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Earn Money Doing These Everyday Tasks

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What if you could earn money doing everyday tasks like shopping and watching TV? Well, guess what – you can. There are apps and programs out there that can allow you to monetize practically any day-to-day task. This could allow you to generate a small passive income simply doing tasks you’d already usually do. Below are just a few everyday tasks that you can earn money from.


For every dollar that you spend on groceries or clothing, it’s possible to make back money by taking advantage of cashback rewards. Many credit cards offer these rewards, giving you back a percentage of what you spend (providing that you keep on top of your credit card bills). There are also store loyalty programs and cashback sites that can allow you to accumulate points that can then be converted into cash. Sites like Checkout Saver are great for earning cashback rewards, while also offering access to coupons and discount gift cards. This could allow you to earn and save money on shopping. 

Searching the web

It’s also possible to earn money simply by making searches on Google. The likes of Qmee displays ads along with some of your searches – click on these ads and you’ll earn a few cents each time. Eventually, you could make a few dollars simply by clicking these ads every time you go to Google something. GigsDoneRight offers a few examples of other browser extensions like this (many of these extensions also allow you to earn extra money answering surveys – a way of potentially further supplementing your income).

Watching TV

You can even earn money watching TV. There are many ways to do this as listed here at DollarSprout. One option is to become a Netflix tagger – this allows you to get paid simply for watching shows and movies on Netflix and then attaching appropriate tags. Another option is to sign up to a site like Swagbucks that allows you to watch videos and rate them for cash. Some sites even pay you to simply watch videos.

Driving to work

There may be a way of making money out of your morning commute. If you often drive to work, consider whether it may be possible to earn extra money by picking up a passenger or goods en route. Using the likes of Lyft and Uber, it may be possible to pick someone up in the morning and drop them off somewhere without having to deviate from your morning route. There are also sites like Roadie that allow you to pick up goods and deliver them to customers while sticking to your usual route. It could be a way to earn extra money before you’ve even arrived at work. 

A number of revolutionary fitness apps have also started allowing people to make money out of their fitness routines. If you regularly go for a morning jog, you could make money using apps like Sweatcoin – these allow you to earn Sweatcoins for every minute you workout, which can then be converted into real money. This could be a great way to motivate you to exercise more as well as helping you earn a little extra.

Staying Classy Saving Money

golden cup and basket with books

Are your finances getting in the way of your exquisite aesthetic? They don’t need to, as there are many ways to maintain your style without having to constantly worry about the depletion of your fashion fund. 

If you are hoping to look good and feel good in these trying times, here are some useful tips for when the going gets tough on you and your wallet. 


Like the olive in the Martini and the lights on a Christmas tree, accessories can help to elevate your look to the next level, whilst staying both classy and inexpensive. 

  • The value of a great belt – A beautiful belt can be cost efficient and tie your entire look together, sometimes literally. Whether you wear it for a statement, or a touch of subtle class, a belt can help revitalize your entire look.
  • Hair accessories – A bow is simple, inexpensive and delicately glamourous. Investing in a bow can be a superb way of brightening up your style.
  • Right down to the socks – Animal print or vibrantly colored socks are great for livening up your look, taking some time to see which colors work together with the rest of your outfit can work wonders when creating a fashion forward aesthetic. 


Sometimes you might find yourself wanting to eat some truly decadent confectionary. Allowing yourself to indulge in some delicious food on occasion can leave you feeling fulfilled and elated. 

There’s no need to feel guilty if you let yourself enjoy some of the finer things from time to time, as after a hard year you deserve a present. You might want to check out a range of scrumptious chocolates from Dallmann if you want that precise flavor of class, without breaking the bank.

Exploring Your Color Palette

It is quite possible that exploring the color palette is something that gets overlooked. If you take some time find yourself a free online color palette, you can start to match up your existing outfits and find a new look altogether. 

One of the best parts to this is that it is completely free, and discovering the color that best suits you can help you hunt for those bargains with a renewed sense of direction. 

If you want to go down a reliable avenue, the color black is a tried and tested provider of classic style. 

Whatever the Weather

Even if you are simply popping out for a walk or to grocery store, taking the time to apply some lipstick is a great way of building confidence and allowing yourself to feel classy, no matter the situation, whatever the weather. 

