Weekly Reflections: Highs And Lows From This Week & Weekly Goals For Next Week, 5/11-5/17!


Hello again, savvy savers! I wanted to end my weekly posts by bring the week to a close with a post about the reflections on this past week.

The highs for the week:

Starting to add new crafts to my online ETSY store!
Making new friends on my blog, through SITS Girls, Bloggy Moms, and Linky Parties.
Finishing two review novels; these reviews can be found here!
Losing two pounds.
Trying to expand my family!
The ongoing repurposing of two rooms in my home.
Continuing a daily devotional.
Surviving the a week full of pollen rain, and chest allergies.
Celebrating Mother’s Day With My Grandmother; despite her dementia she is still a blessing!

My lows for the week:

Preparing for a MIL visit, with two weeks notice!

My quote for the week:

All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his. -Unknown

My inspiration for the week:

Being able to recycle 90% of my weekly trash!

My humor for the week:

My husband singing Lambert The Lion song to my Shih Tzu, Sassy, scared over thunder this past week; those two are quite the pair!

Goals For The Coming Week:

Lose 1 pound, organize my insurance records, organize my will, walk the dogs 1/2 mile a day, have all blog assignments done on time, finish four product and boxed subscription reviews, oil paint for a few hours, take one hour for myself each night, and sleep 7 hours nightly!

Happy Sunday!

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  • Reply Lydia @ Not Afraid of the Snow May 12, 2014 at 8:52 pm

    What is your link for your ETSY store?

    I need to take our dog on a walk. I have been told that walking on cement will help to file their nails. Pretty sure we need to find something that works without paying to have her toenails trimmed.

    Hope you have a great productive week!

  • Reply Leslie May 11, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    What a cool post. Congratulation on starting your new ETSY store! I’m thinking of setting one up too. This post is pretty cool. I’m stopping by from the blog hop,& I, a new follower.

    • Reply Nicole May 11, 2014 at 7:25 pm

      Thank you so much! I am actually a licensed art dealer, as one of my undergrad degrees was in Art History, but my passion is for all things crafts! I encourage you to open a shop, and come back and post your link! I’d love to take a look! Thanks for following, and Happy Mother’s Day, diva!

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