the temperature of your home. When I schedule time in my day to take care of myself I am a better person. I smile more often. I find that by taking a half hour for myself a few hours before my family comes home allows me to be able to set the temperature of my home, to create a more cozy, happy home. Sometimes I color in my adult coloring books. Sometimes I watch the Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Sometimes I take a 15-minute speed nap. Just a little something every day to help me be the best woman I can be. And why you may ask? Because it’s how I take care of myself. You know the saying,

Now you may be asking if this is something you really need to be doing? Yes, it is. You know the saying, happy life, happy wife. When you take time for yourself, it helps prepare your mind, body, and soul to be receptive to helping care for others as well. I also find that the opposite is true. When I do not invest time in my day for myself. My mood changes and others notice this. My mood also tends to trickle to everyone else in the family, which is not fair to anyone else. So for their sanity, and my own, self-care is a must for me and I cannot encourage you enough to do the same for yourself! 



In addition to self-care, there are also things around the house you can do to help make your days run as smoothly as possible as a mom. Luvs helps make life easier so you can find more time for not just self-care but for snuggles, cuddles, and the like as well! 

What’s really awesome now is that Luvs recently introduced the new and improved Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with NightLock Plus™ that are softer and more absorbent than ever before, with large stretch tabs for easy fastening, ultra-leakage protection, and a money-back guarantee. Making Luvs a sure bet for quality diapers with less cost than premium brands.



As the go-to brand of experienced parents, Luvs is committed to providing moms and dads with value.  They recognize that parenting can be difficult, but diapering shouldn’t be. Luvs also recently conducted a formal poll of moms across the country to take a look at parenting like it really is and uncover what they truly value most, and now you can use this coupon for $1.00 off the new Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with NightLock Plus™, available in most grocery stores nationwide.

Be sure to stock your home with products like Luvs can help me to make your life easier. But also remember to take time out for yourself. Do what you love. Recharge your batteries. Love yourself first so that you can better love your little ones later. Remember, you deserve it!

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