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Monday Meal Plan (4/25-4/30/17)


Happy Monday, everyone! Well, it’s time for another Meal Plan Monday! For us, this week is starting off to a cool overcast start here in Dixie. This past weekend was very easy and laid back. We finished our Spring Cleaning and worked on rearranging several rooms of furniture. Though I always look forward to tackling a new weekend warrior project each week, I also look forward to the pleasant certainty of a well planned, money-saving meal plan. 

This week’s menu again reflects our need to eat down our food stockpile. As we are having to consume everything we have on-hand first, though we did purchase several items food and home consumables, each of which garnered us back online app rebates, which will give us groceries and products that can help us in the weeks to come for our family of three as part of a minimalist meal plan. Luckily, I estimate we only have five weeks worth of meals left to consume in our deep freeze. At that time we’ll switch gears and concentrate on eating down our pantry stockpile.


Image result for food journal bullet journal



Also this past week I took the time to food journal for the first time in months. I went back over this past year’s journaling and will be using these pages to curate new menus in the months to come. This also included creating new go-to lunch options for this summer. Meals such as a bowl containing rice, half an avocado, a large piece of grilled salmon, a handful of almonds, and a massive spinach-carrot-cucumber-cherry tomato side salad with avocado oil, Greek seasoning, fresh mozzarella, and lemon juice. Options I can fix for myself and my family this coming Summer. That’s just the cat’s pajamas, in my opinion!


Image result for supplements in cabinet


And last but not least, this past week I made sure to add proper supplements to my diet. This included: a multivitamin, vitamin B-complex, foliate (for my MTHFR gene mutation and PCOS), and an omega-3 fatty acids Creel supplement for heart health. Depending on your diet, these may not be necessary for everyone, but I noticed a considerable difference in my body after taking these supplements for just this past week. 

So that’s my food, weight loss, and meal planning journey from this past week, and now this week’s meal plan!



what we're having this week



Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and bananas.
Lunch: Hummus, walnuts and carrot sticks with lemonade. 
Snack: Grapes and String Cheese.
Dinner: Meatless Monday Vegan Black Bean Tacos, with steamed corn and lemonade. 
Dessert: Frozen Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and strawberries.
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sliders, with iced tea (with stevia)
Snack: Grapes and String Cheese.
Dinner: Taco Tuesday Slow Cooker Spicy Beef Flatbread Tacos with lemonade.
Dessert: Frozen Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and Bananas.
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sliders, with iced tea (with stevia).
Snack: Grapes and String Cheese.
Dinner: Easy Paleo Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry, with lemonade.
Dessert: Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and strawberries.
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sliders, with Crystal light lemonade.
Snack: Grapes and String Cheese.
Dinner: Bakes Zucchini, Greek yogurt, and quinoa gyros, with lemonade.
Dessert: Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and strawberries.
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sliders, with Crystal light lemonade.
Snack: Grapes and String Cheese.
Dinner: Paleo Meatball Gyros with lettuce, peppers, carrots, Greek Yogurt dressing, and with iced tea (with stevia)
Dessert: Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and strawberries.
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sliders, with Crystal light lemonade.
Snacks: Grapes and String Cheese.
Dinner: Paleo Tacos served with corn and with iced tea (with stevia)
Dessert: Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

Breakfast: Cereal with almond milk and strawberries.
Lunch: Grilled cheese and granny smith apple sliders, with iced tea (with stevia).
Snack: Grapes and Fat-Free Feta Cheese.
Dinner: Crockpot Paleo Thai Green Curry and lemonade.
Dessert: Greek yogurt, granola, and blueberries.

This week’s meal plan cost: $31.45


So, that’s what we will be having this week. I’d love to hear what’s on your menu as well!

Here’s to Monday meal plans, 

Meet Nicole

Email me at

Hello there! I’m Nicole, a Jersey Shore girl turned Southwestern Virginia transplant who found her way to finally becoming an Eastern Mississippi blogger, the mother of a fabulous little one, adoptive parent to several courageous fuzzies, and wife to an outrageously loving husband. I moved to Mississippi in 2004 from Roanoke, Virginia where I had lived for almost 8 years. I love everything about the deep south, from the lush farmer’s markets to the history that seems to be around every corner, and it’s clear to me that I was absolutely destined to become a southern belle! 

