Boosting Body Confidence: Taking Steps In The Right Direction

Body image is a term given to the way we interpret the way we look. Body confidence is about feeling secure and happy in your own skin. Sadly, it’s something many of us lack. Whether you’re 100, 200 or 400 pounds, you’re 5’0 or 6’0, nobody is immune to body confidence issues. If you could do with a boost, look no further. Here are some simple steps you can take to make you feel more confident about your body.

Eliminate comparisons

This is one of the most important changes you can make, but it’s also one of the hardest. If you have friends that are skinnier, taller or more athletic than you, it’s human nature to think about how you measure up. We’re aware of the differences between us and those around us from an early age, and we never really grow out of the habit of making comparisons.

The fact that image is so important in modern society can also make it incredibly difficult to eliminate comparisons. With social media and fashion campaigns featuring ‘perfect’ bodies, it can be hard not to dwell on how you look in comparison to others.

If you find yourself feeling low because your Instagram feed is full of size zero models or fitness fanatics, take a break. Take time out, don’t look at others, and focus on how you feel in your own skin. We’re all different, we come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and what makes one person happy won’t necessarily make another content.

If you’re happy with your body as it is, don’t feel like you need to go on a crash diet to drop 10 kilos or spend all your time at the gym trying to sculpt abs and triceps. Try and ignore external pressures.

It’s also worth remembering that many of the images you see on social media are filtered and enhanced. The original image may look completely different to the pictures you see on your phone or tablet.

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Tackle your troubles

If you’re unhappy with the way you look, there are often solutions out there. While it’s essential to act for yourself and to resist pressure applied by other people or societal norms, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself.

If you’ve gained weight and you want to lose it again, you’ve skipped a few too many workouts and you’ve lost definition, or you’ve not been paying enough attention to your diet, and you’re worried that you look gaunt, don’t be afraid to make changes.

If you want to lose weight, focus on your diet and try and increase the amount of exercise you do. If you’ve hit a wall and you feel like you can’t physically get the body you want, you could investigate non-surgical treatments like those available at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, or you could strive to be the best possible version of yourself.

It’s so important to have realistic expectations. If you’re 5’2 and you’ve got hips and a bottom, you’re not going to become a Victoria Secret model no matter how much exercise you do. Embrace the body you’ve got and understand that even people who seem to have everything probably have insecurities too.

Be proactive about making changes that you know will bring you happiness and boost your confidence, but don’t lose sight of the fact that everybody is different, and that’s what makes the world such an interesting place.

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Make an effort to look good

We all have days when we don’t feel great about the way we look. If you lack confidence, simple steps like putting on a bit of makeup, doing your hair and putting an outfit together that makes you feel great can make all the difference. You don’t need to sit around the house in a ballgown, but making that little bit of effort can go a long way.

If it’s been a while since you went to a salon or changed your hairstyle, why not treat yourself to a bit of pampering?

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Ditch the haters

If you’re a fan of social media, you may have noticed that even models and celebrities receive hateful comments about the way they look. Even the most beautiful people in the world can be affected by negative feedback.

If you’ve got people around you who put you down or make you feel anxious, uncomfortable or inadequate, sever the ties. Friends are not real friends if they use you to make themselves feel better.

Friends and partners should support each other, champion each other and encourage each other to be as happy, confident and strong as possible. Don’t waste any more time trying to please people who will always try and bring you down. Focus on the relationships that make you feel good.

Relationships can have such a powerful impact on our feelings and self-esteem, and it’s much better to have a tight circle than to have loads of followers and friends that don’t have your back.

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Think about how you treat yourself

Are you your harshest critic? If so, you’re not alone. We tend to be much kinder and more forgiving with other people than we are with ourselves. If you’ve got a friend who is anxious about wearing an outfit on a date or your sister is complaining about her weight, what do you say to them?

You probably go out of your way to tell them they look stunning and make them feel confident. If this is a scenario that sounds familiar to you, it’s time to apply the same rules to how you treat yourself. Be kind, be gentle and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

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If you lack body confidence, you’re not alone. Very few people are completely happy with everything they see in the mirror. The key to gaining confidence is finding out what makes you happy and making changes in line with realistic, achievable targets. Focus on your own happiness and wellbeing instead of obsessing about the way others look, be kind to yourself and surround yourself with people who genuinely want the best for you.

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