How To Become A Little More Cultured

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The word ‘cultured’ can often leave us a little confused. How is it defined, and is this something you should focus on at all costs? Of course, we would hesitate a guess and suggest that while this isn’t the most important thing you could ever do for yourself, it will grant you a real sense of intrigue and enjoyment, and allow you to connect through a shared experience with those you love the most. Also, sometimes being aware of the greatest form of art can help you feel appreciated in this creative zone, and it may lead you down a rabbit hole of appreciation. That can’t be a bad thing.

But how can you become a little more cultured without having to attend pompous socialite parties, or to try and appear cultured without experiencing what that means in the first place? Of course, it’s less difficult than you think. In fact, this can help you build your understanding of a range of different tropes and understandings, potentially giving you the keys to move forward to your best ends.

Please, consider:

Classical Music

It’s often tempting to listen to classical music in the background as if it were simply filler or elevator noise. But that’s not the case. It could be that listening to modern takes on classical compositions, keeping a classical radio station playing whenever you drive, or listening to a few pieces on vinyl can help you see just why this is considered the most incredible ‘genre’ of all, although it quite clearly transcends that definition. If you’re unsure of where to start, consider listening to those celebrated by an author you respect.

Classic Novels

From Dostoyevsky to Tolstoy, Joyce to Twain, Dickens to Austin and Woolfe, becoming a little more cultured is always helped by reading classic novels, perhaps the most celebrated of their craft. There’s something special about reading this kind of content, a language that is rarely used, plots that are complex and well-considered, books that, while old, can bear striking similarities to the lives we live today, at least in their ethical, moral or societal commentaries. You needn’t be the most voracious reader to gain something from this practice, and so we would heartily recommend it.

Broadway Shows

The longest-running Broadway shows can be the longest-running for a reason. That doesn’t happen accidentally in a highly competitive theatrical space. This is why heading to see a great broadway show, especially during the festive season, can be so enjoyable. It can also persuade you to see even more theatre shows, perhaps humble shows ran by local theatre companies in your local environment, or maybe even to start reading about the history of dramatic action itself, such as the greats Chekhov, Stanislavski, and Brecht. With that, you’ll be sure to have an even more cultured understanding regarding the power of theatre.

With this advice, you’re sure to become a little more cultured, in a way that is less than pretentious, but more than enjoyable.

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