Why Do You Constantly Feel Drained Of Energy?

Do you consistently find yourself feeling exhausted throughout the day? If so, then you need to make sure that you are taking the right steps to correct this issue. The first step is always going to be figuring out the cause behind your lack of energy. 

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Are you struggling to sleep at night? If so, then you might be suffering from a condition known as insomnia. Insomnia can have a variety of different causes and there’s no set rule on how it will impact an individual. If you are experiencing issues with insomnia, then you may want to speak to a therapist. Or, you could try sleeping pills. Natural sleep remedies such as lavender by your bed can also prove to be effective here.

Disrupted Sleep

It’s possible that you go to bed at a reasonable hour each night and still wake up everyday feeling exhausted. What’s going wrong here? Well, you might be dealing with a disrupted sleeping pattern. This is usually caused by a problem in your diet. You can address it by increasing your potassium intake. A banana a day could ensure that you are not tossing and turning all night. 

Alternatively, it could be a problem with sleep apnea. This occurs when something is blocking your airwaves and making it difficult to breathe. It can be treated with surgery or even changes to your diet.


You might find that you are struggling to get out of bed each morning. If that’s the case, then this might be a sign that you are suffering from a form of depression. Depression is a period of sadness that lasts for more than a few days or is recurring. Depression is far more common than most people realise and many people suffer from depression without fully realising it. 

If you are worried about depression it’s best to speak to a cognitive therapist. They can help tackle the root cause and may prescribe medication. Be aware that some medication can be natural such as CBD. Products from suppliers such as CBDistillery have proven to be effective in helping people with depression have more energy through the day.


Finally, you could find yourself feeling drained of energy because you are incredibly stressed. Stress can have a range of impacts on your health and wellbeing including making you feel more lethargic than usual. If you do think that you are overly stressed, then you should explore different ways that you can relax more in life. There are lots of possibilities that could suit you. For instance some people relax in the evening with a long hot bath. This can be perfect for easing any tension.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key reasons why you might often feel totally drained of energy and completely lethargic through the day. If you take the right steps here, then you can quickly get your mental health back on the right track and ensure that you have more energy to do the things you love or achieve your business goals.

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