Does your website seem to be attracting fewer visitors? There could be many reasons for a drop in traffic. Below are some of the top possible reasons as to why your website is losing traffic.
Loss of rankings
It’s possible that your website may be appearing lower on search engine rankings. Something as small as being relegated from page 1 to page 2 of Google could have a big impact on your traffic – many company websites are reliant on traffic from search engines and lower rankings means a lower chance of search engine users clicking on your site.
There are so many things that can cause rankings to shift (including many of the other factors mentioned below). Often the best way to maintain good rankings is to invest in ongoing SEO. Companies like Cardinal Digital Marketing are able to carry out SEO tasks for you such as adding keywords into content and building backlinks. This is easier than trying to do your own SEO, which requires doing a lot of homework.
Lack of new content
Keeping your site updated with new content is essential for keeping it fresh and for keeping visitors coming back. This could include updating your product inventory, posting new blog posts, or posting new promotions. Fail to add new content and you could notice a steady drop in traffic.
Try to add new content at least once per month to keep your website fresh. Make sure that new content isn’t hidden – shout about new products, features, and deals on your homepage if possible.
Slow page loading speed
A slow-loading website is likely to put off many visitors. This could result in fewer visitors returning to your site. Page loading speed is also a big factor in determining search engine rankings, which could in turn affect traffic.
Ideally, web pages should load in less than two seconds. If your website is taking five or ten seconds to load, it may be time to consider ways of reducing page load speed. This could include optimizing images, reducing code, displaying fewer ads, and possibly migrating to a faster hosting server.
Bugs and errors
You should also be careful of bugs and errors on your website that could be fending off visitors. This could include broken links, buttons that don’t work, strange formatting, or failed redirects.
There are scanning tools that can scan your site for bugs. You could also consider hiring a website tester to go through your site and look for any problems that may need fixing.
Failure to keep up with the competition
Have you been keeping tabs on your competitors’ websites? It’s important to make sure that your competitors haven’t got a cooler website than you. If your website looks old or boring in comparison, don’t be surprised if you experience a drop in traffic.
Websites need to be constantly redesigned in order to keep them fresh. You also need to make sure that your competitors aren’t offering better deals or products/services, so make sure that you’re also updating your promotions and inventory/services.
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