Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Removing Follicles For Good

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Women have a lot to put up with regarding beauty. On a general note, we have to look stunning every time we leave the house. If there is a hair out of place, then someone will make a nasty remark. And, hair isn’t easy to control.

Ladies, that isn’t only a reference to the stuff on top of our heads! Bad hair days, genuinely terrible ones, involve waking up at 6 am and shaving in the bath to make oneself “presentable.” Jeez, being a girl is hard. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be as tricky nowadays with the help of these harebrained schemes.


Waxing is no secret, but it’s amazing how many women prefer to shave. Shaving, on the whole, is not as quick and it’s more damaging to the skin. The problem is the regularity. An average woman has to shave at least two or three times a week to keep up with growth.

Waxing, however, is different because it rips the hair out of the follicle and stunts growth. Sure, it hurts like hell at times, but new techniques are pretty painless. Numbing agents, for example, are effective, as is letting the wax cool down before tearing off the strip of paper.

Laser Removal

Anything with the word “laser” in it is bound to make you think of a diabolical scheme to destroy the world. Thanks a lot, Doctor Evil. The truth is that lasers are much more subtle and concentrated than we imagine.

Think of the eye surgery type but without the potential blindness consequences! Jokes aside, lasers are non-invasive and a specialist such as Facial Plastics PLLC will perform the procedure and release you on the same day. Usually, it’s the best option for the pesky hairs on the top lip that never seems to go away no matter how hard you try.

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Plucking is labor intensive, don’t you think? Women spend hours pinpointing a single hair and pulling it out. If anyone thinks waxing hurts, then plucking has to come a close second. The alternative is threading, a technique that is very popular in Southeast Asia.

The way it works is simple – a specialist uses a double piece of cotton to “roll over” the problem areas. As a result, the hairs are pulled from the skin and they cease to exist. This is perfect for features such as eyebrows because they are fiddly. Always book a session with an expert as the procedure is complicated.

Removal Creams

By far the most comfortable option is to apply cream and then wipe it away along with the hairs. VEET® has fast become the leader in the market thanks to its ease and affordability. Unlike threading and laser removal, creams are best for large areas of hair, not tricky spots.

Trying to apply the tiniest amount of lotion to an eyebrow is tough, and the worst case scenario is that you remove the full brow! Always read the label and follow the instructions to avoid burns.

Which option is your favorite? Are there any others that you swear by and want to add to the list?

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