Living with Confidence

Feeling confident is a sought-after trait for many, as it helps to navigate daily routines with candor and satisfaction. Once you begin to bear in mind the option of staying classy whilst being able to save money, you might find that you do not have to worry about the unwanted strain of financial turbulence. 

Recognizing your strengths as an individual is a fantastic way to start nurturing that ever important feeling of self-confidence.

How to help reduce the financial burden of your college education

College is expensive, there’s no denying that. However, it’s also undeniable that a college education is extremely beneficial for your future. It boosts your job prospects and earning potential, plus is even correlated with better health and wellbeing. This makes it well worth the investment. Luckily, there are ways to help reduce the financial burden of going to university, so that you can graduate without finding yourself drowning in debt. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

Check if you’re eligible for financial aid

Grants to help cover the cost of college are available at both the state and federal government level, as well as from colleges themselves. These grants do not have to be paid back and are usually awarded based on your financial need—in other words, the income level you declared on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. There are also special aid programs available for you if you come from a military family, or if you are studying certain subjects. For example, there are specific grants for those training to be teachers. It’s worth looking into what’s available early on, to give you a better idea of how much you can get and what you will have to cover yourself.

Apply for scholarships

Scholarships are another source of funding that does not have to be paid back. There is a huge variety available, and they can be awarded on the basis of all sorts of different criteria. For instance, there are scholarships for academic excellence, volleyball scholarships, and other sports awards, arts scholarships, and ones that are awarded based on financial need. There are also scholarships only for women, scholarships for those from an ethnic minority background, scholarships for students studying certain underrepresented subjects, and scholarships for people who live in certain areas. Set aside some time to research what’s available—you might be pleasantly surprised at what you can apply for!

Get a part-time job

If you are not lucky enough to land a scholarship, one option is to work whilst you study. Colleges usually have a number of part-time jobs available for students on campus, to help you earn some extra money without impacting too much on your studies. Remember not to take on too many hours, to ensure you can keep up with your schoolwork. If you’re an international student, you will need to check whether your visa allows you to work in the US and if so, where and for how many hours a week.

Lower your costs

If you’d rather not work at college, another possibility is to look at where you can potentially cut down on your spending. For example, you could buy second-hand textbooks instead of new ones, set a budget for food and nights out, and keep a close eye on your spending. Be sure to take advantage of your student discount too—this can save you lots of money on items such as clothes, travel, and computer equipment. Don’t worry, the more that you practice saving, the easier it will become!

Why Switching to a Scooter Might be the Best Decision You’ve Ever Made

yellow motor scooter parked near white garage door

Commuting can be an absolute nightmare, but a lot of it has to do with the method you’re using. A car may seem like the only and best option, but often, it’s inefficient and costly. On the other hand, you could get around with a scooter and do most of what you do with your car without the price tag. There are also tons of additional perks to owning a scooter that you may not be aware of. Let’s take a look at why switching to a scooter might be the best decision you’ve ever made.

It’s Cheaper

You will save in tons of ways when you’re buying a scooter – they’re cheaper to buy, they can get you anywhere in the city for a fraction of the cost, and filling a tank costs close to nothing. There’s also less to pay for insurance and maintenance, and parts are much cheaper too.

You can easily find a scooter for under £2,000, but expect to pay around £3,000 to £3,500 for a quality unit that will be performant and last a long time. If you want to check out a few models, we suggest you check out Going with a supplier with a large selection is always better if you want to find a scooter that will fit your needs.


Another reason why scooters are so great for the budget-conscious is that there will be less tax to pay. A lot of people will assume that buying a cheap older vehicle is a great way to save, but you’ll usually be taxed heavily and pay hundreds of pounds at the end of the year. 

Scooters, on the other hand, are taxed based on engine size. Anything between 50cc and 125cc will be taxed at the same rate, and you’ll only have to pay a measly £19 per year.


You’ll also be able to save on MOTs when you buy a scooter. A scooter MOT will only cost you £24.99 for a vehicle under 200cc. For a car or a bike with a larger engine, this can go up to £54.85, so that’s a significant difference.

Good for the Environment

The benefits of riding a scooter are not just economic. They also produce much fewer emissions than other vehicles. This can go even lower if you decide to go for an electric scooter. 

