How To Use Freebies To Save Money Throughout The Year

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Who doesn’t love a good freebie? 

There’s something powerful about finding something that you can have for free, with no strings attached. Did you know that there are so many free samples and trials for you to get all throughout the year? If you play your cards right, you can literally save a fortune on daily items that you’d otherwise be paying for. 

How do you take advantage of freebies to save money? Here are some tips:

New email free trials

Loads of subscription services like luring you in with a free trial. Spotify and other streaming services do this, as do food boxes. Usually, when you sign up as a new customer, you can access the service for a period of time without spending any money. But, when the period ends, all you need to do is sign up with a new email address to get the free trial once more. If there are multiple people in your family, you can each keep using a different email address to ensure your free trials keep on coming. This works best for streaming services as many other subscription services have fail-safes to prevent you from doing this. 

Check for the latest free stuff

You’ll actually be amazed at how much free stuff you’re entitled to. Companies will always hand out free samples or trials of products for people to test. Sites like Free Stuff World are great for things like this, and you can see the diversity of all the free samples you may be able to get. From skincare to Amazon vouchers; there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Use sites like this and make it your daily mission to keep checking for the latest freebies. As I said, you’ll be amazed at what crops up, stopping you from spending money on items you typically buy. 

Enroll in loyalty programs

Honestly, it’s impossible to get through life without paying for things! As much as you wish you could survive off freebies, it isn’t possible. But, you can take advantage of the money you do spend, enrolling in loyalty programs for the stores you shop at. Grocery stores and supermarkets are prime examples of this. Most of them will have loyalty schemes where you earn points for shopping with them. The more you shop, the more points you get. Ultimately, these points can then be cashed in to basically get stuff for free. You can get vouchers from your points or use them to directly pay for items, meaning you avoid spending any money. 

In conclusion, you can see how freebies will help you save a lot of money throughout the year. Free trials and samples stop you from spending money, particularly on items that you would buy if they weren’t for free. Use the tactics above to get as much free stuff as possible, and always be aware of loyalty programs. Basically, if you shop somewhere and they have a loyalty program, make sure you’re signed up. They’re always free to join, and you pretty much end up earning free stuff!

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