Making Your Look Truly Unique

Tired of following trends that don’t suit you as well as they should, or seeing your outfits constantly on other people? It can feel a little undermining to feel like you don’t have your personal sense of style, but the truth might simply be that you’re looking in the wrong places.

If you want to develop a unique look, you’re going to have to go for some unique sources, too. Here are a few tips on how you pin your personal style.

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Know thyself

The first thing that anyone should do when evaluating their style and what direction to take it into is to take a better look at themselves. Body shape plays a huge role in choosing clothes that flatter you and make the best use of your best assets.

Choosing the right clothes for your body type is all about finding out the points you want to flatter the most. Tones matter, too. There are plenty of online guides that can help you find your signature palette based on your skin tone, eye color, and hair color.

You don’t necessarily have to restrict yourself to what these guides say, but it can be helpful in defining a sense of style that’s more “you”.

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Look in new places

If you go local for your all your outfits, you shouldn’t be surprised when you see other girls picking up exactly the same things. This is especially true if you live in an area where your options are limited.

When going online, the big brands are going to be just as ubiquitous. Instead, look for the lesser known fashion havens, like the top online women’s clothing boutique. If you’re a plus size woman, look for those stores that better accommodate your body, too.

The online world offers so many more options for outfits than you’re likely to find locally. Don’t be afraid to go further afield than usual, you’re not likely to see too many women wearing the same things you get from your new favorite online stores.

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Old places can be just as good

One exception to make to the rule of “don’t go local” is buying second hand at thrift stores. Lots of people still have hang-ups about second-hand clothes, but they might not be looking at it right.

If you shop second-hand, then you’re probably already aware of the issues of finding clothes that fit perfectly, but since they’re that much cheaper, it’s much less of a risk to simply get crafty with it and to make a few adjustments.

Similarly, if you’re good with a sewing kit (or you simply want to practice) you can customize your outfits so that you’re practically guaranteed you won’t find any copies roaming around.

You don’t have to go way outside the box or your own comfort zones to develop a look that’s unique and better suited to you. Simply know your strengths and look for the places that cater to them. Don’t be afraid of getting a little crafty and experimenting, too.

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