5 Ways to Prevent Falls at Home this Season

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5 Ways to Prevent Falls at Home this Season

Falls. Generally not the word that strikes fear in the hearts of most people. But it should. Falls are all too common and can have devastating consequences.

According to the National Safety Council, falls account for nearly one-third of all non-fatal injuries in the U.S. Especially in the geriatric population. As they are the leading cause of injury and death in adults over the age of 65 years. With 1:3 older American adults falling each year. With 24% of those who fall sustaining serious injuries and 6% sustaining fractures.

A person who falls may experience pain, hospitalization, require surgical intervention or admission to long-term rehabilitation services, all in addition to an overall reduction in their previous abilites and a general lessened quality of life.

For some, falls result in hurt feelings and skinned knees. For others, falls can signal the beginning of lifestyle changes – or even lead to death. Which is why preventing falls, especially in the home, is important.

If you are looking for ways to help prevent falls in your home this season, here are five ways to start that process at home:

Find a community falls prevention program:

There are many national agencies and non-profits that specialise in fall prevention, including The National Council on Aging Go4Life Program. Their website is full of information, community resources, and counseling services, often without charge, that can offer you or your loved ones information on preventing falls and accidents in the home this season. 

Speak to your physician:

Speaking with your doctor is the first step in figuring out your personal fall risk and what changes you can make to be safer. Ask your physician to review your prescriptions and over-the-counter medications regularly, paying attention to sedatives and antidepressants. Medicines that can affect balance and cause drowsiness, dizziness, or light-headedness. All of which help prevent falls at home this season. 

Walking Aids:

Proper walking shoes can mean the difference between safely navigating your world or experiencing a falls in the process doing what you love each day. Don’t shy away from speaking with your doctor or physical therapist about the right footwear, or walking aids, to help prevent falls at home.

Make Your Spaces Safer:

While falls can occur anywhere, they most often occur at home. Which is why making the spaces you utilize most at home safer is paramount in helping to prevent falls this season including:

  • Removing clutter from walkways, entryways, and railed areas.
  • Remove small, used furniture, pet gear, electrical cords, throw rugs and anything else that might cause someone to trip from walkways and high traffic areas.
  • Add grab bars inside and outside of your bathtub or shower and next to water closets.
  • Install railings on both sides of the stairs, and make sure stairs and hallways have proper lighting.
  • Make sure outdoor areas are well lit and walkways are free of ice and debris.

Falls outside your home:

For falls and slips that do not occur within your home does, such as at work or in common public spaces, beyond the immediacy of medical attention, you may need legal representation to help with your long-term and lasting experiences associated with falls.

For those in the Tampa Bay area, for example, there are Tampa personal injury attorney representation needs. For those outside the area,  the National Safety Council lists practicing attornies in areas throughout the country.

Friends, while its a fact of life, that we all are aging every day, falls do not have to be a part of that process. Understanding fall risks are the first step to keeping our loved ones and ourselves safe

Now I want to ask, how are working in your home to prevents falls at home this season? Leave me a comment below and let me know the steps you are implementing at home this season! 

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