How To Defeat The 3 S’s: Summer Stress Syndrome

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People don’t get stressed the in summer. No, that can’t be true. But in fact, they do.

It’s hard to believe when the sun is shining, but stress is just as powerful in June through August than in the winter. Why? It’s because the slightest changes, even seemingly good ones, make a huge difference. The kids are at home more and you don’t have the same downtime as before. Worse, they can’t look after themselves and you have to take them to work. Or, hayfever may kill your summer buzz.

Whatever the causes, it’s time to fight and take back your summer. Here are four ways to defeat SSS.

Realize It’s A Thing

As tempting as it is, don’t prescribe to the notion that SSS doesn’t exist. A quick Google search will bring up millions of peer-reviewed studies and results. Summer stress syndrome is real and the first step to recovery is acceptance. Of course, it’s not easy to admit that there is a problem if you don’t understand the signs. With that in mind, symptoms of mood disorders are available by following the link. As you’ll find out, something as small as a change in weather can impact your mental health. So please, don’t act strong when you need help.

Find A Solution

The intro outlined a couple of reasons why you might feel stress more acutely in the summer. Do they relate to you and your life? If they do, then it’s time to find a quick and easy fix. Take hayfever as an example.

Okay, so your body has let you down and June, July August are very uncomfortable months. However, it doesn’t have to stay this way with the right treatments. Powerful over-the-counter medicines are available, but the doctors have access to the good stuff. As basic as it sounds, hay fever sufferers often dismiss it as something not worth bothering about even when it has a negative impact.

Drop The Kids Off At A Club

For parents, the idea that their children can be a burden is sacrilege. They are the most important thing in the world. It’s true, but it’s also a fact that they are demanding. Kids aren’t known for their diplomacy and that can make them difficult to manage.

To do it throughout the summer vacation is a recipe for disaster, which is why you should enroll them in a kid’s club. Whether you work or not, it gives you a break while filling their days with fun, engaging activities.

Release Tension

Last but not least, focus on the best way to relieve the stress. Understanding the causes and giving yourself time is essential, but they are steps to a single goal. The final thing you have to do is get rid of the pent-up aggression in the body.

Lots of people do this differently, yet exercise tends to be popular across the board. From hitting a punch bag to yoga and pilates, physical activity is a venue for release.

Are you a sufferer? Now that you know, how do you plan on enjoying the summer?

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