How to Regain Your Motivation

Striving to live a kind and compassionate life, both for yourself and others, is a worthy goal, but what do you do when you’ve no motivation to do so? When you’re struggling in your daily life, it can be very hard to show kindness to yourself or the world around you when you’re viewing it in a negative light or feeling as though you don’t have the energy to do anything which brings you joy. 

This is what issues such as mental illness, low mood, and low motivation can do to you. Here’s what you should do if you want to regain your motivation during trying times. 

Take it One Step at a Time 

The biggest challenge when thinking about fulfilling an activity can be how overwhelming the idea is. You know that you want to exercise, cook a healthy meal, partake in a hobby you enjoy, or go outside, but suddenly, the idea is too big or takes too much effort. 

Taking it one small step at a time can help you to sink into a better pattern without it being too overwhelming. Don’t try to do everything at once or succeed the first time. Regaining your motivation could be getting out of bed early and getting dressed, rather than sleeping in. The next day you could then try to do the same, but add making a healthy breakfast to the list. The day after that, do the same. Soon, you’ll feel more motivated once you overcome the first initial hurdle of taking action. 

Let Others Help You 

The motivational power of others shouldn’t be overlooked. While it’s always important to be your own number one motivator, sometimes it simply isn’t possible if you don’t have the energy for it, through no fault of your own. That’s why it can make all the difference having other people on your side, especially if those people are professionally and emotionally equipped to focus specifically on low motivation and low mood. You could then let a dedicated treatment center like Ignite Teen Treatment help you find your motivation again. You can also speak to loved ones for support and inspiration for positive change. 

Change Your Environment 

Your environment can have a huge impact on how you’re feeling and your desire to do better, whether it’s your direct surroundings or even the people you associate with. If you find yourself stuck in a rut and perhaps have been spending too much time in one place, like at home in an untidy room or a room which has little natural light, you’re more likely to feel unmotivated and negative. A change of scenery may be all that is needed. 

Take a walk outside, or visit a loved one. Spend time in the garden instead of in your room, or spend time with people who really motivate you instead of those who don’t. 

Finding motivation can be extremely difficult, especially when you’re suffering from a low mood. However, it can often be the very first step that is the most difficult. Once you have overcome that barrier, you can settle into a routine and start to reap the benefits. 

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