Making Your Home an Eco-Friendly Haven

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In the past, we were relatively unaware of how our behavior could negatively impact the planet around us. Sure, we may have recognized that throwing rubbish on the floor was bad for local wildlife, but being a litterbug tended to be the worst of the troubles that we were aware of.

However, over the years, scientific research into human activity and the planet has revealed that we truly are destroying the planet for ourselves and the other lifeforms that live on it. We are contributing towards oceanic pollution, deforestation, global warming, and various other unacceptable processes. If this is something that weighs on you and causes you to worry, it’s time to start making changes – and where better to start than from your very own home? Here are just a couple of steps you can take to make your home an eco-friendly haven!

Reduce Heat Loss

It takes a whole lot of energy to heat your home. If your home is poorly insulated, a whole lot of the heat that you generate will leave your property through the roof and the windows. This is problematic, as it means that you will have to constantly run a supply of fuel (which will generally involve constantly burning fossil fuels) to maintain a steady, warm temperature in your home. Instead, if your home is well insulated, you can use a small amount of energy to heat it up in the first place and then this energy will remain within your living space. Now, there are plenty of different ways that you can prevent heat loss.

“But the most effective tend to focus on the areas that are most prone to losing heat – your windows and roof. Make sure that your loft cavities are well insulated. You can hire a roofer to do this on your behalf. Opt for more environmentally friendly, natural insulators like wool. When it comes to windows, make sure that they are double glazed and have security film installation as an extra safety precaution.”


We tend to make our way through an astounding amount of disposable products on a daily basis. Our food comes wrapped in packaging which is thrown away once we have consumed whatever may be within it. Our clothes come wrapped in packaging or we bring them home from the stores in bags, which are then thrown away.

We drink from bottles that we then toss aside. This is terrible, as all of this waste has to go somewhere. Mostly, it will end up in landfills or may spill into other areas, impacting environments around the world. While you should do your best to minimize your consumption of disposable goods, you should make sure to recycle whatever items you do dispose of. You can find a comprehensive guide to recycling here.

Sure, these steps may seem relatively simple. But all the more reason to implement them into your lifestyle as soon as possible! They really will make all the difference!

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