Encourage Your Kids To Be Sporty With These Awesome Tips

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Did you know that only a third of children take part in regular physical activity these days? That’s quite a worrying statistic as a lack of exercise in their life can lead to them quickly putting on weight and becoming obese. If this were to happen then they would be at a much greater risk of a range of illnesses and health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

However, it can be difficult to encourage children to get into a sport, especially if they have never seemed interested in any forms of physical activity before now. But that doesn’t make it completely impossible, though. Here are a few tips that can motivate your little ones to get sporty.

Get Them A Cool Kit

It’s worth buying some custom soccer uniforms or similar gear that is suitable for the sport they want to try out. Kids always love showing off their new clothes and belongings, so you should find that yours want to get out onto the pitch or sports field in their new clothes as soon as possible. There’s a much more practical reason for buying them the right kinds of gear and clothes too, though, and that is that they will be made in a way to help your kids feel comfortable while they are being active.

Tell Them About The Benefits

One reason why some children are quite reluctant to take up a sport or exercise at all is that they don’t have a clue about the benefits of physical activity. So, it’s a good idea to sit down with your kids and have a quick chat about the positive reasons people exercise and all of the health benefits that come with doing so.

Limit Their Screen Time

Do your kids seem to be more interested in their various devices around the house? If so, it’s worth thinking about limiting their screen time. For instance, you might want to let them watch TV for just one hour each day. With not much else to do, they will probably want to go outside and play sports rather than sit inside bored all day.

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Encourage Them To Join A Club

Your children might love the social aspects of sports clubs. There are lots of different clubs aimed at different sports and games, including the likes of soccer, running, and basketball. Once they have joined the club, they will love making new friends, which will encourage them to turn up for practice every week.

Don’t Overdo It

Don’t forget that your kids are still growing, so their bodies won’t be ready for an excessive amount of physical exertion just yet. So, it’s best not to push your kids too far. Ideally, exercising three times a week should bring them benefits. They also need plenty of rest days so that their body can recover. Without enough rest, they wouldn’t get any fitter.

There are plenty of ways you can motivate your kids to be sporty and exercise more – these tips should get you started!

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