Top 7 Indicators Of A Pest Issue

Have you been worrying about some weird things going on in your home? Do you have a sneaky suspicion you may not be alone in your home at the moment? If so, here are seven indicators that you could have a pest problem.

1. You have spotted creatures you’re not used to seeing indoors – This may sound obvious, but if you have started to see creatures you would not usually see, we’re sure you have a problem. Uninvited creatures that should raise the alarm raise from fleas and mice to wasps and rice. Ticks can also be a problem too! Luckily, there are experts in tick control that can assist with this.

2. You keep hearing strange sounds – Do you keep hearing scurrying sounds? If so, this could be a big indicator that you have a problem with mice or rats. They tend to live under the floorboards and make a lot of noise.

3. Gnawing – Have you started to notice that there are some marks on your furniture? Does it look like something has been chewing your table legs? If so, then this is another indicator that you could have problems in your home. A lot of pests like to attack furniture. The same goes if you have pests in your garden; look at your garden furniture to see if there are any gnaw marks.

4. Grease tracks and marks – Rats and mice tend to leave grease tracks across furniture and flooring. There are a number of insects that can leave greasy marks too, so this is another key sign to keep your eyes out on.

5. Dead bugs indoors – In addition to the indicators that we have mentioned above, another sign that you could have an issue is if you have noticed that there are more dead bugs in your home. If there are lots of dead bugs, the chances are that there are a lot of alive bugs somewhere else as well.

6. Strange and unpleasant smells – There are different smells that are associated with different animals and insects. For example, bed bugs have a musty and sweet odor. Rats have a very unpleasant smell, which is like ammonia, otherwise known as a very urine and musty smell. There is then the oily smell that comes from the like of roaches.

7. Droppings – Finally, another clear indicator that you have some pests in your home is that there are droppings. The appearance of droppings can differ from pest to pest. For example, roaches will typically leave droppings that look like black pellets. If you have a termite problem, the pellets will look like poppy seeds.

So there you have it: seven indicators that you could have a big problem with pests within your home. From droppings to strange and unpleasant smells, if you notice any of the signs you should get in touch with professional pest control as soon as you are able to for assistance.

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