Learning To Love Your Body Is A Journey

Learning to love your body is a serious journey that you must embark upon if you want to master self-love and feel great every day. However, there are plenty of challenging things you need to do, such as months or even years of unlearning things that you learned when you were younger. If you’re prepared to go on this journey, here are some pointer to help you:

Having The Perfect Body Isn’t Enough To Make You Happy

You need to know that having a ‘perfect’ body isn’t enough to make you happy. If you think you’re going to be walking on sunshine when you look like your favorite fitness model, think again. You’ll be happy for a short while, then things will crop up, and you’ll realize that you’re no happier with thinner legs, more toned arms, or anything else that you wanted.

You might be healthier with a fitter body, which is, of course, a great reason to start working out and eating nutritious foods. Just don’t do it because you think it’s going to make you happy.

Mental And Spiritual Health Is Important Too – It Isn’t Just About How You Look

Loving your body is not just about how you look. You can make yourself look better all kinds of ways, but you need to focus on your mental and spiritual health too. You need to make sure you’re focusing on doing things that make you feel good, meditating, and doing this that will help improve these other aspects of your health.

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You Will Believe What You Tell Yourself

It’s important to remember that you will believe what you tell yourself. If you keep telling yourself the same story, that you’re not good enough, that you’re too fat or too ugly, you’ll believe it. It can be hard to get rid of these beliefs and replace them with new ones, but it’s doable.

You need to change the story you tell yourself. Find one small thing to appreciate. Make a list and put it in your mirror. If you catch yourself entertaining a thought like this, switch it up. You should practice talking to yourself in your head like you would one of your friends.

Don’t Weigh Yourself – Go By How You Feel

Weighing yourself is a bad idea. Why would you get too focused on a number, when you might feel fantastic? Then that number brings you down. Weight can fluctuate every day for any number of reasons, and it’s rarely due to the fact that we’ve lost weight.

It could be your time of the month, or you could be holding more water than you’re used to. In an ideal world, you’d base your health on how you feel. If you feel great, then you don’t need to know what you weigh!  

Don’t Feel Great? Come Up With A Solution

If you don’t feel great, come up with a solution. If you’re eating a lot of processed, fast foods then you’ll want to make a swap for more nutritious options. You can make a lot of your favorite foods with healthy alternatives.

You could try a healthy pizza, healthy chips, and more. Then, you’re going to want to get some exercise. Exercise is crucial if you want to feel amazing, as it releases happy hormones. It sounds cliche, but you need to focus on how exercise makes you feel, and not do it because you don’t like your body or because you’re punishing it in some way.

Maybe you’re wearing clothes that aren’t great for you. They might be too tight, or they might even be too loose, hiding away from the rest of the world. With confidence, you’ll feel comfortable wearing clothes that show off your figure and personality.

Make sure you’re taking care of your feet especially; look for the right shoes and consider wearing socks for bunion relief. If your feet are comfortable, you’ll instantly feel better. Think back to a time when your feet were hurting. You probably felt awful!

Try Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations might not sound like your thing, but try them before you dismiss them completely. As mentioned earlier, we believe the things we tell ourselves. Start telling yourself things you want to believe. Here are some ideas:

  • I am beautiful
  • I am healthy
  • I love my body
  • I love myself
  • I am confident
  • I feel great every day
  • I am loved

You could go on and on. Pick some phrases or come up with your own that resonate with you and then use them regularly.

Write In A Journal

Writing in a journal is a great way to notice any patterns that could be cropping up in your thoughts and feelings and paying attention to what could be causing them. You don’t have to write super long entries every day, but you could answer a few questions, such as:

  • how am I feeling today?
  • What have I done to feel good today?
  • What acts of self-love have I practiced today?

The more you write in a journal, the more clarity you could get over certain aspects of your life. You might even realize that one reason you don’t feel very good about yourself is that you’re entertaining toxic friendships.

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Visualizing can be hard for some people, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Who would you be if you loved your body? Picture what you’d wear, what you’d say and act like, who you’d be with, where you’d spend time and anything else you can think of. Add to your visualization every time you do it. Spend time doing this in the day and at night time and it’ll help you to achieve your goals!

Try The Tapping Solution

Tapping is a great way of replacing old beliefs with your new beliefs by tapping certain points on the body at certain times. This solution has helped people eradicate all kinds of problems and beliefs from their lives.

Loving yourself in this world is a bold move – are you ready to make it?

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