Signs You May Be Losing Your Hearing

As we grow older, there are a lot of medical issues we can suffer from. Whether it’s losing your sense of smell, struggling with your sight, or gaining achy and painful joints – it can be difficult to get older.

Hearing is a sense which often does dull over time, and it happens so gradually at times that you may not even know you are losing it. So what are the signs? 

How do you know when you are losing your hearing? Today we want to take you through some sure signs that you should visit and audiologist. 

Speech sounds muffled 

One of the first signs that you are losing your sense of hearing is that speech doesn’t sound completely clear. Often; people who struggle hearing cannot properly distinguish consonants such as T, F, or P. It is a good indicator that it is worth heading to your local ear doctor to browse hearing aid styles for your ears. 

You turn up the volume 

If you constantly find yourself not being able to hear the TV, the radio, or your music through earphones – it could be a big indicator that you are losing your hearing. It is important not to turn up the volume of these devices too high because the vibrations can cause damage to your eardrums and even burst them. It will also be annoying for everyone else in the house who has to sit and endure loud sounds! 

You ask people to repeat themselves 

Do you ever find yourself talking to someone and having to constantly ask them to repeat what they just said? Your instant thought might be that they are mumbling or simply not articulating their worlds properly – however, the likelihood is that you simply cannot hear properly. It is important that you get your hearing tested often to ensure that you don’t have to ask people to repeat themselves all the time. 

You struggle hearing multiple things at once 

If you are in a room with several people and there is a tv on or music playing – do you have trouble hearing both of these things at once? If so, you might be losing your hearing. When you struggle to hear more than one thing at a time this is a sign that your hearing ability is weaker than it once was and it is time for a hearing aid. 

You withdraw from conversation 

Do you ever find yourself in a conversation, but you suddenly start to withdraw into your own head and don’t listen to what people are saying? This is not necessarily a sign that you are being ignorant – in fact – it could be because you are struggling to hear and take in what people are saying to you. If this sounds like you, it’s time to book an appointment with your doctor. 

There are lots of signs to tell you if you are losing your hearing, and if you match any or all of the points above it is likely that you are hard of hearing and need some help.

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