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DIY Organic Daily Shower Cleaner

August No-Spend Month

Hello again, savvy savers! With many of us elbow-deep in Spring cleaning projects and chores, I thought that this would be a great time to post the recipe for one of my favorite go-to organic cleaners, $0.25 DIY Organic Daily Shower Cleaner!

What sets this cleaner apart is that like it’s commercial namesake, this blend is natural, organic, and safe for all members of your family to use daily. Here’s how to make it:

[yumprint-recipe id=’48’]



DIY Natural Orange Cleaner!

Minimalist Meal Plan Monday's


Hello, everyone! With so many currently in the throes of Spring Cleaning, today I wanted to share with you my recipe for DIY, Organic Orange Cleaner. I love this cleaner because it is organic, non-toxic, child and pet-safe, and acts as both a surface disinfectant and an all-purpose cleaner. The best part? You can make a years worth of cleaner for under $5.00! And with the average cost of store-bought orange cleaner often in upwards of 3.89 a bottle, that’s a savings of $48.68 a year!

Here’s how to make this!

[yumprint-recipe id=’70’] And if you’d like to see this cleaner made, I’ve included the live Periscope demo that my husband and I put together from our account. 

Overall, this is an awesome cleaner. I enjoy it’s simple, organic, I know exactly what’s in it makeup, and it’s affordability is amazing as well. It’s something that has really worked well in my home. I hope you will enjoy it too!

Here’s to greener, more affordable living!


Why I became a Minimalist

A.A. Milne


I’ve tossed about a lot of topics to blog about this month and just kept coming back to one topic, minimalism

I often blog about home management and ways to maintain a more natural lifestyle. But what I haven’t discussed is why. And the reason I haven’t is that of fear of people’s opinions on my lifestyle. You see, I’m a minimalist. And the word minimalism has such a negative connotation to many Americans. Many believe being a minimalist means you are sacrificing things, simply giving away mementos of a hard-earned nature. That being a minimalist means you are not taking advantage of all that is available in the modern world today.

While that may be the perception of some, that may not always be the case. For when one takes the time to truly learn about what minimalism really is, they may find out it can not only help improve one’s life but help you save money and live a more natural lifestyle. Minimalism can lead to happier lives!

My personal journey into minimalism began a few years ago in the midst of personal crisis. My family was $78,000 in debt, I had just suffered my first miscarriage, my grandmother had recently passed away, and in the midst of it all, I was spending upwards of four hours a day cleaning my home. I suffered from panic attacks. I worked at a lackluster job. When home, I spent more time cleaning crumbs from counters than creating memories with my family. I yelled a lot. I shopped too much. I collected clutter. My home was a wreck. I lived in piles of unfolded laundry. I cooked processed foods. I was addicted to soda. I was overweight. My Shih-Tzu was overweight. I was unhappy. My life was a cluttered, chaotic mess.

When I looked around my home, from room to room, I started realizing just how severely clutter had become embedded into my life — my schedule, my mind, my body, my family, my pets, and even my home.

An example: I formerly owned four crock pots. I never cooked wholesome meals at home using those crock pots. I owned them because I thought I needed to possess these items to have a proper kitchen. Crock pots purchased on sale from my favorite money-saving sites, for any occasion that might pop up. I felt I was prepared, a proper newlywed and domestic goddess divine. The reality was the crock pots and the clutter that be owned me. And this clutter made me feel less than happy with my circumstances, less than happy with myself as a person.

I had built a home and a life with my husband, and through grace and gratitude wasn’t lacking resources. Quite the opposite, actually. I had all the building blocks of a great life. A handful of degrees, a home, cars, a closet bulging at the seems lots and lots of beautiful Pinterest-inspired things. Still, I felt a lack of focus I couldn’t quite explain. A general dissatisfaction that didn’t make sense, an inner noise that despite all I owned left a heaviness in my soul.

So, as usual, my husband came up with a great idea after months of nag-fests one after the next. He said, “If you’re not happy with the clutter, get rid of it.” Simple, right? My husband even brought home Marie Kondo’s famed, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (I’ll be devoting more time to the Kon-Mari method later this month). So, with the Kon-Marist doctrine in-hand, I started to get rid of stuff.

We moved larger ticket items to one room. Listed and sold them. Used the proceeds to pay down debt. We sorted through clothing. Sent a ton of items off to Thredup. I still didn’t seem settled. We then sorted through books, papers, toys, gardening tools, anything that even resembled processed food, every inch of our 2,400 square foot home.  We listed over a hundred items on local Facebook groups, Craigslist, and Wallapop. We also made more than a dozen trips to charities all over the county. Still, I didn’t seem more put together.

I wasn’t settled until the day I walked into my near-empty living room and noticed that for the first time, the light that filters in from my shuttered windows. Now in an untamed space actually of my bare uninterrupted room, danced magically across our beautiful, dark floors. In that moment it hit me, that ah-ha moment I smiled. It clicked for me. When I live with less, I lived with more. 

