June No-Spend Daily Challenge: Purging The Bathroom!

“Don't worry about a thing,every little

Hello again, savvy savers!  I hope you all are well rested, work-minded, and in the mood for cleaning and organization this week! 

As you know, this last week, we focused the first part of the week on pantry organization, organizing food swap days, creating meals based on pantry staples, and then switched focus to alternative pantry re-stocking methods, and this morning we are going to scrub, dust,  sort, purge, evaluate, and hopefully make a profit in the process! For the rest of the week we will be focusing on mini-areas within our homes, and today I want to tackle bathrooms. 

So, today I am challenging you all to accomplish three tasks:

  1. To tackle a one hour cleaning challenge: you will need to start by a visual decluttering and surface cleaning of your home. 
  2. To sort and purge from your medicine cabinets, makeup bags/drawers, and to clean out under your bathroom sinks. 


What to Purge:

  • What to All cosmetics older than one year, should be purged.
  • All cosmetic sharpeners, brushes, or curlers two year or older, should be purged.
  • All hair coloring products or kits, two years or older, should be purged. 
  • All vitamins or supplement older than one year, should be purged.
  • All flue, cold, sinus, or allergy products older than two years, should be purged.
  • All essential oils three years or older, should be purged.
  • All first aid items, older than three years, should be purged and replaced. 
  • All digestive aids, older than three years, should be purged. 
  • Any fiber-based supplement, older than a year, should be purged. 
  • All expired medications should be purged in sealed Ziploc bags, with your home information blacked out with a sharpie.
  • Any nail lacquers that have been to separate should be purged.
  • All manicure and pedicure supplies, that are used, but have not been utilized within the last six months should be purged. 
  • Purge your oldest towel set; towel, hand towel, and wash cloth. 

Now, while this list seems extensive, depending on the size of your home, should only take a couple hours today, and in the long run should greatly help you not only today but in the future. This week is not only about creating long-lasting cleaning solutions in your home, but establishing routines that will help you not only keep your home cleaner and safer, but to shave the time it takes you to do so, in half! 

Here’s to saving,


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  • Reply Audra @ Renewed Projects June 14, 2015 at 10:45 pm

    Before we owned our first home we moved every two or three years and purging just happened…but after living under the same roof for the past 5 1/2 years it is gross to see what lurks under the bathroom sink! Very practical post!

    • Reply Nicole June 15, 2015 at 8:42 am

      Thank you so much!

  • Reply Melinda June 14, 2015 at 9:09 pm

    Here from Merry Mondays.
    I just did this last week. Feels so good to know everything is decluttered! But, I havent scrubbed the tub, or the floor yet, just the toilet. At least I’m making progress!

    • Reply Nicole June 15, 2015 at 8:44 am

      Good for you, keep up the motivation this Monday! Thanks for stopping by!

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