Nearly 3 years ago, I was a wife and mother living in Mississippi and was looking for a way to both celebrate and work through the challenges of all that being a full-time work-at-home-wife entailed. I started The Lady Prefers 2 Save to chronicle my own personal journey.

This site has evolved, though, and now it is a resource for women looking for encouragement as I share my two-year road to paying off close to $80,000 and becoming a debt-free, minimalist, zero-waste blogger and online business. In addition to helpful tips and information, I share intimate stories about my life,  my family, struggles with fertility and PCOS weight loss, and to let other women know that regardless of their circumstances, they are not alone. 

I hold degrees in Public Policy, Art History, and a Juris Doctor, and for just about a decade, I was a Paralegal, then a lawyer, specializing in Civil Rights Law in Eastern Mississippi. I am also the proprietor of a local Mural Art Business as well as a creative art business shop, Shadow Cat Crafts. In addition, I have been a community volunteer for underprivileged women and children, teaching ways to encourage the community through budgeting education and positive body image and self-esteem in girls and women. Uplifting women comes naturally to me, and I’ve carried that same hands-up attitude into The Lady Prefers 2 Save!

Meet the Family:

Daniel, our sweet Daddy Bear, has taken to being a husband, father, and handyman like a champ. Calm and organized, he loves reading, gaming, traveling and is the reason our family is USM Golden eagles and Saints fans. A public educator and robotics chair, his heart and mind are as big as his handsome smile!

Family: You will notice an absence of kid-centrist posts on the blog. There’s an awesome reason for this! As a family in 2015, we made the decision to have a no-kids online policy on The Lady Prefers 2 Save. This was done to protect our children, family, pets, and my husband’s students from cyberbullying, exploitation, and excessive conspicuous consumerism. We want all of the children in our lives to be carefree and fabulous for as long as possible. Allowing them to decide whether or not they chose to have a public voice and presence on this blog and social media channels.

I had no idea when I first started this blog how much it would change my life! Since 2014, I have been fortunate to have opportunities open up for me like becoming a contributor on Green News, a brand ambassador, and working with national brands like CVS/pharmacy, Luvs, Pampers and much more. I love partnering with agencies on sponsored posts, reviews, press trips and experiences for brands and companies that my family and I authentically use in our everyday lives. 

In addition to working with brands, I love to publish on LinkedIn.  Check out my portfolio on Contently.

If you look through this blog, you’ll see that I cover a lot of different topics that appeal to busy, three-dimensional women. One day I might talk about what it’s like to become minimalist, or pushing through depression, and another day I could be sharing tips on making the perfect cup of french press coffee. Life is amazingly diverse and full of so many different experiences. That’s what I share with The Lady Prefers 2 Save. Here are a few of my favorite (and most popular) posts:

Popular Posts:

A.A. Milne

DIY migraine relief

spring zone cleaning

images (3)

Brand Ambassador and Influencer:

My goal for this blog is to not just work with brands and organizations. I want to be a true partner in sharing information, inciting brand excitement and building real relationships. A few of my most popular partnerships in 2016 were Scotch®, Scotch-Brite®, Emergen-C, and much more. My audience really responds to my anecdotal posts that feature brands to help enhance their lives. Please email me at to discuss partnership opportunities!


Let’s Connect:

Send me an email at

If you look through this blog, you’ll see that I cover a lot of different topics that appeal to busy, three-dimensional women. One day I might talk about what it’s like to become minimalist, or pushing through depression, and another day I could be sharing tips on making the perfect cup of french press coffee. Life is amazingly diverse and full of so many different experiences. That’s what I share with The Lady Prefers 2 Save. Looking to see what we’re up to day-to-day? Follow me on Twitter at @LDYPrefers2save and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, Bloglovin’, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, Linked’in, or YouTube to see how the Lady Prefers 2 Save!

I can also act as a travel resource and am available to answer any questions you might have regarding veganism, minimalism, savings, debt-free living, and zero-wasting. The best way to reach me with questions is to send a tweet to @ldyprefers2save

I hope that you enjoy my travel adventures and that I can inspire you to create your own.


