5 Simple Ways To Take Better Care Of Your Health


Looking after our bodies and minds is the quickest route to happiness, and you don’t need to make lots of huge changes to improve your health. There are plenty of simple daily habits you can adopt for a healthier body and mind.

 Foods that fight free radicals

Our bodies are prone to damage from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when oxygen atoms split, resulting in unpaired electrons. These atoms are known as ‘free radicals’. Free radicals cause damage to our bodies and are associated with many diseases. Junk foods, tobacco, and alcohol all contribute to creating free radicals. On the contrary, there are many antioxidant-rich foods that can fight off free radicals, and prevent the associated damage. A few of these foods include fish, pulses, red peppers, spinach, and blueberries. Add these to your shopping list and you’re good to go!

Increase daily exercise

Increasing your daily exercise is the best thing you can do for both your body and your mind. Don’t worry if you don’t have the time to fit in a long exercise session. A brief walk in the park or a fifteen min aerobics video will make a world of difference. For those who prefer to work out at home, try applications like Nike Training Club, Asana Rebel, or Zwift. Dance workouts are especially effective for lifting your mood and feeling more positive!

Regular medical checks

Keeping up with your regular medical checks can afford you peace of mind and help you to take preventive measures. Eye tests and hearing tests are checkups which many people forget about, however, these are both important. Signs of hearing decline include struggling to hear people when there is background noise or experiencing frequent ringing in the ears. To learn more about hearing decline take a look at Sound Choice Hearing.

Reconnect with nature 

According to a study on nature.com, ‘ spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing.’ In the modern world, many of us tend to lose our connection with nature. We immerse ourselves in the world of work and tech, without spending much quality time outdoors. To boost your health this year, challenge yourself to reconnect. You can do this by trying foraging workshops, taking up hiking, freshwater swimming, or simply a regular stroll in the park.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy refers to a type of talking therapy, it is designed to help people cope with their problems by changing how they behave and think. The therapy is based on the concept that your actions and physical sensations are intrinsically connected with your thoughts. 

CBT is generally used for those with depression and anxiety. However, if you would like to improve your mental health, talking therapy is valuable whether you have these conditions or not. Talking openly about your emotions and problems can help you to achieve a happier mindset. Applications that offer online CBT therapy include ‘What’s Up’,  ‘Mood Kit’, or Happify.

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