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December No-Spend Month Day 3: Giving Local Experience Gifts!

Countdown to Christmas december day 3
Good morning, savvy savers! For Day 3 of this months No-Spend Challenge, I’d like to share one of the ways I have found to cut back on my holiday spending, and that is with the gift of experience gifts for the kiddos!

Around here we like to give experiences as gifts because we aren’t ‘stuff’ kind of people; I don’t like to stare things and beyond this, months after the season, As well, after having spent half of this year painstakingly going over and re-over the Kon’Mari cleaning method,  I can admittedly state that I am anti-clutter, and intend for my home to stay as such!  In fact, I often tell people when they ask what someone in our home would like for the holidays or birthdays, I graciously request that everyone be taken out on the town for an activity and to lunch.  I mean isn’t a quiet home a gift for me too?

What’s really nice about experience gifts, from my own personal experience, is that these gifts tend to cost at least half of what traditional gifts (especially toys) cost, will be remembered long after the experience is over, and often snowball into “traditional gifts,” where family members are encouraged to repetitively give the same experience gift each year, revealing them of the task of guessing what overpriced, underutilized gift someone in our family will want for the holidays! In any event, here’s a list of ideas that your kiddos, young and old, can’t break, fight over, and that will last longer than Christmas Day:

  •  Zoo pass: This time of year many zoos will slash the price of 2016 zoo passes by half or more, and since passes can be further discounted in packs of four or more, consider having several adults go in on the price to make each ticket affordable and reusable! 
  • Skating rink passes: Just like with Zoos packs of tickets, including those to sleep-ins will be reduced in price, and some even come with discounted food vouchers. 
  • Lessons (art, dance, karate, guitar, swim, etc.): Consider giving the gift of beginner lessons, in the amount of a month of lessons to various activities, to see just how interested the kiddos might be in an activity; this also applies to adult painting and dancing classes as well. The nice thing about this gift is that most centers offer two-complimentary lessons, which tacked onto your two remaining weeks of lessons, should score you a month pass on the cheap! Be sure to check out Groupon, Living Social, and Amazon Local which always have holiday deals on local activity events. 
  • Children’s museum pass: It goes without saying that the world is simply not as spectacular without art, natural science, or applied sciences. Why not give kiddos of all ages the opportunity to check these events out later on during the year. Consider buying Spring Break passes, which are always slashed in price during December, and storing the tickets away for a raining Spring day?  Also, Bank of America this month will be offering free tickets nationally to several museums, and so you can score free, digital tickets perfect for gift giving this holiday season!
  • Day Ski pass: Know someone with a penchant for the powdery crests of snow? Did you know that this time of year you can score a free kiddo ski pass, along with free lesson voucher, and often you can snag one for yourself as well? Be sure to pick one up now, and use these passes for the snowy days ahead in Winter, such as MLK Day! 
  • National Parks: Did you know that on every Federal Holiday the National Park Service allows free admittance to parks? Or if you are a Veteran or Active Military (thank you for your service, by the way), you can also score free passes as well? Consider giving the kiddos an IOU for later in the year for a park of your choice, which will give you many months to plan a trip on the cheap around your IOU. 
  • Aquarium pass: Like with zoo and museum passes, now if the time to look for deeply discounted aquarium passes for this coming summer. Look for prices well below half now! 
  • Free or Cheap Gift card for their favorite restaurant: Consider taking your favorite relative out for a meal! always features December deals for local eateries, often hosting certificates as low as $5.00 for a $25.00 certificate (tax and gratuity not included). Also consider cashing out your Swagbucks and iBotta savings for gift cards to Starbucks; one of my favorite gift ideas if pairing free Starbucks gift cards with outings to look at lights for the kiddos on my holiday list. This gift gives parents much needed time to themselves, and gives the kiddos a break during the stressful holiday season from their parents too! 
  • Water park pass: Consider giving the kiddos, and yourself, a summer water park pass for up-to 75% in the month of December! Pair this gift with a few kitschy things from the dollar tree, like a lea, sunscreen, and flamingo toy, and summer tote bag, and you are set for a summer of fun on the cheap!
  • Summer Movie clubs: Calling all movie buff families! Consider giving the gift of summer movie club passes for the kiddos later in the year. Regal Movie Theaters around the country sell not just in May, but also in December, $1 Summer Movies passes, per film, for kids this summer for the blockbuster 2016 Summer season. This begins in May or June, depending upon the theater. As well, Cinemark theaters will be running one children’s movie per week (rated G or PG) for 10 weeks during the summer. Tickets are $1 per person per movie, but you can buy a bundle in advance and pay $5 for all 10 movies! That’s 50¢ a movie! Showtimes and movie titles will vary by theater, so consider buying summer movie packs for this kiddos in December! 

