Gardening Update 9/2814: Chrysanthemum Time!



Hello again, savvy savers! this weekend is a very, very slow weekend in my garden. The humidity of late summer is in full force, and my husband and I are spending double duty on nightly watering sessions for out gardens, flower beds, and hanging garden areas; we have switched our attentions from perseverance to full on preservation, in hopes of salvaging as many perennial plants as possible going into the next season.


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However, one area of garden happiness for me this week is that my discounted chrysanthemums, purchased from Walmart last Autumn for $0.50 a plant, have doubled in size and are starting to bloom for the fall, and within the next month will be gorgeous; I planted the bed in rotating patterns of orange, yellow, and white to mimic candy corn! For those with mums planted in-ground, early August is the time to stop plucking blooms off of plants, start concentrated feedings, add new mulch, and let the growing season commence for your mums!

Here’s to gardening until next week!

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