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Zero Waste Living

How To Reduce Your Food Waste

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The United States has more than enough food to feed all of its citizens, but billions of pounds of good food end up in landfills or combustion facilities each year. Feeding America reports that a whopping 108 billion pounds of food are wasted annually in the U.S. Many people do not even realize how much good food they toss out and the terrible effects on the environment. Tossing your food in the trash can contributes to climate change and wastes a lot of water. Also, throwing out edible food is a misuse of money, so finding ways to waste less is crucial. Below are some effective tips for reducing your food waste.

Store Food Properly

Improper food storage is one of the major causes of food waste. It is estimated that about two-thirds of food waste at home is caused by food not being used before it becomes bad, and improper storage is a major contributor to this reality. Many people do not know how to properly store vegetables and fruits, leading to premature ripening and rotting. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes should be kept at room temperature instead of refrigerated. Also, separate foods that give off more ethylene gas from ethylene-sensitive produce like apples and potatoes to prevent premature spoilage. You can also store food in your pantry, but know that pests like ants, rodents, and bugs will be attracted to this area. Any items these pests contaminate will need to be thrown away and replaced, but regular pest control management can prevent this.

Drink More Smoothies

Nutrient-packed smoothies are not only refreshing but could be a great and tasty way to reduce food waste. Many produce’s ends, peels, and stems may not look and taste appetizing in their original form. However, including them in smoothies is a great way to prevent them from going to waste. Stems of kale, chard and other greens contain a lot of fiber and nutrients. Therefore, including them in your regular smoothies ensures that you stay on top of healthy eating. The tops of carrots, beets, and strawberries are also excellent additions to smoothies. You can also add fruit and vegetable peels, overripe bananas, and wilted herbs to make your blends more nutritious. Finally, simply save your fruit scraps in freezer bags and toss these odd bits into a blender with milk or juice when it is smoothie time.

Avoid Perfectionism

Fruits and vegetables come in many shapes and sizes, and you likely have a mental picture of how each one should ideally look. Many people shop with this mental picture in mind, rummaging through bins of apples till they find the most perfect-looking ones. However, this obsession with perfect-looking produce is a major contributor to food waste. ReFED, a nonprofit researching food waste policies estimated that over 80% of this waste is generated by homes and businesses like restaurants and grocery stores instead of farms and packinghouses. Therefore, stop seeking flawless fruits and vegetables and embrace more “ugly” produce. This way, you will reduce the amount of perfectly edible produce that ends up in landfills due to rejection.

Everything You Need to Know About Supporting Sustainable Businesses

With the rise of vast information coming in fast waves thanks to social media posts, YouTube videos, ease of access to the news, and 24/7 TV channels showing the news, the consumer is more informed on current events now than ever. Due to this, consumers are now more aware of environmental changes that are happening around them. This also includes the companies and the actions that are making the environment and the climate worse, rather than helping out.

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Sustainability has become so important over the last few years thanks to the visible changes that are happening to the environment. From polar ice caps melting, species going full extinct, and how temperatures are getting warmer and more fierce. A lot of conscious consumers are now putting their focus on helping out sustainable brands. Brands that are trying to help make a difference in the environment. If you’re interested in helping in the support of eco-friendly and sustainably conscious brands, like Superior Farms, then here is everything you need to know.

How to Support Sustainable Businesses

Sustainable business is a new way of working and a new way of life. It is based on the idea that business should be done in a manner that does not harm the environment or leave the next generation with a worse situation than what we have today. The first step to supporting sustainable businesses is to understand what they are. There are many types of sustainable businesses, so it is important to know which type you want to support. There are brands that use Greenwashing practices. This means they’re pretending to be sustainable when in actuality, they’re not and they’re just trying to get the eco-friendly consumers on board.

The Benefits of Supporting Sustainable Businesses

Sustainable businesses are those that focus on long-term goals, such as reducing the impact of their operations on the environment. Sustainable business is a new way of thinking about business, which seeks to increase social and environmental value with a focus on long-term goals. The benefits of supporting sustainable businesses include increased employee satisfaction, reduced costs, and improved quality of life for employees and society at large. There’s this idea that supporting sustainable businesses and having a sustainable home is expensive, but, it’s not. Yes, sometimes it can be, but for the most part, it’s not.

3 Essential Questions to Ask When You’re Interested in Supporting a Sustainable Business

Whether you’re looking for a business to buy your groceries from, your clothes, your fuel, or basically anything you and your family plan to use for daily life, there may be some questions that you’re going to want to ask. This will help ensure that you are indeed helping support sustainable businesses, and not shady businesses using greenwashing tactics. This should include:

  • How does the company make money?
  • In what ways do you ensure that you stay sustainable?
  • Do they engage in cardboard recycling and other sustainable initiatives?