So, those are some of my favorite budget-friendly gifts for the kiddos of all ages this holiday season. If you also give such gifts I’d love to hear about it below.

Here’s to saving,



December No-Spend Challenge Day 1: Meal Planning & Pantry Inventory!

Hello again, savvy savers! As many of my readers and online friends may know, I am always juggling several projects, business opportunities, scholastic goals, and home projects at any given time. With so much constantly going on, it’s sometimes easy to forget one of my main passions, and antithesis for this blog, the ability to save money, while live a better live, in hopes of having a “whole living blog,” to help me have a better run life. So, I have decided to take an old-school approach to spending, and so today finds us with the first day of my last NO SPENDING month cycle for 2015! 

Why this crazy idea? Well, a month of NO spending is an awesome way to both reset your spending patterns, as well as to either kick-start your budget or revamp and make changes to any existing budget you or your family may have. This is also a great challenge for personal responsibility; you can track what you have been spending your hard earned funds, and keep yourself on track, in terms of responsible spending thereafter. 

I will be blogging daily about my NO SPEND struggles, victories, and suggestions from the previous day, and will be posting easy-to-follow daily challenges for my readers during my no-spend months. As well, each Sunday will share what I’ve learned, saved, and gained from this challenge as part of my Weekly Goals & Reflections Posts. I hope that many of you will join me in this challenge, as we can all you use more ways to save around the home.

The rules are pretty simple:  

  • No spending on anything  beyond absolute necessities.
  • Eat from your pantry & freezer as often as you are able.
  • And make changes to the way you purchase and consume goods, services, and commodities in your home. 
  • The idea of the challenge is to keep up with your daily activities,, but the main goal is simply to stop spending.  
  • This challenge can be a life changing experience, as you may just be amazed at how your mindset and perspective will change after just a month of seeing how you can enrich your life, without spending more!

There are a few exceptions to the rule as follows:

  1. Unavoidable expenses related to employment, such as gas, are okay.
  2. Unavoidable school related expenses.
  3. Doctors appointments, veterinarian appointments, co-payments, family/pet prescriptions, and therapy sessions are okay.
  4. Do keep existing service and repair appointments that can’t be rescheduled to “Spending” months, such as hair appointments, lawn care services, trash removal, in-home repair services, etc.
  5. Do keep existing tithing and charitable giving.
  6. Do have an adequate stockpile of necessities prior to beginning this challenge, such as pet food, bedding, litter, laundry detergent, dish soap, snow salts, bottled water and emergency staples (if you live in areas frequently affected by seasonal weather), etc. 
  7. Do keep up with healthy living habits. I will continue to use my envelope saving system to fund app purchase rebates (iBotta, Shopmium, Snap by Groupon) for fresh produce and milk savings that may pop-up during my no-spend months; due to my PCOS I need several servings of fruits and veggies daily, and these app savings help keep my freezer stocked on a budget. 
  8. And it goes without saying, please do pay all of our monthly obligations; rent, mortgage, insurance, utility payments, banking fees,  student/financial/business loans, medical expenses, and assumed or credit card debt. 

December is not just about not spending, although that will be our main goal, but ways to budget this holiday season, and start 2016 without the pervasive, oppressive debt of this current holiday season.  As always challenge each of you to find ways to live well, live better, find new sources of joy, will spending less. You may just find out just how much we already have, and how little more we really need.  And hopefully, by the end of this month, a life rich with family, friends, and creative planning, secured by fiscally responsible measures, will be who we truly are.