A car and a moped will have a significantly different fuel consumption over the same distance, and you often don’t need to carry all that extra weight simply to go from point A to point B. If most of what you travel is short distances and you’re solo, choosing a scooter is a much better option if emissions are a concern for you.

So, if you were on the fence about buying a scooter or have recently thought of the idea, we suggest you give them a closer look. They could help you get to wherever you want cheaper, and often faster.

Going Grocery shopping? 4 Tips That Can Help

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For most families, budgeting for groceries comes first before buying healthy food. With the rising economic costs, it is more difficult to buy ingredients for a solid meal. Fortunately, there are better ways to nourish your family on a budget.

A great trick that works for many is following brands on social media accounts. By doing so, you will always be aware of discounts and deals available that you can take advantage of to stock up your pantry and freezer.

It is also good to plant some veggies in your garden to lift the burden of buying them from the store, which can liberate your finances. Things to grow include tomatoes, baby spinach, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, and many others.

To save money and eat healthier, you should start eating less at restaurants and cook meals at home. This way, you will have more discipline on what you eat by identifying cheap but better foods you can cook.

Grocery shopping can be a tiresome experience that involves planning and budgeting if you want to eat right. There is so much consideration, but no need to worry because this article highlights the best yet simple ways to plan and shop for your groceries. Here are a few.

Research Stores

If you want to follow a diet, you need to go the extra mile by researching different stores. Exploring in advance has a lot of benefits. For one, you can identify a store that has all the products you want to buy.

Most stores have online catalogs that display what is available.

 By using these catalogs, you can identify a store with all the items you need, which means you will make one trip to the store depending on how often you do grocery shopping. Additionally, you can save gas and time by not hopping  from one store to another.

Have a Running List and Budget

It is always good to have a running list that you can use to shop for groceries at any time. Having a running grocery list means updating the list whenever you run out of something. Such lists are kept on the fridge to make it easy to jot something down immediately after it empties.

Today, there are high-end grocery apps that people use to keep track of what to buy. Such apps allow you to create spreadsheets that serve as checklists you can use when shopping for groceries. They also allow you to budget by summing up the total and comparing products from different stores.

Plan for Your Menu

It would help if you always had a menu to make it easy to buy what you need. If you are watching your calorie intake in order to lose weight, you should highlight ingredients to buy to achieve healthy eating. If you have kids, it’s advisable to create a kid-friendly menu that can boost their health and growth. If eating healthier doesn’t help with weight loss, you should consider effective weight loss treatments.

By planning a week’s menu, it can save you time, especially if you will have a busy week at work. You can start by identifying easy meals to have for breakfast to avoid getting late for work. You will probably come home late and fatigued, so it would be best if you also laid down quick evening meals you can make.

Lastly, it would be best if you plan menus for special occasions and holidays. Jot down what to make for special events such as baby showers, birthday parties, and many others. This way, you can know what to get and where to get it from.

Shop During Off-peak Hours and Seasons

You can avoid waiting in long queues at the store or have difficulty finding a parking spot by shopping during off-peak hours and seasons. By off-peak hours, it means shopping during the day or late in the night. Many people will be busy working during the day, which means less crowded stores.

It would also be best not to shop in the afternoon as many people leave their jobs around that time. Additionally, you should shop during off-peak seasons. That is, if a holiday is coming up, ensure to shop for groceries early. By this, you can escape having to wait in long queues to pay for your items. Holidays to look out for are thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s since most people spend them with their families, which means cooking family dinner meals.

By using the above tips, you are guaranteed a comfortable and healthier shopping experience. Other than that, it can save you time when the above guidelines become your routine.

Tackling Debt: Top 3 Worst Things You Can Do

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At some point in your life, there’s a high possibility you’ll end up in debt. It happens to most people for one reason or another – and it isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes, you need to be in debt to achieve certain things. For example, you need a loan to buy your first house, which means you have to be in debt. Of course, some debts are worse than others, and they can be financially damaging.

Speaking of which, you have to learn how to tackle your debts. Today, you’ll see the top three WORST things you can do to deal with your money problems. Give them a read, then be sure you don’t do any of them!

