DIY Calorie-Free Snow Cone Syrup!


Hello again, savvy savers! Today, I wanted to share with you one of my families favorite warm weather treats, my DIY Calorie-Free Snow Cone Syrup! With top selling brands of snow cone syrup from Jelly Belly selling at close at my local Walmart Supercenter for $4.98 for 12 ounces, I sought to make a better, more economical syrup. I make two versions, one with cane sugar, for $0.35 for 3 cups of syrup, or $0.85 for a sugar-free splenda version of the same.  You will be able to save 90% over the average purchase price. What’s even better, is that this syrup can be stored in your refrigerator for a month at a time, or frozen in ice cubed form, for up to a year!

Here’s how I make it:


Filtered Water
Two Cups Sugar Alternative
3 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Kool Aid or Crystal Light
Storage Containers


Filtered Water
Two Cups Cane Sugar, or Sugar Alternative
3 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Kool Aid or Crystal Light
Storage Containers

1) For each pint of syrup mix 1 cup filtered water, two cups either cane or splenda in a sauce pan or shallow frying pan, on medium low heat.

2) Let mixture sit in pan for 1 minute.

3) Add your flavoring.

4) Begin to whisk your syrup for one minute until well incorporated.

5) Let your syrup come to a low boil for an additional minute.

6) Next, remove your pan(s) from the heat and let sit for fix minutes; stir your mixture if needed.

7) While mixture is warm, but not boiling, transfer to heat-resident glass containers and then continue to cool for 1 hour.

8) Now for the fun part! I used my Jelly Belly Snow Cone Maker, but any form of crushed ice will due, in terms of making snow cones! Take your cooled syrup and transfer it to containers, preferably with pumps, to dispense over your snow cones. When filling your snow cone containers, fill with ice only half-way and then dispense 3-5 drops over the ice, and then fill the cones the rest of the way up with the shaved ice, and add an additional 3-5 drops over the top of the snow cones!

9) Enjoy!

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  • Reply Merry Monday Linky Party #11 June 18, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    […] How to Freeze Strawberries ~ DIY Calorie-free Snow Cone Syrup! […]

  • Reply Stephanie July 28, 2014 at 11:19 pm

    Love this idea!! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!

  • Reply Katherines Corner July 22, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    brilliant and perfect for our hots summer weather. I am hopping over from tasty Tuesday. I hope you will share this at my hop on Thursday too. Hugs!

    • Reply Nicole July 22, 2014 at 7:43 pm

      Thank you so much! I will!

  • Reply Winnie June 30, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    Sounds easy to make. I’d sure love to try it
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Reply Nicole June 30, 2014 at 9:07 pm

      I hope you enjoy it, and let me know how it works for you!

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