Enjoying Christmas with Foster Children

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. The month of December is filled with magic and fun, and watching our children get excited can fill us with joy. But Christmas with foster children can be a little different. Fostered children might miss their birth families, they could have bad memories, and they may find it hard to settle into a new family when life is so overwhelming. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the season. Here are some tips to help you to have a fun family Christmas with your foster children.

Talk to Them

Christmas can be very overwhelming. Many of the events that you might attend are loud and busy, you might have family visiting regularly, and it can all be a bit too much, especially for children who are new to your household. 

Sit down with your foster child and have a chat about what they love about the season so that you can incorporate their favorite things into your plans. Talk about your family’s traditions, and how you plan to spend Christmas day so that they know what to expect. If you want to see family, try to go to them, instead of inviting them into your home, so that you can leave early if your foster child is overwhelmed. 

Most children enjoy spending time with their parents at this time of the year, and foster children can find home-based activities less overwhelming. If you need advice, get help and support from fosteringpeople.co.uk

Get Crafty

Crafts are a fantastic way to spend time together getting into the Christmas spirit, without lots of noise and sensory overwhelm. Making homemade decorations like festive paperchains is easy and fun. Salt dough decorations are popular with younger children, and you could even make some homemade gifts to save money and add a personal touch to the festivities.  

Start Baking

Baking things like mince pies, gingerbread, and Christmas cake is a great way to bond with new children, get to know them, enjoy time together, and give your home the most gorgeous Christmas smell. 

Enjoy Christmas Movies

There are countless Christmas films that you can enjoy, with more coming out all the time. Enjoy home-baked treats while sharing your favorite films with friends and family to get everyone in the Christmassy mood. Introduce foster children to your favorites and ask them about theirs. 

Go for Winter Walks

Home-based activities are great ways to get into the Christmas spirit with your foster child. But staying home all the time can get boring, and even with lots to do it’s normal for cabin fever to set in. 

Going out for family winter walks is refreshing. Go for a walk in the country to enjoy winter nature or walk through the estates near your home to see other people’s Christmas lights and decorations. 

Buy the Right Gifts

Your foster child might not be with you for long, and it can be awkward taking lots of toys on to their next placement, or back home. Instead, try to buy them things that they’ll love, and that they can move easily. Small gifts, like personalized decorations, can be a great idea. 

A Christmas with foster children can be a wonderful way to show them a loving family life. But you might want to stick to low-key events to avoid overwhelming or upsetting them.

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