This month I will be setting a personal challenge to earn, save, and reallocate $1,000.00 to be used towards my families holiday expenses. Today’s challenges will help me create one-third of this funding. Here’s how:

Challenge 1: Part 1, Commitment

This first challenge has two parts. The first part of the first challenge is committing to the challenge itself. Knowing that starting any personal challenge, starts with following through with the challenge itself, and this no-spend month is no exception! 

Also knowing that this October is not just about not spending, although that will be our main goal.  I always challenge each of you to find ways to live well, live better, find new sources of joy, will spending less. You may just find out just how much we already have, and how little more we really need.  And hopefully, by the end of them month, a life rich with family, friends, and creative planning, secured by fiscally responsible measures, will be who we truly are. In addition, I hope to make my posts comments section a place of encouragement and accountability for us all, too!

I’m not gonna lie, there presumably will be tough moments, and for that reason, with one week remaining, stock-up on any items you currently feel you cannot do without. But the biggest reason for following through with this month daily challenges? In the month of February, I was able to save $1,456.87

This month is not about thinking what you won’t be spending and economizing on, but what you are saving for!

The second part of this challenge? To physically take a few  minutes to make a list for this month, to include the following:

  • How much you plan to save this month.
  • What are your long-term financial goals.
  • What activities will you plan this month, to take the place of your spending.

So, for this part of the challenge you should create a simple, one-page spending commitment sheet. Keep in mind that this challenge is family-centered in nature. For it’s always easier when savers help to keep one another accountable. So be sure to discuss your plans with your immediate family, those living in your home and who will be enveloped in your pursuit of this month’s challenges. I’ve already filled my sheet out, and will have hubby sign our pledge this evening as well. For those who have signed their pledge, be sure to post a picture of your pledge to Instagram with the hashtag #DebtFreeHolidays2015.  

Part Two: Meal Planning and Inventory:

The bulk of this month’s challenges will be holiday related, but in order to get onto the tinsel and bows, we must first tackle the practical issues first. If your families budget is anything like my own, then food, and its initial cost, is a big part of this budget. For this month’s challenge, we will be looking 

Before beginning this challenge, we will need to address pantry and stockpile organization, meal planning, and freezer cooking meals. 

Step 1- Pantry Organization:

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My stockpile, though hard earned, is an immense blessing to my home. And as they say, to whom much is given, much is asked, and this rule equally applies to my stockpile! My stockpile saves my family thousands of dollars a year, but I must honestly admit is the most neglected area in my home. But no more! So today, I challenge you all to clean up your stockpile! 

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Rotate your stockpile. “Rotating your stockpile” means rotating your stockpile per season. You will need to place goods in order of expiration date, my seasonal usage, as well as keeping climate into consideration; you may need to start storing it in one location for summer and another location for winter, in terms of baking tools, cans, chemicals, etc.. 
  2. Long Term Storage: If you plan to store any item for longer than a week or two, you need to know its long-term storage requirements. Some items will only last months or longer if stored in a cool, dry place. Some items must be stored in a refrigerated or frozen environment in order to last longer. Make lists, and create sub-areas in your stockpile; examples are canned goods, cosmetics, paper products, etc.
  3. Take Note of Patterns: Start a list of your product usage, this will allow you to see what you need, will use in a years time, and what should be donated accordingly. Unused goods are cash wasted.
  4. Last Forever Items: Nothing lasts forever. Even goods such as bottled water, start to have an altered taste after a decade, so keep this in mind.
  5. Canned and Preserved Goods: Keep inventory and note the dates of home-preserved items; a rule of thumbs is to keep items no longer than eighteen month. 
  6. Pests: Pests love your stockpile, almost as much as you do! Be sure to check goods monthly, especially in Summer, and any goods that look altered, chuck immediately! 
  7. Dehumidifier: Humidity can alter and mold many goods, so consider running a dehumidifier twice weekly. When able purchase an energy saving dehumidifier with accumulated survey gift cards for free, then deduct part of the cost off your tax return; the deductible amount will pay for the power used to dehumidify your stockpile space!

