How To Become Less Camera Shy

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These days, it’s harder to get away from photos and videos. Go anywhere with a group of friends or family members, and someone is likely to take out their phone and take a few snaps or even a video. Friends and family members are likely to kick up a fuss if you don’t want to be part of the group photo. And workplaces are now more commonly introducing videoconferencing and video interviews. All in all, it’s becoming much more difficult to be camera-shy. But just how do you learn to become more comfortable in front of a camera? Below are just a few tips for overcoming your fear of the camera.

Learn to love your looks

Camera shyness may come down to a lack of confidence in the way you look. Being more comfortable with your physical appearance can stop you from worrying about how a photo will come out or how you may look on video. 

Certain physical features that you dislike may be possible to alter through cosmetic products or procedures. For example, if wonky teeth are making you self-conscious about smiling, it could be worth looking into Invisalign dentists. If you’ve got acne that you hate the look of, consider whether there are ways of concealing it with makeup or if there are treatments you can invest in with the help of a dermatologist.

Of course, not all physical features can be improved or should be improved – sometimes you just need to embrace your features and realize that they are part of what makes you unique. 

Practice in the mirror

If you find that you look awkward in photos or videos, it could be a case of learning to pose and position yourself correctly. By looking in a mirror, you can find your best angle and perfect your posture. You can then adopt this pose and posture whenever the camera is out.

Just remember that your reflection is the reverse of how you look in photos. Practicing in front of a camera may be better than practicing in front of a mirror in order to get used to this flipped image of yourself.

Consider how photos benefit others

It’s important to remember that photos and videos can be memories for other people to treasure. Shying away from a family photo may feel like a way of saving you from having to see the photo, but it could be depriving your loved ones of being able to cherish these memories.

In other words, if you’re going to pose for photos and videos, do it for other people. You don’t have to spend time looking at these photos.

Don’t take yourself so seriously

Everyone has bad photos. Sometimes it’s important to be able to laugh at yourself if your eyes were closed in a photo or you were pulling a funny unintended expression. 

Most people aren’t going to judge how you look, and if they do they’re unlikely to do it with malicious intent. If people are bullying you over photos, this is a sign of their own lack of confidence and their need to drag others down to make them feel better – ignore these people. 

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