Misty Nicole

Welcome to this week’s Happiness is Homemade Linky Party

Welcome back to another great week at Happiness is Homemade Link Party!!! A new month is upon us – can you believe it’s March already?! Let’s see what you link up this week! Will it be Spring cleaning tips? St. Patrick’s Day recipes, Easter treats? Home Decor? Easy dinner recipes? Whatever you decide, give us your best!




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Welcome to this week’s Happiness is Homemade Linky Party

This Week’s Features

Deep Cleaning Your Home In Just 7 Days – Penny Pincher Jenny


Coconut Chocolate Chip Quinoa Bars – Healthy Helper Blog

The Best of Organizing A Playroom – Mess To Blessed

Meet The Hosts

Image Map Mommy Demand Blogghetti Napping Labor Life Painted Hinge Ducks In A Row Lady Prefers To Save Love My Messy Mess Eclectic Red Barn That Recipe Upstate Ramblings

Want to follow us?

Just click on each circle to connect to our blogs!!
The rules are really simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you you share it all! As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts!! Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured at Happiness Is Homemade Link Party! We will feature the favorite posts each week! 
Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to all 12 Hosts, along with any co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Happiness Is Homemade, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to your original source. Therefore, linking up you agree to allow us to use your images on each of our blogs in features relating to Happiness is Homemade Link Party.

3 Reasons you need self-care in your schedule each day

“This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.”


Running a household is stressful. From working from my home office to trying to mother the masses, there always seems to be something that needs to be done. Always one more list to write and one more task to finish, and those are just my chores and tasks! 

Then there are the issues that come from sharing your space with family. From temper tantrums to healing boo-boos to cleaning up after the trails of things my husband leaves around our home. You know the drill. Messes. Lots and lots of messes. The kind of messes that made our home always feel a touch on the hectic side. 

So it goes without saying that being a WAHM can be stressful and over time that stress can begin to take a toll on your health and disposition. Personally, this stress caused me over time to become grouchy, look how tired, and appear rundown. Worse still was the guilt. The guilt of thinking that I needed to put my self-care on the shelf to spend time with family. It took me years to realize that guilt-free self-care was vital to my personal growth as a person. That I didn’t need to feel guilty about taking the time to sit down with a book, take a hot bath, listen to a podcast, or binge out with Netflix.  Then one day it dawned on me, that I needed that

This was time, I needed to help me be a more relaxed and well-rounded person and here are three reasons why you need self-care in your life as a woman, wife, and mother:

1. You to recharge your batteries. When you’re a wife and parent, your mind is always going. You think about meals need to be planned, the laundry that needs to be folded, and school functions that require you to volunteer at the school. This is especially true for those like me who are introverts. Your mind and body need time to recharge, to reset your mood, to quelch the what if’s of your mind. You need to rest! 

2. It makes you a better person. If you’re constantly thinking of others and not yourself, it inevitably leads to resentment. And no one suffers from this embitterment but you. But if you take that break, you feel refreshed. revived, and reset You will also be able to think in a more rational, levelheaded manner. You may even be able to, maybe just maybe, tackle that pile of laundry with a little pep in your step.

3. You’ll reset the temperature of your home. When I schedule time in my day to take care of myself I am a better person. I smile more often. I find that by taking a half hour for myself a few hours before my family comes home allows me to be able to set the temperature of my home, to create a more cozy, happy home. Sometimes I color in my adult coloring books. Sometimes I watch the Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Sometimes I take a 15-minute speed nap. Just a little something every day to help me be the best woman I can be. And why you may ask? Because it’s how I take care of myself. You know the saying,

Now you may be asking if this is something you really need to be doing? Yes, it is. You know the saying, happy life, happy wife. When you take time for yourself, it helps prepare your mind, body, and soul to be receptive to helping care for others as well. I also find that the opposite is true. When I do not invest time in my day for myself. My mood changes and others notice this. My mood also tends to trickle to everyone else in the family, which is not fair to anyone else. So for their sanity, and my own, self-care is a must for me and I cannot encourage you enough to do the same for yourself!