So, all-in-all, not bad for a mornings work! Keep in mind, this project took me a little less than three hours, during which time I was able to clean out three shelves of goods, and the best part… I assembled sixteen boxes worth of goods which are being donated today to a local women’s shelter and homeless pantry! This project took three hours, I was able to clean out three shelves of goods, and the best part… I assembled sixteen boxes worth of goods which are being donated today to a local women’s shelter and homeless pantry! Also, if you chose to donate goods to a registered non-for-profit with a 501 (c3) tax status, you can claim your goods at half the current market pricing value (so be sure to price goods, save receipts, and use price point guides as you prep items for donation), and the tax receipt you receive can ultimately reimburse you for all of the good, gas, ink, and paper expenses for your coupons thus far this year! Woohoo! 

What I learned from October’s No-Spend Monthly Challenge!

Hello again, savvy savers! October’s No-Spend Daily Challenge, as part of the #31DayLWSZ Challenge, is now over! I want to discuss my experience this past weeks savings victories, challenges, and learning curves this past month of challenges. 

The rules were pretty simple:  

  • No spending on anything  beyond absolute necessities.
  • Eat from your pantry & freezer as often as you are able.
  • And make changes to the way you purchase and consume goods, services, and commodities in your home. 
  • The idea of the challenge is to keep up with your daily activities,, but the main goal is simply to stop spending.  
  • This challenge can be a life changing experience, as you may just be amazed at how your mindset and perspective will change after just a month of seeing how you can enrich your life, without spending more!

There were a few exceptions to the rule as follows:

  1. Unavoidable expenses related to employment, such as gas, are okay.
  2. Unavoidable school related expenses.
  3. Doctors appointments, veterinarian appointments, co-payments, family/pet prescriptions, and therapy sessions are okay.
  4. Do keep existing service and repair appointments that can’t be rescheduled to “Spending” months, such as hair appointments, lawn care services, trash removal, in-home repair services, etc.
  5. Do keep existing tithing and charitable giving.
  6. Do have an adequate stockpile of necessities prior to beginning this challenge, such as pet food, bedding, litter, laundry detergent, dish soap, snow salts, bottled water and emergency staples (if you live in areas frequently affected by seasonal weather), etc. 
  7. Do keep up with healthy living habits. I will continue to use my envelope saving system to fund app purchase rebates (iBotta, Shopmium, Snap by Groupon) for fresh produce and milk savings that may pop-up during my no-spend months; due to my PCOS I need several servings of fruits and veggies daily, and these app savings help keep my freezer stocked on a budget. 
  8. And it goes without saying, please do pay all of our monthly obligations; rent, mortgage, insurance, utility payments, banking fees,  student/financial/business loans, medical expenses, and assumed or credit card debt. 

This NO Spend month was not just about a decrease in spending, but a  challenge to find ways to live well, live better, find new sources of joy, will spending less. This month proved to be a time of being able to a life rich with family, friends, and creative planning, secured by fiscally responsible measures. This month was made all the better by the amount of encouragement and accountability shared by all of my readers, too!

I’m not gonna lie, there were tough moments, moments I felt I was simply doing without;  I longed for Cherry Coke Zero, Brumble & Brown Strawberry Spread, and a large bag of Life Should Taste Gluten-Free Chips!

This month I was able to save a total of $1,021.34, and some of the ways I did this were by:

  • Pantry Organization
  • Utilizing On Hand Food Options To Help Make Weekly Menu Ideas Sheets
  • Learning Home to “Dine Out At Home”
  • Working on a personal #Choose30 Challenge
  • Creating a local Coupon Swap
  • Rain-Check Shopping for next months needed coupon staples and groceries
  • Learning ways to  Save On Monthly Utility Bills
  • Learning ways to better clean my home
  • Establishing Cleaning Routines & Decluttering Zones)
  • Establishing new, lasting ways to organize by Bathrooms & Linen Closet
  • I clean off my Counter-tops
  • I Clean Out my Closet
  • I organized my Home Office & Craft Room 
  • I sold my closet finds on Facebook Local Groups, Craigslist, and eBay which garnered $213.00
  • I sold crafts on ETSY totaling $109.00 from items I had on hand
  • I started selling patterns on Crafsty

All-in-all, I am pleased with this months progress and will be thinking of new and better ways to save come December’s next No-Spend Month Challenge! The funds from this challenge went towards my yearly savings goal for acquiring a rental property/tax sale in the year and a half to come. I am proud of myself, and so proud of you all as well. If you were able to follow along with this challenge, I’d love to hear about it!