By decluttering my home, I uncluttered my life. No longer was I plagued with the embarrassed of having friends and family over. I no longer resorted to boxed macaroni and cheese for dinners. We now have cleared tables and simple dishes. We ate wholesome foods.  I planted, blanched, sautéed, and canned what we ate myself. Minimalism helped me created more time in my life to be both a developed, modern woman who could work from home and a gal who could still ding at that pesky glass ceiling from time to time too. I know where everything is in my home and my office, and I can run them both like a boss.

Here are a few other reasons I decided to take the minimalist plunge:

1. Finances – Having begun living on a tighter budget out of necessity, minimalism gave me a way to counter rising unemployment, stagnant wages, and falling stock prices by rethinking my families overall purchasing power. We choose to make the distinctions between essential and non-essential purchases. We buy better items, less often, and are now completely guilt-free in doing so. 

2. Environmental Mindedness – Part of why my family chooses to live a minimalist life is out of sheer concern for the environment. We believe that less consumption equals caused the preservation of earth’s natural resources. We choose to say no to plastic products. We use mason jars are storage containers, to store cleaners, and to hold whole food purchases in-store like peanut butter, juice, and the like. Minimalism allows us to make a direct, active difference in our home, our community and our planet. We prefer to not idly sit on the sidelines, but be conscious of our surroundings and planet. 

3. Personal Debt – After years and years of living beyond our means, we were in trouble. $78,000 worth of student loans, assumed medical debt, and excessive credit card payments kind of debt. Truth be told, I don’t think it is hard to refinance a student loan so I probably should have tried that a long time ago. Minimalism, and in part by the trend-setting debt-free solutions of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace program, we were able to get out from under the soul-crushing debt of yesteryear in just under five years. Minimalism teaches you that when you choose to buy less and save more, you regain the confidence in your personal finances. 

4. Social Awareness – Injustice, poverty, unequal educational opportunities, malnutrition, and apathy have always plagued mankind. But through minimalism our family finances have become freed enough to help make a small difference on a global scale by investing in individual self-started the world over through Kiva allows individuals to donate small sums of money, which are turned into microloans to start small businesses in third world countries. Do you know what one hundred dollars can do to the loves of women and children in need? Plenty. And when you spend less time worrying about the self, you can devote time to help feed the hungry, provide clean drinking water to others, promote educational opportunities for others, and speaking up for the voiceless whenever it is needed. 

5. Beauty – Minimalism has allowed our home to become a showcase. Minimalism transforms my home into a museum of hope.  Our artwork, mementos, and keepsakes have become center stage in how our families story is presented to the world through every room in our home. Every piece, every frame, every memory is important and meticulously placed. This is a source of pride for me. 

6. Technology – Today, computers replace the need for DVD’s, paper files, photo albums, calendars, planners, calculators, phone books, and more. One way we implement minimalism in our lives is by digitizing. Everything from 45’s and 12″ vinyl, to movies, tax documents, manuals, and even holiday greeting cards. We receive digital subscriptions to magazines and our local newspaper (which cut our subscription rates in half). We pay our bills electronically. We opt for e-books on the OverDrive app from our public library. We replaced couponing with digital apps. We shop online for our monthly staple products from Amazon Subscribe and Save, including toilet paper. We electronically vote in country, state, and national elections. We donate to charities on the web. We can even tithe online via our parish’s website. Technology has enabled my personal journey into minimalism to expand farther than I could have ever imagined. 

7. Simplification – Minimalism gives me a sense of security. In an ever-changing, fast-paced world where the personal demand on one’s time, space, and sanity seem to be without end, minimalism gives our family a refuge of silence and peace. Minimalism gives our family quiet places, open green spaces, unspoiled views, open surfaces, and  experiences. Minimalism offers a life with less stress, less distraction, more freedom, more time, with less guilt and emotional baggage. 

8. Presence – While the minimalism lifestyle may seem sparse, stark, and lonely, this is far from the contrary. For minimalists are never alone. You see, there are many, many proponents of the minimalist lifestyle. And everyday they are making their presence more and more known to the world. There are awesome folks like Dave Bruno, Colin Wright, and Joshua Becker who offer daily insight, advice, encouragement, and inspiration for the minimalist lifestyle. I am able to glean from they’re victories and learn from their mistakes. They are like friends who are always their for you in spirit. They are my minimalist cheerleaders!

9. Lifestyle – Myself, like countless others, are choosing to make their living online. I work from a fully digital, remote home office thanks to Skype, Google Hangouts, e-faxing, Cloud drives, Google Docs. I can generate additional income by running both a blog and a website for my home studio. Did I also mention I have an ETSY shop too? I am freer to travel. I can work from anywhere. I can even engage with colleagues while walking my fur-babies. Technology, I am a changed woman!