Ignore the debt

It’s never a good idea to ignore your debt as it will just get worse. Debt doesn’t care if you pay attention to it or not. If you ignore your debt, it will just accrue more interest, meaning you have more money to repay. In turn, this obviously makes it a lot harder for you to pay your debts, which sends you into a spiral that you can’t get out of. The thing is, there’s no excuse for avoiding your debt! It’s something you can tackle on your own, or you can get legal advice from companies like Wyolaw Law Firm. Either way, the worst thing you can do is turn a blind eye and hope everything turns out okay. Here’s a spoiler alert: it won’t!

Get a short-term loan to pay off the debt

Never ever get a short-term loan to pay off your debts. Why? Because short-term loans are deadly! They’re almost designed to catch you out, which is why banks don’t provide them anymore. You’ll often see them advertised as payday loans, and the concept is that you get quick money to pay for something. In this case, you pay your debts. The problem is that this lands you in debt once more. To make matters worse, short-term loans usually come with outrageous interest rates and all sorts of fees and penalties. So, if you can’t repay the payday loan in a few days, you’ll be charged extra and the loan starts to grow. Instead of getting out of debt, you’ve got yourself into a deeper and stickier mess. 

If you can get a longer-term loan or a consolidation loan, that could be a better idea depending on your circumstances, but you may need to ask the question ‘What does self-employment change in your loan application?’ If you happen to work for yourself before you go down that route, and you should always, no matter what your situation, work out how much interest you’ll be paid back first.

Lose hope

Finally, it’s never a good idea to lose hope when tackling your debts. Lots of people slip into a dark pit of despair when money problems come their way. Sadly, this leads to some individuals taking their lives as they can’t see a way out. Understand that all debt can be solved in one way or another. Speak to professionals to get the advice you need, and don’t forget that bankruptcy is a viable option. There’s a stigma surrounding bankruptcy, but it can help you clear your debts and enjoy a fresh start. It’s not ideal, but it shows there is still hope to start again. 

In summary, the three worst things you can do when tackling debt are: lose hope, ignore it, and take out a payday loan. Pay attention to these points as you really don’t want to be guilty of doing any of these three things!

How to Solve Issues With National Life Group Reviews


Life can be your oyster, but you need to create the seeds of success yourself. No one is going to give your dreams on a plate, you could be lucky to find a pot of gold, but you may also have to do a little leg work yourself.

The National Life Group reviews are committed to giving back to their clients as they grow. The groups’ infamous motto: “Do Good, Be Good, Make Good” gives the customer the confidence to make the group part of their lives.

Growing your net worth, in every area of your life is a valuable skill that can help you live the life of your dreams, knowing you have 1`a Fairy Godmother standing by your side to champion you on to the finish line.

Everyone Needs A Helping Hand

When setting up a business or trying to rejuvenate an existing business, you may need to cast your net wide to find the necessary support. You could try to do all of the legwork yourself, or you could reach out for help from business networks, business support agencies or a trusted friend. Whatever route you take, don’t struggle on alone?

After all, you want your business to succeed, don’t you?

Here are a few helpful tips to keep up the momentum:

  • Don’t get bogged down in too much business-speak.
  • Give yourself some time out; it’s not all work and no play.
  • Construct a plan or a schedule and stick to it.
  • Seek help from reliable sources.
  • Be kind to yourself.

 Growing A Green Business

There are many incentives to incorporate green ethics into your business, that could help it to flourish and seeds a sustainable way of living.

As more and more people gain greater awareness of climate change, environmental and socially conscious ways of working, you move a narrow viewpoint into the mainstream. You can then open up new business concepts, products, and pathways through collaborate with other businesses, allowing you all to grow as a collective. 

Through taking this approach, you may also reduce your businesses carbon footprint by working with nature to create a better world for everyone. All this from taking a more mindful approach to business, and it truly works. Read more here.

Seeds Of Success

You can grow your business and work with external sources to do this, or you may wish to consider a few ideas listed below:

  • Consider franchising your business; this can help it to snowball.
  • Build passive income streams to support your primary business instead of loading your business with expensive high-interest business loans.
  • Diversify your offers.
  • Create a webinar or a podcast.
  • Build a sales funnel.
  • Actively engage in online marketing.
  • Keep connected with your customers and clients.

Whatever options you decide to take, they will need to be the right ones that work for you and your business. Do not try to fit into someone else’s shoes, what has worked for another business may not work for you and your business and success.