Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s What You Can Do to Help Yourself

When you have a lot of demands placed on you, with a very short time frame to deal with them all, you may find that you feel overwhelmed. This can have a negative impact on your life, not to mention that it can greatly affect your mental health. If you want to make sure that you are not overwhelming yourself regularly or if you need some help coping with your negative emotions, then this is the guide for you.

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It’s so important that you breathe deeply when you are feeling overwhelmed. If you aren’t sure where to start, then simply take five minutes out of your day, and breathe 6-7 breaths per minute. Make sure that the breaths you are taking, are nice and deep. If you can do this then you will be able to slow your heart rate, which can contribute to feelings of calm.

Rethink your Situation

Sometimes stress can come from the way that you look at the situation you’re in. If you take the time to look at your current situation from a different perspective then this will help you with stress. At the end of the day, cognitive behavior therapy can help you to see things differently and it can also help you to realize that the way you think about things, has a huge part in how you see situations.  If you are overwhelmed because of a family issue, or if you are concerned that a member of your family is not receiving the standard of care that they need then remember, you can always rely on the Nursing Home Abuse Center to give you the support you need with your case.


It’s a known fact that working out can help your mental health in more ways than one. You don’t have to go to the gym multiple times a day to reap this kind of benefit either. It may be that you simply go for a walk, a jog, or even a bike ride. Doing some yoga can also help you here. Either way, it doesn’t matter what you do, just try and incorporate it into your day. You will soon find that you feel better and this can work wonders for your mental health.

Take some Time Out

Sometimes, you just need to take a time out, so you can rest and recharge. Read a book or watch an episode of your favorite TV show. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you do here, as long as you are spending some time away from your problems and you are also able to take your mind to another place.


You can also talk about your problems to a loved one. It may be that you chat with your significant other about the stress you are under or that you offload onto a family member. It doesn’t matter who it is, as long as you have someone who you can chat with. Sometimes this is the best way for you to offload while giving yourself the perspective you need to feel better about your current situation.

Keep a Journal

Things feel far more manageable when you write them down. You can do this before you go to bed so you can clear your mind, or you can simply make a list of all the things you want to do the next day. By doing this, you can organize your thoughts and you can also help yourself to see things with much more clarity. Keeping a journal can help you out a lot here, not to mention that it is one of the best ways for you to stay on top of any situation.

Drink Water

Water is the best way for you to improve your mood during the day. If you drink the right intake of water daily, then this will help you to feel much more balanced and healthier. Water is vital for your brain function and if you can stay hydrated then you will soon find that your stress levels are lower.


If your workspace is full of clutter or if you have no idea where all of the things you need are then this will make it much more difficult for you to sort everything out. Make sure that you organize your supplies and don’t have too many things out at once. If you can keep your space nice and clean, then this will help you to think more clearly and this can work in your favor.

It’s Normal

The way that you are feeling right now is normal. Stress is a natural response, and everyone feels overwhelmed at some point. If you want to help yourself then you need to take note of the way that you feel, and accept it. You are never going to eliminate stress, but you can take steps to try and combat it by adopting a positive mindset. If you spend a lot of time thinking about how bad you are feeling and how stressed you are then this will not help you to manage your emotions. Instead, think about your happy place, and think about something that puts a smile on your face. If you can focus on doing this then you will soon find that you feel much calmer.

Recall your Past Experiences

You have probably experienced emotions like this before. Think about the last time you felt overwhelmed. Did things end up being as bad as you thought they would be? Probably not. If you can adopt this mindset and you can start to see things with a more positive outlook then you will soon feel the stress melt away. If you are feeling overwhelmed, then remember it’s always a good idea for you to talk to someone, so you can offload your feelings and you can feel better about yourself.  

So as you can see, there are many things you can do to reduce your general stress, and if you follow this guide, you should feel the stress melt away in no time.

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