10. Realization – Consumerism is alive and well. Advertisers tell us that our next purchase will bring us satisfaction, longevity, happiness, and joy. And people believe it. Minimalism has helped me to pull off the veneer of commercialism. To be a more thoughtful person. I now realize that there is a falsehood in debt. There is corruption in over-consumption. I know I will never find happiness through anything man-made. While money isn’t inherently evil, the love of money and things can be. I choose to seek happiness and fulfillment in other places: in my faith, my relationships, my social causes, and my own significance. 

This is why I personally chose minimalism. Why at the end of the day, minimalism doesn’t have to be about living in a tiny house with two t-shirts in your closet, sleeping on the floor. Minimalism is about paring down and focusing on what really matters. For once you’ve experienced the inherently awesome benefits of living with less clutter, you have no reason to go back

For me, this wasn’t as much about streamlining my physical possessions, as it was about minimizing my schedule, getting clear about my priorities, and being laser focused about what I want out of life. Becoming whole meant I could become a better wife to Daniel, a better mom to many, and a better person to myself.

Professionally, minimalism has manifested itself into my life can best be seen in the way I design my days. I no longer had to block off time to clean incidental messes, I could devote time to blog editorials, assignments for work, spending time nurturing my family, and a big one for me, living a more natural life. Minimalism helps me live with intention.

So, folks, this will be the tone for April here on the blog. I will be discussing in detail what we got rid of in our home, why we love the Kon’mari method ( including a Spark Joy and Kon’Mari Journal Review), how we stopped being stuffaholics, how you can start a minimalist life and my favorite minimalist resources, blog spring cleaning, social media spring cleaning, my Spring cleaning routine and my daily 1-hour cleaning schedule, natural cleaning tutorials, more on our less junk more journey philosophy, seasonal meal planning, and what I loved in April. 

I’ve said all this to say to you all: Minimalism brings me joy, and that’s a joy worth sharing with others. That’s all.

Here’s to living with less,


What I’ve been loving in March


Ah, March…

The month of March end this Thursday. From warmer spring weather to a myriad of holidays, March is always such a great month for myself and my family. As we leave behind cold winter weather for warmer Spring days ahead, I just wanted to take pause and reflect back on why March was a month of blessings for my family and myself. So, here’s a list of the top 12 things that I’ve been loving this month. 

what weve been up to...
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March is the month when Mother Nature bursts forth into full technicolor bloom. Here at home our crocuses, hyacinths, wisterias, and daffodils are already blooming. Soon they will be joined by tulips, hyacinths, jasmine, lilacs, and crepe myrtles. The streets of my small hometown will soon be lined with blooming pear trees and azaleas. Mississippi is coming alive with bees, blooms, and the best of what this season has to offer! 

We Dr. Seuss’ birthday was celebrated on March 2nd. We attended our local country library to hear a live reading  of “The Cat in the Hat” and many other beloved Seussical children’s books as part of the Read Across America birthday celebration. This rally was amazing, and truly brought to life Dr. Seuss’ mission to making literacy fundamental and fun for children across this nation. 


It’s said that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Yet again, Mother Nature didn’t disappoint this year as March saw a lot of weather extremes, from highs in the 70’s, lows in the 20’s, three tornado warnings, and even an afternoon where Daniel’s school dismissed early due to flash flood warnings. Oy!

Here in Dixie, Daylight Saving Time began on March 13th. And while we will have more sunlight,  more time this Summer to enjoy the great outdoors, loosing an hour of sleep was a bummer. One point of consolation, early morning sunrises that rival any beachscape I’ve ever seen. Waking up early to soak in the beauty of simple moments of solitude is something I’ve been really loving this month. 


This month my family celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day simply at home with a feast of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and soda bread. There’s something to be said for the comfort that one pot dishes can bring to the soul. And not to be outdone by any corned beef and cabbage platter, my husband Daniel celebrated the day in his own way. He printed, colored, and rocked his very own Shamrock. This month I’ve really been loving my husband’s playful nature. 


The first day of spring was celebrated with the Vernal Equinox on March 20th. On this day, day and night are equal everywhere, and I took this time to finish a few last minute ETSY shop orders, including this Easter Egg Wreath. Taking ordinary materials and turning them into something funky and fabulous is something I have been loving this month. Around this same time like many other Christians the world over, we celebrated Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Passover, and finally Easter Sunday, in a very quiet manner on March 27. We smoked hams, broke bread as a family, and spending time in fellowship with friends and neighbors. 


Also this month my family and I were given the awesome opportunity to try out Airhead’s new birthday cake flavor taffy as part of their #airheadsepicbday 30th anniversary celebration, from February 29th thru June 29th of this year. Shockingly, the birthday cake flavor tastes just like fresh, homemade buttercream icing. Though I’m not a huge candy fan our crew loved them. This candy is surely not part of our journey into semi-crunchy nation, but you need a few fun departures every now and then! Be sure to checkout Airhead’s birthday bash inline, and enter for a chance to win $10,000 in cash and prizes as well.  