In addition to self-care, there are also things around the house you can do to help make your days run as smoothly as possible as a mom. Luvs helps make life easier so you can find more time for not just self-care but for snuggles, cuddles, and the like as well! 

What’s really awesome now is that Luvs recently introduced the new and improved Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with NightLock Plus™ that are softer and more absorbent than ever before, with large stretch tabs for easy fastening, ultra-leakage protection, and a money-back guarantee. Making Luvs a sure bet for quality diapers with less cost than premium brands.



As the go-to brand of experienced parents, Luvs is committed to providing moms and dads with value.  They recognize that parenting can be difficult, but diapering shouldn’t be. Luvs also recently conducted a formal poll of moms across the country to take a look at parenting like it really is and uncover what they truly value most, and now you can use this coupon for $1.00 off the new Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with NightLock Plus™, available in most grocery stores nationwide.

Be sure to stock your home with products like Luvs can help me to make your life easier. But also remember to take time out for yourself. Do what you love. Recharge your batteries. Love yourself first so that you can better love your little ones later. Remember, you deserve it!

My 5 Goals For 2017 (My year of truth!)


I debated a lot about goals for 2017. Not because I didn’t want to set them, but because I have such a driven personality that I knew that I could easily set goals that would throw me off from my plan to make 2017 a year of truth.

I had to ask myself and my husband, “How do I pair having a year of truth with goal-setting for my blog, business, and home life?” And then I had to really let myself mull over the answer for a few weeks. Several in fact. Then I finally decided that I would pick only a few small obtainable goals that would inspire, refresh, and renew me.

If you’ve known me longer than a few minutes you’ll know that I’m the master at picking goals that will challenge me as a person. In fact, I generally love nothing more than regularly having a big challenge to tackle. But this year, I’m just tired of difficulty and strife. Call it a result of our nation’s current political climate or just my angst at the end of my first true fiscal year as a working blogger, I’m a little over a great many things. And any goal that involves a challenge to my sensibilities and true self will likely exhaust me.

So I chose goals that sounded inspiring and motivating to only little ole me — while at the same time peppering my annual goal list with a few tasks that would encourage me to be more exacting and intentional in my priorities.

Now, let me be crystal clear: Sometimes it’s really good to choose goals that will challenge us to work really, really, really hard. Sometimes we need to be reminded to be in a season of hustle. Some will need to set those kinds of goals this year, and that’s always going to be fistbump worthy.

So if you need to get out of debt, or to start that business, or to tackle that huge dream board project, do that first!

But there are also some of us who need to choose much simpler and smaller goals. Tailored goals. Goals that aren’t going to make us feel like we need to work, plot, execute, and delegate from dusk to dawn when we’re already tired and worn out from the minute our feet hit the floor each day.

So if you’re in one of those seasons of fatigue, I challenge you to choose goals that will enrich and refresh you. That’s what I kept in mind when I chose these following goals.


My Goals for 2017:

Motherhood – Continue with TTC and expanding our family, naturally.

Marriage – Have a 3-hour date night with Daniel at home each week.

Myself – End my workdays by 3pm each workday, continue working on my novel, read for 1 hour daily, workout 3 days each week, and drink two quarts of water per day.

My home – Consistency. In meal planning, cultivating a recipe collection, morning and evening routines, zero-waste living, cash envelope usage when shopping, and 1-hour daily cleaning schedule. 

My blog, — Create and publish 1 e-book on savings, create an effective media schedule each week, time block 3 hours each weekday to blogging and business activities, and double my live streaming and video production, exposure, and presence online. 

And that’s it! I carefully chose each of these goals considering what would be best for our family, for this current season of life, and that would encourage me to keep my commitment to make this a year of truth.


How & Why I Chose These Goals:

People often ask me how to figure out what goals to set, and how I know exactly how to decide on priorities is often by just walking around my home and taking a temperature of how my life is working, what needs addressing, and how these changes will affect my family, and myself, in the months to come. I then base my goals based upon those priorities. 

My current priorities are mothering, my marriage, myself, my home, and the business. With these priorities in mind, I chose an area in each of those categories that I really want to improve in and around my current routines in those same categories. Then, I polished up my goal list by turning my list into a very specific and measurable goal. Things that could clearly define my year to come.


