The Niggling Things You Are Likely To Forget When Moving Home

Moving house can be one of the most stressful things we do in life. The packing seems endless and never-ending. The unpacking seems like a thankless task. But once you are in your lovely new home it appears that all will be forgotten. You settle into life in your new abode. But there are some things that people tend to forget during the moving process. Small little things that could cause you problems in the long term. With that in mind, here are some of them in the hope that when you move you can be organized. 

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Post Redirection

It’s a tough task remembering exactly who has your old address so that you can let them know your new one. The chances are you’ve taken care of the important immediate things like changing your electricity provider or noting your water meter reading. But what about those catalogs you receive? Or common statements for loyalty cards? Not all of us have a memory for everything that has your old address. So a great way is to add a redirection through your local postal service. This means that as things for your old address get redirected to your new one, you can change the addresses as you go along. 

Taking some time off

We don’t realise how stressful moving house is until we actually do it, so it might be worth booking some time off for spending it in your new place. This gives you a chance to get organised before normal life resumes. 

Your TV Subscriptions and aerials

Sometimes we don’t think about the TV in our new property until we come to start watching it. So it might be worth adding it to your list of things to do when you arrive. So that you don’t have any upset children or grumpy husbands because they can’t watch the football. To avoid any disappointment. Of course, you may be switching over your current provider, so that may be worth a call as well. 

Letting friends and family know the new address

In the hustle and bustle of moving, we can forget to let some friends and family know our new address. It’s easy to get side tracked. A great way is to send them perhaps a text message telling them the details. It happens, but try and add it to your list so that at some point you keep everyone in the loop. You may want to organize a housewarming which is another opportunity to inform everyone of your new address. 

Changing your driving license and IDs

A lot of people tend to forget about the address on their driving licenses. But if caught it could cost you a hefty fine. You can download a form off the internet and it is a simple thing to do. We just tend to forget to do it. While you are at it, you may want to check any other ID’s you have that may need a change. 

Let’s hope this guide will prompt you in the future. 

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