And of course it wouldn’t be a proper change of season without switching out threads in my capsule wardrobe. This month marked a year from my first Spring capsule, and it was nice to see the progression of this current seasons capsule compared to my capsule a year ago. While I love everything about capsule wardrobes, my absolutely favorite part? The small teal polka dot boxes from Thredup that arrive when I need to replace a staple piece here and there. Yeah, I’m a fan of shopping from home, and with free return shipping it’s a no-brainer in my book! 


And as a side note, I’m a brand ambassador for Bulu Box. And this past month I was given the opportunity to review the new Double Scoops products from Bulu Box. Let me just say, wow ladies. These. Are. Amazing.

As a skeptic when it comes to anything involving unmentionable innovations, this product surprised even me. These two scoops help keep your cones right where they belong, pun intended. They are an affordable, modest means to transform the way you can look and feel this season in thinner fabrics, dresses, and blouses. The best part? They are comfortable.

I tried the peach color, but they come in different shapes and colors, and are even waterproof. Yes—you can use them in a swimsuit. These scoops help ward off the effects of both motherhood and gravity in a simple, simple way. Each box even comes with tape so you can essentially use these with lower cut necklines as well.  To find out more about these scoops, click here

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And I didn’t want this month to end without again sharing that this past week, March 20th, was the tenth anniversary of National Puppy Day. Though I’m a pet-parent to several amazing fuzzies, my Sassy, our six-year-old Shih-Tzu, will always hold an extra special place in my heart. She was an adopted baby, and there is not a day that goes my when she has not been a blessing to my life. Even as a puppy, the day she chewed a foot long hole into my brand new jute dining room rug. I still loved her even then.

National Puppy Day is a reminder for our family to #adoptnotshop when it comes to pets. Every life is important, and my husband and I take the stewardship of our fuzzies very seriously. We believe in being good parents to children and pets, too! We have to look out for everyone in the kingdom, you know? 


what ive been reading...


This past month I’ve been able to spend a good amount of time of my favorite hobby, reading. I was very honored to be asked to be a member of Ruth Sokup’s book launch team for her upcoming release, Unstuffed.

Do you feel your life, home, and office are stuffed to the brims with things, papers, and piles? Then you are in luck my friend! This book speaks to the need from all walks of life to slow down and evaluate ways to clear both our homes and lives of the unnecessary abundance of  cluttered that causes chaos, over-spending, time management conflicts, and feelings of being rundown in our minds, lives, and homes. 

Ruth offers readers practical tips and time-tested advice for finding joy in living lives less stuffed with joy-busting clutter. This book is divided into lessons. Each lesson walks you room-by-room, obstacle-by-obstacle through your home, allowing the reader to create a strategy and mindset for last cleaning, organizing, and living success. 

This quote, especially spoke to me:

“But here’s the truth: A busy life is not the same as a meaningful one.   Athletic, successful or talented children do not make us more important.  Activities, obligations, and commitments do not make us count.  If we’re looking for the answer to our frustrations, despair, and hopelessness in a full calendar, we will never find it there.  In fact, quite often, the fuller our calendars become, the emptier our hearts feel.”

The book also contains a fun, interactive quiz to help you determine how much is too much, when it comes to personal and business commitments, the daily drudge of “life clutter.”  A particular point of interest for me in this book was it’s chapter on friendships and interpersonal relationships. Though Ruth does not engage readers in the art of making friends (though I feel this would have added greatly to this book), she does speak of the necessity to seek friendships that will remain vital to your well-being. And in the reverse, knowing the best ways to ditch unhealthy, one-sided friendships in order to devote time to cultivating nurturing, lasting friendships instead.  

This book is a true, transparent look at how one can unclutter all aspects of your life. I highly recommend this book. If you’d like to read Unstuffed, it’s currently on pre-order at Amazon for $9.89, and will be released on April 5, 2016.

This month I was also given the opportunity to review I Want It All: Exchanging Your Average Life for Deeper Faith, Greater Power, and More Impactby Gwen Smith. 

The book intrigued in it’s simple but profound central question, “Do you struggle with sleepy faith syndrome?” If you are anything like me, the answer to this question may be an astounding yes. 

The author discusses with readers her views on how easy it can be easy to dismiss God’s plans with diminutive thoughts that ordinary women, women like ourselves, cannot make a huge difference in the body of Christ, manifesting in an  I can’t attitude to life.

The author gives readers a different, refreshing perspective. Stating that despite our personal shortcomings, God created each woman in the brethren of Christ to be equipped with the disposition, spirit, and ability to lead our families and communities towards lives of  abundant joy, courage, and influence. We can each create new, lasting seasons of gratitude and change in our own lives. We can each be mirrors of proactive social change too!

