Rights You Should Be Aware of as an Employee

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As humans, everyone has rights to certain things, and being an employee is no different. There are a variety of rights you will have as an employee that you should be aware of. Here are a few of them. 

You should have safe working conditions

It is your right as an employee to be provided with safe working conditions by having access to the relevant safety equipment, personal protective equipment, and tools for the job at hand. There are many dangers that can be found in the workplace from heavy machinery to toxic and unsafe materials. If you feel that you have not been provided a safe place to work, and have become ill or injured as a result of this, then you might want to consider contacting a toxic exposure lawyer to see where you stand. These experts will then be able to provide you with the guidance and support you need when taking the next steps. 

You should be given a positive workplace culture

An important right that you need to be aware of and that your employer needs to promote is a positive workplace culture. What is meant by this is that there is no discrimination, bullying, harassment, or singling out of any person for any reason. No one should be afraid to go to work and feel like their race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability is holding them back or making them a target. It is important that you are aware of these rights so that you know something can be done if you or anyone else in your workplace are currently a victim of any of these situations or reasons. 

You should be paid a fair and legal wage

Hourly wage amounts will go up and down depending on various factors such as age, experience, and the length of time served at your company. However, you should be aware of what rights you have when it comes to the minimum and legal wage. Not often, but sometimes, especially if you are salaried and are then asked to work overtime, you can actually be getting paid less than minimum wage. So, it is important you look into these rights, and what it says in your contract specifically regarding what your company can and will pay you. 

Time off entitlement

There are many reasons for needing time off work, this can be due to sickness, vacation time, emergencies, maternity, paternity, or even bereavement. Sometimes it can be awkward trying to get any time off from work due to staff shortages, busy periods of work, or simply if you have an awkward boss or supervisor. There is usually a genuine reason people need to take time off, so it is important that you know what your rights are when it comes to this so that you may take your required and entitled time off as and when you need it. 

So, next time you find yourself in a situation at work, try and remember what your rights are regarding it, and remember to check these examples out at your company. 

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