How Modern Life Affects Our Health

Photo by Dmitry Schemelev on Unsplash

There’s a lot to be said about modern living.  The technology is amazing, the medical and scientific breakthroughs are life-changing and we’ve never had so much good TV to watch.  

Modern living has also come at a price, our health.  Today’s generations lead a very sedentary lifestyle, spending its time sitting behind a desk, eating processed food, watching TV or glued to our mobile phones.  

There are a number of serious health risks associated with this kind of lifestyle including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and depression.  

The Modern Diet

The typical modern diet is low in fiber and vitamins and high in fat, sugar and processed foods.  Many of us don’t even drink the recommended daily amount of water.  

This kind of diet can lead to weight gain, diabetes, lethargy, headaches, bloating, constipation, bad skin and a whole host of other conditions. If you find yourself experiencing ongoing digestive issues then it’s best to get checked at a digestive disease clinic

The Solution 

A diet that is rich in fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, and healthy fats is the most optimal for good health. Learn to meal plan so you are always in control of what you eat and don’t resort to convenience food or snacks. 

Reduce the amount of fried, processed and fatty foods you eat. Drink more water. 

Effects On Physical Health

A lot of us spend the day at work, in front of our computer, then head home.  Exhausted, we collapse in front of the TV or check our phones until we’re tired and want to go to bed.  Most of us don’t take the time to be active. 

This lack of movement, coupled with a bad diet can cause serious health risks including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. 

The Solution

Make an effort to move more throughout the day.  Even if it’s just going for a walk during your lunch break, or taking the stairs.  Some companies allow employees to have standing desks or have implemented ‘walking meetings’. 

Incorporate exercise into your daily life.  Something that you’ll stick to is the best form of exercise.  Walking, running, classes, team sports. Find something you like and can do between 3-5 times per week for at least 30 minutes. 

Effects On Mental Health

Stress is everywhere.  Our home life, our jobs, the news.  It’s almost impossible to escape, but there are things that we do that can cause more stress.  

Our constant use of smartphones can lead to insomnia, which in term can cause low mood and depression.  Some people are actually addicted to their phones, feeling anxious and stressed if they are without them for even short periods. 

Constant connections online mean that we are missing out with actual, physical contact in the real world, leading to increasing isolation.  

The Solution 

Identify the main causes of stress in your life and work to minimize them as much as possible.  Limit your screen time, especially at nights and make an effort to socialize with people in the real world. 

If you do feel stressed, anxious or depressed, seek help and talk to someone.

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