The author leaves readers with a central note, that one can have it all when you abandon your self-loathing for a live of grace-filled purpose and significance

I Want It All will ignite a fire in your heart to experience more faith and impact as you move forward in this next season of life, and was the perfect start to the Spring season of renewal in my own life as well. 
This has been one of my favorite Women’s Christian non-fiction books I’ve read thus far this year. If you’d like to check this book out, it’s currently available on Amazon for $9.99 shipped with Amazon Prime or $9.49 on Amazon Kindle.


Lastly, I was also honored to be apart of the book tour for Sisi: An Empress on Her Own, by Allison Pataki.

This is a beautiful story. This book is woven full of drama, suspense, unrequited romances, and guilt. This book is also surprisingly based on the life story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, or Sisi as she was known to those dear to her. Elizabeth the woman, lived a fascinatingly dangerous life fatally intermingled with the ill-fated Hasburg dynasty during its final decade of decline. Pataki beautifully illustrates the better half of Sisi’s life, giving readers a tender glimpse into the mentally uncertain life of the empress.

With each chapter the reader will hope for lasting solace and fortune for the often spoiled Sisi. As I read this book I found a great deal of empathy for Sisi, as I longingly wanted her to abandon family, title, duty for a life less forced exploitation. This book is no less than a saga of words, emotions, and song.

Pataki shows the corrupt, gritty details of royal life in a way that still leaves the sophistication and romanticized spledor this dynasty is known for with each forthcoming page. The fantasy of being a Hasburg, both the grandiose and the grotesque, remains unaltered all it’s splendor. Pataki is a stickler to historical detail, which makes reading this and any of her novels a highly enjoyable experience.

So, if your looking for a refreshing take on history, this is the book for you. Currently, this book is available on Amazon for $18.48 shipped with Amazon Prime, and $13.49 with Amazon Kindle for those who wish to pick it up this Spring. 

So, folks that’s what I’ve been loving this month in March. How has your month been for you? I’d love to hear about your moments, suggestions, and tidbits as well. 

Here’s to April,


My Spring 2016 Capsule Wardrobe

Spring 2016CapsuleWardrobe


Hello again, fabulous frugal fashionistas! For those who may not know, when it comes to fashion and style, I’m all about practicality. So last Summer, when my journey into minimalism, I was at once intrigues by the concept of Capsule Wardrobes.  

So, you may be wondering what a capsule wardrobe is? A capsule wardrobe was originally a term first coined by London stylist Susie Faux in 1972. Faux’s original minimalist capsule wardrobe sought to turn a modest number of four season wardrobe staples into a budget-friendly, utilitarian, classically-styled wardrobe. The original capsule wardrobes consisted of under 33 wardrobe pieces for the entire year. 

Decades later sites such as Unfancy and Project 333, extrapolating upon Faux’s original capsule wardrobe model created capsules which now contained 33 and 37 pieces per season. Newer models contend that users can change out, replace, maintain, or add new pieces seasonally, allowing the individual style of users to emerge within four capsule wardrobe changes. For this reason I went with Project 333‘s model for capsule wardrobes. 

Still, the most compelling reason for capsule wardrobes? Each piece of the capsule wardrobes stands to make the wearer look their everyday best. Capsule wardrobes completely de-stress you. Image getting dressed each morning without having to second guess yourself one single time. Oh and you save a lot of money- think not having to go shopping for three straight months!

With that said, in my experience the modern Capsule Wardrobes have not only helped me re-think my wardrobe, they have completely changed my outlook on dressing. No longer do I dread outings, fearing I will have nothing to wear. Now I look forward to getting dressed for my day. Amazing. Epic. Change.   

This is minimalism in action. 

So, let’s delve a little more into the capsule structure.

What’s in a 37-piece wardrobe: tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, and shoes.

What’s not included: workout wear (items strictly worn to the gym, walking, running, etc.), pajamas, lounge wear (again items only worn around the house), hosiery, socks, foundation garments, unmentionables, accessories, jewelry, and handbags. 

What does a capsule wardrobe represent: We’ve all done it. We buy fun new clothes, but end up wearing old favorites? Me too. Ever go to your closet and feel like you have nothing to wear, even when your closet is filled with clothes? Me too! 

To me, a capsule wardrobe represents more time and energy in your morning for what really matters, and less time spent deciding what to wear, more money spent helping others , and most importantly, more personal contentment happiness, and positive body-image.


winter 2015 shoes


So, how do you start? Well, for me shoes.  I like having about 7-9 pairs of shoes per season. Typically I’ll have: three pairs of flats, three pairs of heels, and three pairs of boots, though this past winter I went way overboard, as you can see.

