Get Ahead of These Unforeseen Events in 2023

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There’s no end to the list of unforeseen events that can happen at any time. But in life, there are some common ones. You can look out for these in the coming year and try to get ahead.

Working In an Unsafe Environment

Some lucky people don’t need to, but many of us have to go to work to earn money. Of course, your employer must pay you. But they also have a responsibility to your safety too. In the UK alone, around 1.8 million people suffered injuries at work in 2020 and 2021. This figure is shocking, and it doesn’t need to be this high. There is compensation for victims of unsafe work practices available. But you can also raise safety concerns with your employer or regulator.

Rising Cost of Living

From the past year, you know that bills have gone up. This is likely to have less of an effect on your finances in the short term than a large, one-time expense. But in the long run, it will change how you spend your money every day. Some of these are rent, insurance premiums, and the cost of taking the bus or train. For some things, like utilities, you can save money by switching providers. But food is different. However, you can switch stores and buy cheaper brands.

Unforeseen Events Includes Essential Devices

Gadgets like your smartphone are important and may even be a part of your job. And almost every job today needs access to the internet and a computer. But these often break and need to be replaced. Also, an old computer might not be able to run the important software you need. PCs and laptops are cheaper now, which is a good thing. But you can also add more RAM, a bigger hard drive, or a faster CPU. Keeping electronics clean is also a good way to extend life.

Car and Vehicle Issues

Most people can’t live without cars. But it can be expensive to keep them going. And when they break down, it can be awful. Then, if your car can’t be fixed cheaply, you’ll have to buy a new one, which can be just as expensive. Still, when you add up the cost of gas, insurance, and taxes, it may be cheaper to take the bus or train. You can be green and get healthier by riding your bike to work. Or you can split the cost of fuel by carpooling with colleagues for work.

Minor Home Repairs

Homes don’t break down as often as cars do and need repairs much less often. But there are still a lot of small things that can go wrong in your home that cause big problems. And fixing major issues can get expensive. So maintenance is important. Checking your plumbing or electrics are two common examples. But right now, in the winter, you should worry more about your boiler. And cleaning out the gutters will stop some of the worst problems, like dampness.


You can get ahead of unforeseen events this year. Some of the most common to look out for include unsafe work environments, broken devices, and maintaining your home properly.

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