Spring Into Action: Get Your Home Ready For A Deep Clean In 5 Simple Steps

Spring has finally sprung, and it’s time to put those winter blues behind us. The warm weather and fresh blooms are the perfect excuses for a deep clean and decluttering of our homes.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded task. With a bit of preparation and a positive attitude, you can turn this into a fun and money-saving experience. By taking the time to declutter and reorganize, you’ll not only have a cleaner home. But you’ll also be able to get rid of items you no longer need and make room for things that truly bring joy to your life. And who doesn’t want that? 

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1. Make A Plan

The first step to a successful spring clean is to make a plan. This can be as simple as creating a list of rooms or areas you want to focus on. Or as detailed as scheduling specific tasks for each day. Having a plan in place will help you stay organized and motivated. And ensures you don’t miss any important areas. Check out these spring cleaning must-dos if you’re unsure where to start.

2. Make Sure You Have Supplies

Before you start your spring clean, make sure you have all the supplies you need. This includes cleaning products, storage containers, and trash bags, to name a few. You may also want to invest in a few new tools. Like a vacuum or steam cleaner to help you get the job done more efficiently. If you have any areas crying out for a deep clean, consider upholstery cleaning services. 

3. Focus On Functionality

Spring cleaning isn’t just about getting rid of clutter and dirt; it’s also about making your home more functional. Take this opportunity to reorganize your spaces so that they work better for you and your family. For example, you can rearrange your furniture to create more space or install shelves to make better use of your vertical storage. If you need some inspiration, check out Marie Kondo. She’ll show you how to streamline your belongings, so you only hold onto things that bring you joy. 

4. Go Room By Room

Tackling your entire home all at once can be overwhelming. Make the process more manageable by focusing on one room at a time. Start with the most cluttered space and work your way through the rest of your home. As you go, make a pile of items you no longer need. And once you’ve finished cleaning, you can decide whether to donate, sell, or trash them.

5. Get Creative With Storage Solutions

Finally, it’s time to get creative with your storage solutions. Instead of spending money on new furniture or storage containers, look for ways to repurpose what you already have. For example, you can use wine crates as shelving or hang pots and pans from a kitchen rack. By getting creative, you’ll not only save money but also add a unique touch to your home. Youtube and Pinterest are home to millions of repurposing ideas to help you get DIYing. 


Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded task. Following these simple tips can turn it into a fun and satisfying experience. So grab a glass of lemonade, put on your favorite playlist, and get started. And don’t forget to share yours before and after photos with us! We’d love to see the transformation you’ve made. Happy cleaning!

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