My first piece of advise: fine tune your shoes! Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing, even shoes!

I also like having nine bottoms: three pairs of jeans, three pairs of capris or skirts, and three pairs of slacks. I use the “rules of 3,” because I like having one casual pair, one statement pair, and one in-between pair, one carry-over from working in a professional office for most of my twenties. 

As for tops, I allocate room for 15 tops. Depending on the season I’ll use the “Rule of 3,” such as in winter where I will have three sweaters, three t-shirts, three button-up shirts, three tank tops, and three hankie vests. This changes in Spring and Summer as I live in the deep south and utilize more lighter layers and tees on a more consistent basis. 

Last but not least, I leave room for four jackets, coats, or dresses, which of course seasonally changes- in winter I might have four jackets, and in summer I encapsulate one jacket and three dresses.


empty spring closet 2016 capsule


So, where do I start? 

  1. I start by cleaning out my closet. Every last piece comes out. I then dust my shoes sleeves, shoe rack, and sweep out my closet doors and floor. 
  2. Then it’s time to purge. I go through my clothes, donating or selling back to Thredup anything that no longer fits, looks best, or makes me happy. 
  3. All remaining clothing is sorted into two other piles, love it and will wear it again next season and pieces that will be worn in the upcoming season.
  4. Seasonal. Anything that is seasonal, wool coats, vests, sweaters, sweater dresses, and the like are stored away neatly for another season. 
  5. Re-access. Anything left in your closet should be your LOVE IT clothes. Clothes that fit just right, would be your first picks for church, vacation, work, and outings. 
  6. Access what you have and need. Make a capsule wardrobe plan, mix and match outfits, and lay out clothing together. If you are missing a piece research affordable options to replace this item, or consider trading in unworn items for those you may need.
  7. Replace new seasonal items in your closet, all 37 pieces.
  8. Please note, I store my coats for each season in our home’s coat closet. This is done to make coats closer to our front door. I also store scarves (in a drawer folded), handbags, clutches, and totes in a drawer. This is just what I find neater. These items are not seen in my closet, but are counted in my capsule item numbers. 
  9. Also, I store my workout shoes and gardening clogs in my closet, but as they are only for purposed working, they are stored in my closet but not counted in my capsule itemized numbers. 
  10. Two tips? Use all matching hangers to make your wardrobe look more cohesive, and per Kon-Mari (yeah, I’m a fangirl) closet rules, where you should arrange all items by order of length. With the longer items toward the left of the closet and the shortest to the farthest right side of your closet. This creates clean visible lines for your wardrobe.
  11. After this point a shopping hiatus is in place for the next three months. 
  12. Two weeks prior to the start of the next season, I begin to plan my new capsule wardrobe. I write down the pieces that will be in my new capsule, then check my drawers and garment bags to make sure I have everything on my list. Should I need to acquire a piece, I give myself two weeks to purchase the items, as most of my clothing is purchased online. I give myself time and grace in forming each new capsule wardrobe.

So, recently I just switched over my Winter Capsule to my Spring Wardrobe and I wanted to share with you all my results. So, here’s my actual wardrobe:


wardrobe 2016 spring pic


Here’s my piece-by-piece breakdown:


Spring 2016 Capsule Wardrobe



My Spring 216 Wardrobe consists of:

  • Tops: Gray tee, white camisole, black bolero jacket, olive tee, blue and white stripped poplin, white poplin shirt, white long sleeve tee, white short sleeve tee, white tank top, gray sweater, gray cardigan, gray kimono shirt, and aqua hankie cover-up.
  • Jackets: Black leather crop jacket, khaki trench coat, and coral blazer.
  • Pants: White joggers, white boot cut jeans, ripped jeans, ripped denim capris, khaki capris, polka dot pink capris, gray slacks, and black slacks. 
  • Shoes: Gold heels, black low-top Chuck Taylor’s, gold jewel slides, black peep toe booties, white and jute espadrille sandals, coral wedge sandals, and tan platform heels.
  • Accessories: Aqua infinity scarf, mint scarf, canvas tote, and tan wristlet. Please note, as stated above accessories do not need to be included in capsule wardrobe totals, but I did for demo reasons. Excluding any accessories my actual wardrobe is a capsule of 33 pieces.

So, that’s my wardrobe, and so far I love it. With Spring coming earlier this year I’m glad I have already made the switch and can start rocking my new pieces again!

Also, now that I’ve lived with my four distinct, separate seasonal 37-piece capsule wardrobes for the past year, I can honestly say that the once minimalist experience is now more of a lifestyle—and I’m all the better for having done so. Life like wardrobes changes so often, and I’m certain that my capsule wardrobes will continue to change as I evolve, and that’s a change I’ll always be happy to live with. 

