Thinking About A Nip And Tuck?

Yeah, it’s all become very easy of late to think of ways in which we don’t quite measure up. But while most of those considerations are driven by the glossy mags of fashion designers and actually intended for those wax-like mannequins that don’t even remotely resemble reality, there are those moments in everyone’s life, where we think about what we could do to make ourselves better. Those elements of our exterior appearance are genuinely inclined to a little self-improvement.

These are those places that inherently connect with our inner beings and when “tweaked” reflect what we think of ourselves.  Sure, we can rationalize “plastic surgery” as an act of pure vanity and for sure if that’s what you need, have at it, but there are also somewhat more “wholesome” reasons for having a little work done, let’s unpack those here.

Image By catarojash

Look, there are great benefits to considering plastic surgery at any stage, but over and above the pure existential elemental version of the concept, there are a few areas in which self-improvement under the guise of, “the knife”, could add real value to your life.

A word you’re going to hear a lot of in the coming period is “lived existence” and this pertains to your journey through this thing we call “life” and how you interact with that experience. Combined with what we think we’re supposed to look and sound like while we navigate that life, provides for a big part of our “frame of reference”.

So here, we’re going to look at just a few of those elements of surgically inspired procedures that lead to a greater sense of self-acceptance.


Something of a loaded question, because it’s very much based on personal experience but the top 3 procedures in America today are:


This may surprise you or not but the #1 “plastic surgery” procedure in American today, is breast augmentation, otherwise knowns as “the boob job”.  As the name suggests, this involves increasing (or decreasing) the size of the breast in terms of actual size, versus the shape and contour of the breast.  Many reasons exist for this, but mostly it’s cited by proponents as a means to  “look better” in certain styles of clothing, or as corrective procedures post medical necessities like cancer, injury, or a less than “favorable” birthright.


What is often considered as the “wonder cure” for those of us who have a little extra in the hip or tummy area, make no mistake, liposuction is not for the faint of heart, and neither should it be.

It involves the medical “sucking” of fat from problematic areas on the body and reshaping these areas to better reflect the mental “idea” of what you may think you should look like.  Often deployed as a means to reach a certain goal in terms of self-development, it is by no means a quick fix but should rather be deployed as part of a holistic and comprehensive program.


Without a doubt when we think of this type of “work” being done, we invariably lead towards…teeth.  Even though the area encompasses all of what greets us in the morning mirror, one of the biggest issues in America today, is how white our teeth are, and this may lead you onwards to a cosmetic dentist.  You must choose the right provider for what you’re needing because a good orthodontist can do way more than just brighten up your gnashers, they can also guide you towards surgical work that will change your overall appearance and make you feel better about it besides.

All in all, whenever you’re thinking about getting a “little something” done, you should really examine all of your intentions first. You may not have what you think you want, but there is also some peace to be found in the kind of self-acceptance that loves all of you, as you are.

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