Motherhood Goal: Continue with TTC and expanding our family, naturally. This goal is very personal to me for obvious reasons. While my husband and I both have a heart for adoption, we have decided to take some time and see where things can develop naturally on their own. With several setbacks, including two miscarriages this year, we are looking to enjoy our time together and not focus on deadlines and sorrow. I’m just not ready to give up this dream. While not wanting to not lift up and enrich the lives of those who we love in our lives now, kiddos and fuzzies alike, my husband and I are hopeful that the Lord and Mother Nature will be good to use in 2017.


Marriage Goal: Have a 3-hour date night with Daniel at home each week. My husband and I talked about this and asked each other, “What goal would inspire us each week? What would be a goal that would be good for me as an introvert who often feels that the world is simply too peoply out there? What change could really impact our marriage?”

After some discussion, we came up with the goal of having Have a 3-hour date night at home each week. This could be for a simple movie night. Or it could be a hey look, I’m cooking for you tonight kind of thing. It doesn’t matter what it is, what matters is that it’s at least 3 hours per week, sans kiddos, fuzzies, friends, and the internet, and it’s just the two of us.

After three years of not having a lot of purposed us time, we recently started dedicating time to spend together and it’s really been great for the health of our marriage. Yes, it required effort to make it happen, but it was so worth the effort. 

We got to get away from all of the usual responsibilities of life and just have fun together, hang out together, experience new things together, and just talk. It was so good. It’s been refreshing. Even if it’s just me hearing about my husband’s favorite new podcast or me rattling on about a new way to remove plastic from our zero-waste home. 


Goals for Myself: End my workdays by 3pm each workday, continue working on my novel, read for 1 hour daily, workout 3 days each week, and drink two quarts of water per day. While I know this is sort of an interesting goal, or rather goals, and you may be wondering why I would choose them. Some of you might even be thinking, “Why on earth would she pick such odd goals?”

Truth be told, at first, I felt almost a little bit embarrassed to put it out there that I had set a personal goal to end my workday at 3pm every day. But when I was thinking about goals, I realized this was something that would not only give me the opportunity to set the temperature of my home each day before my family returns home each afternoon at 4:30 but also to give me the downtime and self-care I desperately needed.

This goal is something I could use in many different ways as I cannot tell you home many times I have ended my blogging sessions only to find myself right back on my computer scheduling this or that only to turn around at it was 11pm! For me, 12-hour blogging days need to come to an end! I’m going to intentionally devote a lot of time this year to time blocking and the old adage of working smarter, and not harder in 2017.

While I am a small blogger, someone who will always have to create meaningful content, pertinent social media coverage, and hustle to get pitch letters to wherever and whomever they need to be sent to, I still need to have a life. After all, do any of you really believe in bloggers who aren’t living lives of truth and intentionality? I know I sure don’t. 

Most importantly, are the three other goals in this subsection, my true gifts to myself: To continue working on my novel, read for 1 hour daily, workout 3 days each week, and drink two quarts of water per day.

For those who may not know, I have been toying with the idea of writing about my experiences of growing up in an LGBTQ home and the aftermath of losing one of my guardians in a highly publicized hate crime at the age of seventeen. Events that shaped my early 20’s. Events that need to be written and shared with others. And this is the year that I’m holding my own feet to the fire and sharing that part of my story. My truth.

While as a Christian I have long feared the backlash that may come with recanting my life, however at the end of the day I just don’t care what others feel about this matter. And it’s none of my business what others think of me as well.

More importantly, I’m tired of feeling numb. I’m exhausted by the suppression. The fear of losing readers, influence, and income. The fear of offending women of a conservative nature, women who might continue to read my blog but judge me for my upbringing, for embracing my family of choice. But I’ve also learned a valuable lesson in 2016: Those women are not my base, they are not my tribe. Their opinions do not define me or my blog. 

In all honestly, I’ve put a lot of thought and prayer into my decision to write this story. So for those who likely will not stick around to see how the details of this book will unfold, I lovingly acknowledge your position. But do note: I am my story and my story is my blog. 