Also, for those looking for other awesome examples of capsule wardrobes, be sure to check out two of my favorite bloggers, Stacy from Humorous Homemaking (which included great staple pieces, my shared loved of all things stripped and season-less maternity wear) and Amiyrah from 4 Hats and Frugal (which showed great, trendy colder climate winter capsule staples), bravely showing their personal capsules and closets this past winter. Yes, I said brave. Any women putting her closet, family, life, and herself out there for the world to see is brave, and these women did so with such grace! 

So, have you tried capsule wardrobes? I’d love to hear about what you will be wearing this season.

Love and light,



Welcome to the Happiness is Homemade Linky Party!

Happiness is Homemade Hosts Image

Can you believe January is half over? I could use a few extra days to keep organizing my house. I’ve been de-cluttering my kitchen which is nearly as hard as cleaning out the craft closet. That ONE item you NEVER use but MAY – do you keep it? Or donate it?

The struggle is real.

Then there is our Happiness is Homemade Link Party – So many delicious recipes, creative crafts, fabulous DIY projects and amazing tips – all in one place yet HOW do you decide on JUST four to feature!! This first party of the year was amazing and I’ve had such fun looking at all of the Hosts’ blogs and all of the posts linked up.

In case you missed it, we’ve expanded our party to include 9 amazing bloggers to share in the duties of host of Happiness is Homemade (that’s 12 blogs your post will appear on). We couldn’t be happier to have them with us.

So get your “clicking” finger ready and link up, browse, pin, drool, and dream with us!!

Remember to check out all of the Hosts and their blogs and give them a warm welcome.

Then link up your best posts and remember to check out the other links and give them some love, too.


This Week’s Features


Pasta Fagioli with Fresh Pesto from

Ramblings of a (Bad) Domestic Goddess



Taylor-Made KitchenAid Sandwich Bread from

Taylor-Made Homestead



DIY Curtain Rod Makeover Using Drawer Pulls from

The Painted Hinge



Free 2016 Meal Planner Printables from

Simply Stacie



Happiness is Homemade Hosts Collage

Row One:

Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise

Brittany from Mommy on Demand

Lisa from Blogghetti

Row Two:

Michelle from The Painted Hinge

Anne from Upstate Ramblings

Krista from While He Was Napping

Row Three:

Sinea from Ducks ‘n a Row

Katie from Love My Messy Messy Mess

Linda from A Labour of Life

Row Four:

Nicole from The Lady Prefers 2 Save

Bev from Eclectic Red Barn

Audrey from That Recipe


Now, that’s enough talking!

Let’s get this party started!!!

Happiness is Homemade Hosts Image

The rules are really simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you you share it all!

As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts. Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured at Happiness Is Homemade Link Party! We will feature the favorite posts each week!

Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to all 12 Hosts, along with any co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Happiness Is Homemade, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to your original source. Therefore, linking up you agree to allow us to use your images on each of our blogs in features relating to Happiness is Homemade Link Party.

December No-Spend Month Week 2 Recap

Countdown to Christmas-

Hello again, savvy savers! What a hectic, busy, joyous weekend we have had here in Dixie. Tonight finds us with an update of this past weeks No-Spend December activities, events, and challenges.

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Day 5: Last Saturday, after an afternoon trip to library for the reading of Scrooge, our family attended our town’s annual holiday parade. We arrived early to reserve our favorite spot, on the local pavilion, where we enjoyed the comforts of home, by way of hot cocoa and blankets while we waited for the much anticipated festivities to begin.

downtown meridian holiday parade 2015

This year’s parade, in the style of most small town’s was full of festive lights, local business-sponsored floats, and even a ten minute showing by our local police forces motorcycle squad. Each year our town comes out to impress, and without fail, local debutantes and church groups alike, come out to spread holiday cheer throughout our local, historic down town area.

Each year I look forward to bringing the family to see the various floats, my greatest moment is always watching my husband Daniel’s face beam like a child, as he watches to the drum line from our local high school, his Alma mater preform holiday chorus classics. For those who may not know, Daniel was a member of this drum line while in high school, and went on to be on his collegiate drum line as well. Keep in mind, we live within walking distance of out local high school, and often hear the band practice in the late afternoon and summer hours on the high school playing field, but to hear our high school’s marching band in person is always an awesome treat!

Day 6: For Day 6, the family and I had a Movie Marathon (ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas), where we watched The Little Drummer Boy, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and A Nightmare Before Christmas, with DIY popcorn bar. 

After the movie marathon, I created DIY natural cleaning kits for friends and family. My thought was that so many people are in the throws of planning, preparing, and cleaning for house parties, out of town guests, and the end of this school semester, and baskets of homemade, natural cleaners would be a welcome change from the overpriced commercial brand in-store. I created six baskets, each contained DIY Holiday Scented Pine Sol, DIY Wood Balm, and DIY Grapefruit Counter Top Cleaner. Each basket cost under $3.00 per person, per trip of cleaners and decorative Dollar Tree baskets as well.

