Top Mistakes People Make on Their Health Journey That You Need to Avoid

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When you are trying to change your life to be healthy, it can seem like a long and uphill battle. While you focus on all the things you have to change, it is also important to consider the things that you should avoid. This will help you make progress much quicker, and ensure all your efforts are as effective as they can be. Some actions can hinder your progress. Make sure you try to avoid them at all costs. Here are some of the top mistakes people make on their health journey, to help you improve your focus and progress. 

Not prioritizing sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors on your health journey, but often one of the biggest places where people trip up. If you are not seeing the progress you want on your health journey, your sleep could be the answer. Many people don’t consider the impact their sleep has on their health. However, if you don’t get enough quality sleep each night, your body won’t be able to recover or function properly. This can lead to exhaustion, fatigue, brain fog, bad moods, loss of appetite, digestion problems, and much more. 

Make sure you work on creating healthy sleeping patterns at night. If you struggle with your sleep, you might find you will have better sleep with earplugs, or other similar tools that can help you. 


It is drilled into a society that you must increase your activity to be healthy. However, a big mistake some people make is to take this advice too far and over-exercise. Not only are you increasing your risk of injury, but it can also impact you psychologically and exhaust your body. This will end up halting your progress, as you will either be too tired to carry on, or your body will force you to stop, for example, you might find your resources depleted and you become ill. 

More isn’t always better. Make sure you incorporate a good amount of exercise into your routine, tailored to your needs and your goals

Eating a restrictive diet

There is a correlation between your nutrition and your health. However, the healthiest version of you is not going to be created by eating a restrictive diet. One of the biggest mistakes people make on their health journey is to follow a fad diet. These are often marketed in a way that scares people into trying their diet and promises instant results. Unfortunately, these are more often than not restrictive and people end up malnourished because of them. It is important to reframe your mindset around food and see it as a valuable source of fuel. Make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet, that is filled with vital minerals and vitamins, and you are eating enough to feel full and energized. 

Not getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating a restrictive diet are three of the most common mistakes people make when they are on their fitness journey. Avoid these if you want to make good progress and lead a fulfilling life. 

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