The Strange Ways Nutrition Can Impact Your Body

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Everyone knows that proper nutrition is vital for health. What you eat plays a bigger role in how healthy you feel than almost anything else. 

However, food can have some strange and unexpected impacts on you. So what’s going on? 

That’s the topic of this post. We explore some of the weird and wacky ways nutrition can affect you and what it might mean. 

Changes In Mood

According to research, more than 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut. And that matters when it comes to your mood. If you’re not getting enough of this compound, it can affect how you feel (and not always in a good way!)

Evidence suggests, however, that when people eat a better diet, it improves the gut-brain axis. The better your stomach feels, the better your mind also feels. 

Worsened Skin Health

Another way food can affect the gut is in the realm of skin health. The better the diet, the better the skin appears to look. 

Glycation can occur when people eat large quantities of sugar. It happens when proteins in the body fuse with glucose, affecting how they appear on the surface. Glycation is damaging because it can affect skin cells, causing them to look old before their time.

Furthermore, there’s growing evidence that dairy products cause acne. So if you want to avoid zits, reduce milk consumption!

Decreased Hearing

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There’s also a striking link between nutrition and hearing loss. The two appear to go hand in hand. 

Audiologists will often talk about the value of avoiding loud noises and reducing exposure to headphone music. But the main culprit is often the diet. Nutrition lacking whole foods, like fruits and vegetables, can be extra harmful to the system, causing the delicate machinery in the ears to degrade. 

Worsened Sleep Quality

Some diets can also decrease sleep quality. For example, high-sugar meals, like sugary snacks before bed, can hype up the body and prevent it from entering a restful state. The sudden influx of energy makes it want to engage in activity. 

Furthermore, diets poor in certain nutrients that support sleep can also be damaging. That’s why eating plenty of spinach, nuts, and seeds to regulate hormones, like melatonin, is so beneficial. These foods make it easier to get some shut-eye at night. 

Decreased Bone Health

Strangely, bones are also affected by what you eat. And some foods are worse than others. 

For example, if you’re a fan of sodas containing phosphoric acid, that can eat away at the calcium in the bones, causing them to become more brittle over time (increasing the risk of osteoporosis). 

Furthermore, if you don’t eat enough vitamin K2 in fermented foods like natto, you can also weaken your bones. The body needs it to add strength and increase muscle. 

Worsened Immune System

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Finally, failing to get enough zinc from food can make even mild infections dangerous. Zinc mainly comes from beef, oysters, and pumpkin seeds. However, some diets don’t have much of it, leading to problems with fighting off disease. 

Friends, has nutrition impacted your body in strange and unpredictable ways? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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