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Last month my top new ways to save a total of $838.46 by:

  • Pantry Organization
  • Utilizing On Hand Food Options To Help Make Weekly Menu Ideas Sheets
  • Learning Home to “Dine Out At Home”
  • Working on a personal #Choose30 Challenge to be more positive daily.
  • Rain-Check Shopping for next months needed coupon staples and groceries from this last weekend.
  • I clean off my Counter-tops to use as workstation areas for donating, sorting, and prepping donations.
  • I listed and sold items via eBay, Craiglist, Facebook Local Groups, and Craftsy patterns. 
  • Had an in-home spa day and saved $32.00! 
  • Upcycled several new home projects. 
  • Our family ate from our crock-pot for a week! 

I did have a few set backs this week though. My husband needed to take the entire $80.00 cushion I set aside for this months produce and incidentals budget for an impromptu school robotics club he is the sponsor of, as well as the funds needed for an oil change (for his car that was suppose to have previously been taken care of). Mind you I was a little taken back to find my home stripped of cash, sodas, and my pre-purchased Halloween candy (candy and sodas to help supplement our family and his 14 students going with him on this trip). My saving grace? Three hours after he left for his day-trip, I received not one, but four ETSY shop orders (that I already had the materials on hand for, score!), which not only reimbursed my budget, but paid for the missing household staples, and set my savings goal ahead by $27.00!

So, all’s well that ends well here is the Roberts household. 

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As well here are a few ways I have been able to accomplish my no-spend goals this past week: 

  1. I woke up at 6:25 daily, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I read three review books. 
  4. I finished today’s Day 1-7 No-Spend Challenges!
  5. I enjoyed a free Chik-fil-a- frozen latte!
  6. I cooked from my pantry, eleven times.
  7. I walked for three miles every other day!
  8. I finished all of my daily blog posts on time!
  9. Read my daily devotional.
  10. I cleaned out my coupon cabinet, paper files for my ETSY business, and recycled numerous bins of random scraps of fabric around my craft room, too! 

My tally of last weeks savings are:

  • I was able to procure 16 new rain-checks savings $54.00 in savings.
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home thirteen times, saving our family $77.93. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $1.20, the cost of 6 trash bags. 
  • I enjoyed a free Chik-fil-a frozen latte, for free, a savings of $2.99!
  • I received $32.98 worth of product review items, which can be placed in my home gift closet!
  • My family drank water for one, and saved $7.30, the cost of a five 2-liters of soda.
  • We made DIY fireplace starters, savings $12.98 over commercial pricing. 
  • We used earned gift card dollars at Sam’s Club to buy gas, saving us $20.04.
  • We made DIY hand sanitizer bottles, saving our family $7.98.
  • We made DIY wet dog food, saving out family $19.98 over a case of pet food cans. 

So, overall my family saved $138.38

This months savings goal remaining: +$49.62 for this month. 

All-in-all, I am pleased with this past months progress and will be thinking of new and better ways to save come the next months ahead! Mind you this progress is in part due to my families use of earned and gifted survey cards; I’ve read a lot of people state that they will not be using them on the challenge, but for me and mine, we love them. I legitimize these cards as ALL were earned from taking surveys, using savings apps, or by wining contest, paid affiliate campaigns, and giveaways. Free money is just that, free

I’m excited to note that these funds will be able to be allocated for last-minute holiday gifts, holiday donations, and Angle Tree presents this holiday season. As well, a fourth of the funds from this challenge went towards my yearly savings goal for acquiring a rental property/tax sale in the year and a half to come.  I am proud of myself, and so proud of you all as well.

If you were able to follow along with this past weeks #31DayLWSZ challenge, I’d love to hear about it!

Here’s to Saving,


October No-Spend Challenge Day 18: Make Extra Money Using Fiverr!

Hello again, savvy savers! I hope this morning finds you well rested, and ready for a new days challenge! As last week was all about selling the goods gleaned from the week before lasts household deep cleaning No-Spend Challenges, I wanted to change gears this morning, and focus on the ways in which we can all make a few dollars, not by selling goods, but by capitalizing on our talents and abilities, using As many wives and mothers work from home, or within the home, and having alternative, ethical, encouraging ways to generate extra income is always a welcome resource, especially as the holiday season vast approaches! For this reason, has become on of my favorite go-to resources for making extra funds in my spare time! 




