How to Stop a Negative Body Image from Ruining Your Life

Having a negative body image isn’t something you should just brush over. The effects can have a toll on you mentally and emotionally. Sufferers often become so wrapped up in the idea of what is healthy that they do not take care of themselves in the way that they should. On top of this, they set goals that are simply not realistic, which can cause additional emotional distress. If you want to help yourself or if you want to make sure that you are not putting yourself at risk of feeling worse than you need to then this is the guide for you.

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Fake it

One of the first things you need to do is fake it until you make it. If you have met individual people who are not good looking, but have heads turning then this is because confidence in itself is beautiful. If you love the way that you look then everyone else will too. After years of putting yourself down, it can be difficult to ditch your negative mindset. When you catch yourself in the mirror, ensure you don’t pick up on every flaw. It would help if you learned how to emit confidence and you also need to learn how to showcase it.

Be a Friend

When your inner monologue starts to bad mouth you, or even the way you look, you need to stop and ask yourself, would you chat to your best friend that way? What if someone else spoke to your friend in that way? Would you do something about it? If so then you need to change the way that you speak to yourself. You need to give yourself the respect that you deserve. Whenever you are tempted to speak to yourself in a derogatory way, make sure that you hit the pause button and that you change it to something much more complimentary.

Trade Negative Thoughts

This doesn’t just apply to your thoughts. It applies to everything. If you have certain friends or even family members who really only have negative things to say about you or if they constantly hurt your feelings then stay clear of them. Make sure that you speak with people who support you and who only want the best. People who tend to project negativity for nastiness tend to be hugely insecure and they often say things to make themselves feel better. If you don’t have anyone in your friendship circle who can help you here then you need to make some new friends so you can give yourself a major boost for when you need it the most.

Sign out of Social Media

Scrolling through Facebook again and again is very unhealthy and it is the last thing you should be doing. If you feel as though you are suffering from body confidence issues then you need to make sure that you aren’t getting swept up by all of the great things that your friends might be getting up to or even how fantastic they look. Concentrate on yourself and take note that they have down days as well. If you find that you overthink quite a lot of the time then try and fill your time with some more positive hobbies. It may be that you take up reading or that you spend a bit of time away from the screen.  If you can do this then you are bound to get the result you want.

Find a Workout you Love

The science is there. Science agrees that exercise is one of the best ways to boost your mood overall. When you have the endorphins kick in, you will soon find that your body is flooded with happy hormones and that there is simply no room left for low self-esteem as a result. The hard part is you stay motivated. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you find a workout that appeals to you. Exercise is a certified mood-booster and at the end of the day, you don’t have to confine yourself to a treadmill. You can branch out, and get creative if you want. If there is a local football team in your area then sign up with them. If you can, also sign up with a hula-hooping class. By doing this, you will soon find that it becomes easier to get the result you want. If you want quick results to change your appearance then one thing you can do is go through Dr. Paul Vitenas.

Express Yourself

Getting all hung up on the way that you look is one of the best ways for you to fall into the negative pattern of low self-esteem. At the end of the day, you need to make sure that you replace your clothes with ones that make you feel good. You might find that at times, you are your own worst enemy. In times like this, you need to focus on new things that could make you feel good. Try out a new hairstyle or even take the time for a massage. Sometimes it is a good idea for you to undergo a pampering session too. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is way easier for you to get the result you are going for.

Show Gratitude

Sometimes you need to stop focusing on the bad and instead, focus on all of the things that you are thankful for. When you strive for perfection you may find that eventually, you become obsessive and that no amount of positive thinking will end up getting you back on the right track. If this sounds like you then you need to try and get to the root of the issue and you also need to take steps to regain your body confidence. If you can do this then there’s no reason at all why you shouldn’t be able to make a major difference to your self-esteem as a whole.

Friends, what steps are you taking to better your self-image? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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