Keep It Green & Save Some Green: Home Hacks To Help You Save Money And The Environment

We live in an enlightened age. New advancements in scientific research, greater global connectivity, and more widespread knowledge thanks to documentaries like An Inconvenient Truth, A Plastic Ocean, and Cowspiracy are slowly bringing us to the realization that there is no Planet B.

As such, we can no longer plead ignorance anymore when it comes to the damage that our consumer choices are doing to the environment. We all want to do our little bit to make the world a better and more sustainable place for our children so that they can grow up surrounded by the beauty of the natural world, but not all of us have the cash spare to install solar panels or transform our plumbing infrastructure.

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The good news is that you can actually make your home greener while saving some green. All of these environmentally friendly hacks will save you money while working towards a better future by: 

Rethinking your cleaning products

Most of us are unaware of the environmental nightmare that lurks under the kitchen sink. Not only are the cleaning products we store there harmful to our kids, those harsh chemicals are harmful to the planet, too. We’ve been duped into believing that we need one product for bathrooms, one for kitchens, one for floors and one for our cookers but the truth is that one multipurpose cleaner can do the job just as well. Check out this natural cleaning spray made from non-chemical ingredients. It’s the only cleaner you’ll need for virtually any surface. It’s even made with solar energy!

Let there be (sustainable) light

Most of us don’t know just how much energy we’re wasting by using incandescent bulbs. These work by superheating a filament, providing us with both heat and light. But what lots of people don’t realize is that 90% of the energy generated is in the form of heat and only 10% on the light. Essentially this means that they are wasting 90% of the energy you use on them. Switching to energy-saving Compact Fluorescent Lamps. Over its lifespan, a CFL bulb is thought to save the average household around $57.

Green on your plate, green for the planet

If the allure of takeout and fast food gets too much for your family at times and you really need some extra incentive to stock up on healthy foods, chow down on this nugget of knowledge. A plate that’s full of locally sourced fresh fruits and veggies is far less environmentally damaging than one that’s full of meat and processed foods. Meats and dairy products require an enormous amount of land, water, and resources to cultivate, not to mention costing far more than fresh produce. Switching to a diet that’s mostly or even entirely plant-based can give your whole family a balanced and nutritious diet while also voting with your wallet for a more sustainable future. Opt for farm fresh whole foods and you’ll also eschew environmentally damaging single-use plastic packaging, too!

Just a few little changes around the home are all it takes for a cheaper, greener future!

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