  • If you don’t know what fiverr is, you can signup on their website to list “gigs,” small, composed videos you create, educating people on some sort of activity, and in exchange you are paid $5.00!
  • Once you sell enough gigs, you become eligible to offer higher priced gigs and can make more money.

How to Start a Account:

  1. The first step is signing up on their website.
  2. Once you’re logged in, you need create a gig.
  3. Under the new and improved Fiverr (V2), you click the Sales link in the top navigation.
  4. Next click on “My Gigs” from the right hand side of the page.
  5. Now you should see a big green button that says “ADD A NEW GIG”.
  6. Start by creating a gig title.
  7. It’s important to remember that when you’re first getting started on Fiverr, you can only sell 5 dollar gigs. 
  8. Sell something you think is valuable to somebody else but won’t take you forever to complete. 
  9. Fulfilling orders means delivering your gig on time within the time frame you specified. 
  10. In order to complete your gig listing, you need to pick a category and provide a description. 
  11. You will then be able to complete a listing, and that’s it!
  12. You can list up to 10 Gigs at a time.
  13. You’re now a Fiverr! 

Here are also a few Fiverr Tips:

  • You may think 10 orders and excellent ratings is difficult to accomplish, but within a few weeks you will have automated your videos and the process will be much simpler. 
  • Another thing to note is Fiverr will allow you to upload a video into your gig gallery.
  • Fiverr claims that gigs with videos are viewed almost 3X more often than gigs without video. 
  • Once you have uploaded either a picture or video to your gig gallery, you can tag your gig with up to 5 keywords and provide any special instructions to the buyer.
  • After you publish your gig, it may need review before going live on the website.
  • My very first gig was automatically reviewed, but approved within 24 hours.
  • After your gig has been approved and is listed as active in your Fiverr dashboard, you should start promoting it to your friends, family, and anybody else you think might be interested in buying your product or service. For instance, if you’re on Twitter, tweet it. Tons of friends on Facebook? Post it!
  • Fiverr charges a fee. Fiverr takes a 20% cut on every gig.
  • Therefore, your $5 in your pocket payout is now $4, but still a fair payment. 

What would make good gigs?

  • Are you a homeschooling parent, an educator, or an instructor? Consider showing others learning/teaching techniques or sample lesson plans.
  • Are you an awesome home chef? Post a recipe.
  • Can you juggle? Demonstrate a trick.
  • Are you an awesome storyteller? Record a story.
  • Are you a crafter? Show a demo on a DIY crafting project.
  • Are you a seasoned married couple? Share a video on advice and practice living.
  • Topics are limitless!

So, if you are interested in making money on Fiverr, give it a shot and you may surprise yourself. Do your homework though, and really think about something you can sell that provides value to the world around you. You may only be a few minutes away from being 5 dollars richer! 

So, for today I challenge you to create a account, create a gig, post a video, and wait for the gigs to come in! 

Be sure to check back tomorrow for a new daily challenge!


Here’s to saving,


October No-Spend Challenge Day 13: Craft Room Decluttering!

October No-Spend Challenge Day 13-

Good morning, savvy savers! Can you believe we are almost half-way finished with this month! So, today is going to be another organization day, but today we will be focusing on our home offices, bookshelves, craft areas, and/or home libraries. 

This is a very important challenge for me as I work from home, and so I spend an inordinate amount of time at my desk. You would think that would mean I automatically have the motivation to keep that area neat and tidy at all times.  And while generally speaking my desk is clutter-free, my drawers, rolling cabinets, and shelves are not!  My inbox/outbox too, was a mess, and my vertical files were full of unneeded papers, review guides, and coupons I hadn’t looked in several months. I firmly believe that home are our most important investments, and therefore our most important business. Keeping this space organized is essential to keeping our homes running more smoothly. 

So, for today I challenge you to join me in cleaning up these areas in our homes. 