It’s also worth noting that my personal truths mean more to me than this blog. And if you don’t care for my story and my family, including my family of choice, I encourage you can unsubscribe to this blog, opt to not purchase my future book (because the book will be written), and frankly, kiss my ass. I’m a little tired of self-suppression, and that’s where I will leave this sentiment for now. So yeah, starting my novel, that’s one of my personal goals for 2017.

I am also setting the goals of reading for pleasure for 1 hour daily. It goes without saying that as a blogger you receive a lot of books to review for work, many unsolicited. This often leaves you with little time for pleasure reading. In 2017, I’m going to be uber-selective in titles I publically review and devote 1 hour daily to reading selections from my local public library (for which I’ve created a new to-read memo on my online library account this very week) and to clean out my must-read list on my OverDrive App. This also included reading at least two titles from the 2017 banned books list when it comes out in late September of 2017.

Finally, I will be working on physical self-care and improvement by way of creating a workout schedule for 3 days each week and drinking two quarts of water per day. While many days this might be catching up on Youtube subscriptions or podcasts while treadmilling, it will get done. And when it comes to water, pray for me friends, I mean… water over Diet Dr. Pepper. Sigh. It’s got to happen this year. Finally.

By the way, I’m going to be posting on my Instagram account daily in 2017, sharing some of my daily events to keep myself accountable and hopefully to inspire someone else, who may need help in the same areas as well. 


My home: This year I’m seeking just one thing, consistency. Consistency in meal planning and cultivating a recipe collection, for staying power when it comes to sticking with a working morning and evening routine and pushing forward with zero-waste and minimalist living, with saving for a rental property and remembering to use and bring a cash envelope system when shopping, and mandating a personal 1-hour daily cleaning schedule each weekday. This is one category I’m going to have to work at each and every day. 

My blog: In terms of blogging, my goal setting this year was once again multi-tiered. First, I want to create and publish 1 e-book on savings by summer. My second goal is to create an effective media schedule each week. This will allow me to time to accomplish my next goal, time blocking 3 hours each weekday to blogging and business activities. Something I desperately need to do. Again working smarter and not harder.

Finally, I will be amping up my live streaming and video production, exposure, and presence online. 

Since I’ve cleared my schedule of a lot of clutter, I’ll have the time to devote to creating, filming, and creating more content for my Youtube account. I’m not going to push myself to have to get it out at a certain time but I’m going to aim to consistently edit and finish a single video of 10 minutes or more one weekly on the site. We’ll see how things pan out! 

You see, for a long time I’ve dreaded being seen online by others. I’m very self-conscious about my weight. Having gone from being 115 lbs. to becoming over double this weight, has been deflating my ego. But those are my issues, my insecurities, and as much as I would love for the world to understand what PCOS, two ankle surgeries, a sedentary work schedule, depression, self-loathing, and apathy will do to one’s waistline, those are my issues.

While I’m still losing weight I can’t let the age of live streaming, blogging business streams, and chances for connection and engagement to slip out of my reach because of childish reasons. Besides, most of the people I’ve encountered online are some of the most encouraging, uplifting people on the planet. So, trolls be damned, right?  


So that’s it, friends. My 5 Goals for my Year of Truth! So now I have to ask, what are YOUR goals for 2017? I’d love to hear! Leave a comment and let me know all about them!


Save on Scotch™ Thermal Laminators at Walmart

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LaminateWithScotch #CollectiveBias

Can you believe it’s time to think about a brand new year? January is right around the corner and I know you are ready to get organized and clutter free for 2017. I have got a great option to help you with your New Year’s resolutions! Make a checklist for all your house cleaning chores, create menu charts for your new weight loss goals or design a printable budget tracker that will help you stay on target.

The Scotch™ Thermal Laminator and Scotch™ Letter Size Thermal Pouches are on rollback during the month of December for only $9.98 each! These products are typically priced at $19.97 for laminators and $12.88 for the pouches, so this is the time to buy!



Shop Here!

I know how important it is to have the right tools on hand when you’re getting organized and ready to move into a new year, so be sure to check out this great deal at Walmart!