Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay
If like many people you care about the environment and want to do your bit for climate change and global warming, then one thing that you could be doing is looking after your things better. Our need for wanting new things all the time is having a hugely negative impact on the environment as companies make products to meet the demand for them. For every new product you buy, suppliers will keep producing more because they think that’s what you want. However, this isn’t doing the planet any favors and is depleting the earth’s valuable resources, such as oil, forests, and water supplies. The more we start repairing our things, upcycling or even buying second-hand, the more that companies will reduce how much they are making. So, before you decide to buy something new, look at if you can repair it first or do something else with it. Take a look at the following list to see what and when you should be throwing your things out and what you should be maintaining for the sake of the environment.
Electronic Devices
When it comes to electronic devices such as a phone or laptop, then while a cracked screen can be annoying, you need to think seriously about whether you need a whole new device or you can get it repaired. Try fixing things yourself first because there are a number of tutorials online which can help you and whether it’s troubleshooting hearing aids or fixing the backlight on your TV, there is information out there on how to do it. This will not only help the environment but it will also save you money. When it is time to get a new device then you should look at how you dispose of the old one. There are places you can go to recycle computers and phones or you could consider selling them for parts. Whatever you do, don’t just throw them in the bin.
When your fridge or washing machine breaks, if it is under warranty, then obviously you can get it fixed and that is the sensible thing to do. However, if you don’t have a warranty on it, then you have a decision to make and you should look at how long you need the appliance for and how long this one should last. If you think that the appliance has a long life expectancy and you can find the part easily, then repairing it is probably the best option. Look online for parts to see if what you’re looking for still exists. If you do decide it’s time to get rid, then again, see if you can sell it for parts or donate it for parts so that the appliance doesn’t just go to waste.
Clothes are something which people tend to buy often to keep up with fashion and then because many clothes are so cheap these days they are easily thrown away and replaced. However, if you want to do your bit for the environment, then repairing your clothes either by learning how to sex and fix clothes yourself or taking items to a tailor to see if they can fix it, will not only reduce waste but it will mean that you can keep your beloved items for longer. If you do decide however that you have clothes you don’t want anymore then rather than just throwing them away, you could donate them to charity or think about selling them on Vinted or Depop. You could make a nice bit of money from them which is never a bad thing.
Rather than spending hundreds or thousands on replacement furniture, even the oldest chairs and sofas can be recovered or reupholstered to look as good as new. This is something you could either look at doing yourself using an online tutorial or if it’s too big then you can take it to an expert to see how they can help. Older furniture is often really well made and it will be worth saving rather than replacing and there is so much you can do with it now that there’s no need to worry about it looking old-fashioned.
Before you throw anything away, think about where it is going and if that is the best option for it. Remember some people don’t have much and could really benefit from some old furniture and there are also some very clever people out there who could make something out of old parts.
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