A few tips to consider today in your home office:

  • Create a container for important family and personal documents; this includes licenses, insurance forms, medical records, etc.
  • Clear out your coupon binders, and make room for the extra inserts coming this Spring; be sure to donate coupons to Coups For Troops
  • Tax files over five years in age, can be shredded and discarded.
  • Be sure to recycle all paper products.
  • Magazines can be donated to public schools and libraries.
  • Tackle boxes make awesome crafting, beading, and thread organizers.
  • Consider grouping like books together on shelves; educational, biographies, fiction, non-fiction, etc.
  • Any books you would not consider either home reference editions or you would gladly re-read, place to the side, for local book swaps or library donations. 
  • Re-think your office furniture; dressers, buffets, and other larger pieces can still be functional desk spaces, and will allow you to have cabinet space, too!

So, all-in-all, I’m really excited about yesterday’s progress in my craft room and office!

So, I was able to:

  1. I cleared off my desk.
  2. I organized my dining room bookshelves, putting like groups together, and placing non re-reads to a bin for a later book swap weekend.
  3. I took the binders and manuals I previously housed in on my dining room shelves, and placed them on an upcycled shelf in my office.
  4. I turned my former dining room buffet station into an office credenza to hold my craft room staples.
  5. I sorted through my personal files, and established a personal box for my husband and I both, as well as created a new lock box system for credit cards, cash, gift cards, etc.
  6. I cleaned out my coupon binder.

I felt completely overwhelmed when I started, and utterly victorious when I stopped! Woohoo!

I was also able to accomplish:

  1. As part of my #Choose30 Daily Challenge, I woke up at 7:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I finished a day’s worth of clerking assignments ahead of schedule!
  4. I cooked from my pantry for each meal.
  5. Read my daily devotional.
  6. I waked two miles.

So, what were you able to accomplish today, I’d love to hear about it below!


Here’s to saving,


October No-Spend Month Day 12: 40 Hanger Closet Makeover!

October No-Spend Daily Challenge Day 12-

Good morning, savvy savers! Today I challenged you all to tackle cleaning out your little caves of wonder, your bedroom closets! If you are anything like me, your closet was nothing short of a time capsule of the last decade of your life, and probably need a cleaning overhaul today.

You were allotted: 40 hangers, a skinny bin, and that’s it! So, how did you all do today? For me, I was able to clean out my closet and had eight hangers left over, woohoo! As well, all of my purged clothes will be used next week during our “selling week;” all of the clothes being purged can be donated, sold, or upcycled, too! My closet, which was already small, went from having the rod bowing in the center, to being freed up! I can now see all of the pieces I love! I forgot I still had my Burberry wrap! How awesome is that! 

Now, before anyone asks, my boxes shoes are located above my closet, and I have an awesome, huge set of built-in drawers which house my house clothes, pajamas, scarves, and more. But my closet, long the place where garments were pressed together so tightly they could not move, is now free-flowing, organized by fabric, and I now feel that despite losing a few dozen items, I have more options, as every item I kept I can fit, and just love! 

As I organized my closet I kept three piles: A pile of wearable outfits, a pile of donations, and a pile of clothes which can be sold. And when I was finished I tried on each and every outfit in the keep pile, and guess what? Three outfits were too large for me currently, which was an awesome,affirming moment for me! All-in-all, this was painless, and left me feeling elated! 

The 40 hanger system is a keeper for me! 

Why clean out your closet? Did you know that famed couturier Coco Channel’s Parisian atelier’s closet was half the size of a modern women’s wardrobe closet? And so like many French women of style, Coco stocked her closet with essentials; dresses, blouses, pants, shoes, and accessories that could be worn for decades, not a single season. Chances are your closet is full of outdated, over-sized, under-worn garnets, which beyond taking up valuable space, are virtually blocking your view of all the pieces you love and look the best on you! 

With this idea in mind… I strive to keep an stylish, utilitarian wardrobe, and perhaps you can as well!

So here are a few tips to help you purge your closet:

  • Purge veraciously.  Keep only the items that you absolutely love, can comfortably fit, and wear on a regular basis.  
  • If something doesn’t fit “just right,” has holes, stains, is out of season, or you haven’t worn in one year, toss it! 
  • Skinny Bin. For clothes that you are five pounds from fitting, create a bin or basket which can be placed in the top of your closet; no more than ten pieces. 
  • Think Fabric. Torn or stained items, made of interested fabrics, can be reprieved from the donation bin, and instead may be cut into strips or squares for crafting; think pillo cases, framed vintage tees, tee-shirt rugs, and more! 
  • Invest in great hangers.  Think smaller, huggable hangers for clothing, and bendable hangers for swearers; plastic hangers can be re-purposed to hang fabric in your craft room, and wire hangers can be stored for wreath forms.
  • Maximize your losses.  Purged items can be sold via Craigslist, eBay, Facebook, consignment shops, Threadup, or garage sales.