Day 7: Monday saw the beginning of another weekly menu, which was as follows:

Breakfast: Meatless Monday low-fat Mozzarella and Spinach Omelette, with Green Tea.
Lunch: Almonds, Cheese Crackers, Cheese rounds, with celery, and Crystal Light.
Snack: Almonds, and Gala Apple Slices.
Dinner: Crockpot Three Bean Chili, cooked with Boca Crumbles, with Diet Cola.
Dessert: Sugar-Free Dulce de Leche Cups.

Breakfast: Green Tea, Coconut Milk, and Strawberry Smoothie; made with Truvia.
Lunch: Freezer Cooking Chicken and Dumplings, and Crystal Light.
Snack: Frozen/Thawed Strawberries and String Cheese.
Dinner: Taco Roll-ups; in lieu of taco shells I use Romaine Lettuce Sheets.
Dessert: Gluten-Free Brownies.

Breakfast: Baked Frittata Cups, with Unsweetened Almond Milk.
Lunch: Taco Salads, with crystal light.
Snack: Grapes and apple slices.
Dinner: Crockpot Chicken Curry, steamed peas, and crystal light.
Dessert: Homemade Gluten-Free  Truvia brownies.

Breakfast: Homemade Greek Yogurt, with fruit cup, and Unsweetened Almond milk.
Lunch: Tossed Salad with Turkey, light vinaigrette, and Crystal Light.
Snack: Grapes and apple slices.
Dinner: Grilled Turkey Burger Patties, sweet Potato Fries, with Crystal Light.
Dessert: Brownie flurries with leftover brownies; we use Edy’s Sugar-Free Ice Cream.

Breakfast: Homemade Greek Yogurt, with fruit cup, and Unsweetened Almond milk.
Lunch: Tossed salad, with homemade Greek Yogurt dressing, and Crystal Light.
Snack: Strawberries and two pieces of Sugar Free Chocolate; candy is used as melted drizzle for berries.
Dinner: Barbecue Pork, Steamed Green Beans, and Crystal Light.
Dessert: Diet Coca-Cola slushies.

Breakfast: Homemade Greek Yogurt, with fruit cup, and Unsweetened Almond milk.
Lunch: Chicken Salad, and Crystal Light.
Snacks: String Cheese and grapes.
Dinner: Gift Card to local restaurant.
Dessert: Sugar-Free Dulce de Leche Cups.

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, and Toast, with Unsweetened Almond Milk.
Lunch: Grilled Sausages, Steamed Broccoli, Crockpot Macaroni and Cheese, with Crystal Light.
Snack: Grapes and walnuts.
Dinner: Crockpot Orange Chicken with Almonds, Steamed Peas, and crystal light.
Dessert: Sugar-Free Dulce de Leche Cups.

Monday also our annual family trip to our local mall to pick out an Angel Tree recipient at local mall. When we returned home the family helped themselves to a DIY cocoa bar, and I a dozen and a half jars of DIY hot cocoa mix for church, PTA friends, and colleagues; the mix was placed in quart jars, which cost under $2.25 per person to bag, tag, and give!

Day 8: We held out family Holiday Music Party; diy music, dancing, and fun at home with just the family, fuzzies, and I. We also finished up creating out DIY palette holiday trees for our front display; the trees were adorned with solar lights. I love frugal, upcycled holiday decor!

Day 9: Our family attended the Christmas Open House for local Wesley House; we dropped off free items and kids toys we’ve collected this year from freebie offers, product reviews, and discount shops. 

lip balm

Later that evening, I created DIY manicure cuticle oil tins, which will be featured in mason jarred manicure kits for the You’ve Been Jingled baskets we will give out later this month to neighborhood friends; each jar cost under $4.00 per person to create. 

Day 10: Daniel and I attended a free outdoor light and laser show at local plantation home. What’s awesome is that Daniel and I’s tickets come from a Checkout51 rebate check from October’s No-Spend Month Challenge.

Day 11: Family Trip to see Local Christmas Lights in town. We brought cocoa and blankets, and admittedly this was my favorite night thus far this month!

Day 12: Yesterday morning we attended our town’s Christmas festival at the Historic Temple Theater, and later in the evening we attended the Highland Baptist Church Annual Singing Christmas Tree pageant; tickets were budgeted from Mobisave savings earned in October and November. 

Day 13: This week ended with a family visit to Bethlehem revisited; a free living Nativity tour at a local church in my neighborhood. It’s always so exciting to see the beautiful, graceful animals, talented actors, and harpists too! 

Overall this week could best be described as productive. I was able to create half of this months gifts for family and friends for under $71.00 dollars from my budget envelope system, attend a daily activity, create upcycled, frugal holiday decorations, and saved my family $342.22! 

So, savvy savers… how has your holiday season been thus far? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!

Here’s to saving!
