How to Create A Summer Salad Bowl!

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Hello again, savvy savers! Here is my latest gardening project this week, my Summer Salad Bowl! Each year I plant potable salad green seeds, a blend of romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, and basil in a round clay bowl, sectioned into thirds, which I am able to continually grow and cut, throughout the summer for fresh salad greens! This is the first weeks progress with this project, and I am happy to report that the lettuce is starting to sprout as you can see! This project cost $5.75 ($5.00 for the pot and saucer at my local Lowe’s, and $0.75 for the three packs of seeds at my local Dollar Tree), and will provide salads for my family, twice a week all summer long; this project will save my family $70.00 this summer!

Here’s to saving!

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  • Reply Mary Grace Domantay April 11, 2014 at 10:39 am

    Great idea! We’ve been wanting to do something like this here at home, but neither of us have any experience with growing things. How often do you need to water these?

    • Reply Nicole April 11, 2014 at 10:51 am

      Using a spray bottle, I fill it with water and let it sit open over night, so that the water can dechlorinate, and then spray a fine mist daily; I spray in the mornings in the Spring when its cooler, and in general, I water my garden, plants, seedlings, potted and hanging plants in the evenings during summer and early fall. Thank you for stopping by!

  • Reply Kat Ryan April 8, 2014 at 11:12 am

    What a great idea! I always spend a small fortune on my family’s salads, then through most of it out. Never good. Thank you for linking up to Monday Morning Madness!! Looking forward to seeing you next week too 🙂

  • Reply katherines corner April 6, 2014 at 8:56 pm

    Such a wonderful idea! ♥

  • Reply Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom April 6, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    Fabulous idea! I love those pots too!

    I like to plant food that we can graze on all summer long. Gardening can be a huge money-saver.

    Thanks for sharing.

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