So, here’s the before and after:

Before & After

Don’t think of this as a chore, but a life lesson. By purging the things we don’t need, want, or use, we are making room for all of the clothing and accessories that make our bodies look and feel better. Today we are freeing ourselves for the bigger, better deals.

So today, let’s see how we can change our perspectives, one closet at a time!


Be sure to check back tomorrow for the Day 13 challenge! 

Here’s to saving,


October No-Spend Month Challenge Day 11: Kitchen Decluttering

#31DayLWSZ Challenge Day 10-

Hello again, savvy savers! So for the Day 11 challenge, I want to discuss kitchen counter tops. 

For me, the kitchen is the heartbeat of our home, but too often our kitchen counters are cluttered, disorganized, and undervalued! This lack of prime household real estate, in my opinion, could be much better utilizes the day-to-day activities of a home. So, today I challenge you to incompletely clean off your counter-tops. This should be no longer than a 1-hour project for today’s #31DayLWSZ challenge! 

A points I would like to add as a caveat to this challenge:

  • You may be thinking, is that really more convenient? Yes, is it. While leaving tools, crocks, and small appliances on the counters seems easier, this allows for your tools and appliances to be subjected to spatters of food, grime, bacteria, staph, and other contaminants. We place dishes in cabinets to prevent this same scenario, why not for your small appliances? 

Also consider the following:

  • Will it take more than two seconds to pull out a toaster? How long does it take to plug-in?
  • How often is the appliance used?
  • Do you have to clean the item more than you would stored in an above cupboard?
  • What is the cost of purchasing, cleaning, and laundering appliance cozzies?

Consider the cost of a messy counter:

  • Is the cost of leaving a small appliance plugged-in, and potentially sitting as a fire hazard or phantom power source truly worth it?
  • An appliance regularly used for 1-3 minutes daily, remains plugged-in constantly, and so small appliances are a power phantom source; this can cost as much as $1.00-$2.00/month, per item! 
  • Also worth noting, the appliance most likely to cause house fires, according to the National Home Owners Association, toasters! 
  • You may also be thinking, will my cabinets be able to hold these items? Yes, I believe so. Divide cabinets by need, cook and food prep, dishes, and the like, and if items will not fit, and they have not been used within six months, consider donating or selling these items! 
  • Larger appliances, such as stand mixers, can also usually be stored in larger, vertical below counter cabinets, as well. 
  • Mid-size appliances such as  bread machine, blender, immersion blender, and rice cooker can easily fit into most cabinets. 


So how should you go about this? Follow these steps:

  1. Declutter your cabinets: Clear out your cupboards of anything that you don’t use on a regular basis. Make room in your dining room, basement, or stockpile area for seasonal items, such as punch bowls and holiday dishes. Purge, recycle, sell, or donate items that have not been used in a year. 
  2. Zone your cabinets: I have a zone for coffee, baking, and pets; keep like items together. Creating zones in your kitchen helps to keep your cabinets organized, helps you to know where to store things, and helps you work more efficiently in the day-to-day running of your home. 
  3. Create Nook Spaces For All Other Items: Anything random, left over, and not able to be placed into cabinets, think of creative, upcycled ways to display and store these items. 
  4. Keep Counters Cleared: Nightly, as part of your bedtime home routine, simply take the items misplaced on your counters, and go put them away. 



The process of minimizing your kitchen, clearing off your counters, and creating new home work stations is not an overnight process. It takes work. You will probably be able to clear off your counters in an hour, give or take the existing items you have on hand, but the real time will come into maintaining this standard– unless you work at keeping order in your kitchen, you will never have order in your kitchen. 

This project will pay out great dividends in the long run, I promise! Know I’m pulling for you today!

Be sure to check back in tonight for my daily recap!

Here’s to saving,