These are only three questions, but usually, most brands, even via email, will be more than happy to answer these questions.

What are the Benefits of Supporting Sustainable Businesses?

One of the major benefits of supporting sustainable businesses is that it will help to reduce the environmental effects on society. Sustainable companies are more likely to be more environmentally friendly, which also translates into a lower carbon footprint and better health for employees and customers. Sustainable businesses usually mean that they’re ethical. Prove to society that businesses that care are businesses that can thrive. 

Friends, what questions do you ask yourself, and others, when interested in supporting sustainable businesses at home? Leave your thoughts below.

7 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Home

Many homeowners are looking for ways to transform their homes into more eco-friendly and sustainable places. More and more people each day are realizing the importance of saving the environment and how their environmental impact can make a massive difference to mother earth. There are plenty of ways to begin becoming more eco-conscious, this includes taking small steps to incorporate things into your lifestyle. While the idea of creating a more eco-friendly home may sound overwhelming it doesn’t have to be and can even make it far easier to create subtle lifestyle changes that can help out the environment.  These are some fantastic ways to make your home eco-friendly!

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 Look into creating a garden

Gardening is one of the best ways to offset your carbon footprint. You can make your vegetables by growing them in the garden, but it’s also a bee-friendly space within your home. You can add wildflowers, this not only boosts your curb appeal but also makes bees very happy. You can add some fruits, a veggie section, or anything that helps the insects and helps your wallet. Many people who look into creating a more sustainable home first begin with setting up a garden. It’s also a great way to start up a new hobby.

Switch to a low flow

Low flow toilets save so much water. If you’re looking into remodeling or renovating your bathroom, then the low flow is the way to go.  While low flow is mostly known for the type of toilets, it can also include showerheads and faucets for sinks and tubs. This is a great way to save money in the long run and low-flow appliances don’t need to be very expensive either. You can save up to 15,000 gallons per year on water if your home is a family of four. It’s pretty incredible, isn’t it? Also, it’s important to understand that low flow doesn’t mean low pressure or even low performance.

Utilize the sun

If you’re currently in the process of building your house, then you’ll want to orientate this house to maximize sunshine. However, even if you’re not building a home. You can still maximize sunshine within your home. This can include looking into a solar company that can set up solar panels. This can even include installing solar water heating methods, or just leaving the curtains open so sunshine can seep through into the house.

Look into getting a rain collector

So, depending on the state you’re living in, this may not be a helpful tip. Some states make it illegal to collect rainwater, and the same can be said for some cities or counties throughout the country. But, if it is legal where you’re located, then look into getting a rain collector. A rain collector can be very beneficial, especially if you have plants in your garden or even just grass. This not only saves you water, but the rainwater will be at the right PH level for your outdoor plants.

Look into Energy Star appliances

While you’re better off using your old appliances until they break, it may be best to begin looking for a backup for whenever your washer or other appliance decides to break down. Energy Star appliances are certified by the U.S. Department of Energy and use anywhere from 10 up to 50% less energy than a regular appliance uses. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? This means that you’re going to save money on your electric bill every month.

 Now the most sustainable way to get a Star Energy appliance would be through second hands such as a thrift shop, Craigslist,  a second-hand section from a tech store, or Facebook Marketplace. It’s best to look into secondhand first before jumping into buying a brand new appliance.

Changing shopping habits

While this may not be a part of the house itself, what you shop for will be inside the house. Look into purchasing less material items and look into purchasing minimum to zero waste products. This can even include what food you’re purchasing. There are ways to purchase minimum to zero waste food products such as buying whole foods. This can even include going to zero waste shops to fill up your pantry items.

Look into composting

Organic trash (such as veggie peelings) is going into landfills. The average US household is producing around 600 pounds of organic garbage each year. This eventually leads to methane within the landfills which are far more powerful than C02. Methane is a contributing factor to climate issues that the world is facing. Purchasing a compost bin is going to help this issue. This can be an organic matter that your garden can use for nutrition, but there are companies that will use the compost you give and they’ll help the environment with it. 

5 Effective Tips For Household Liquid Waste Disposal

You never really know how much waste you’re generating in your home until you come across the national statistics. This may lend credence to why some households are adopting zero waste living. Each day, the US disposes of 728,000 tons of waste. In addition to that, the country’s liquid waste management requires USD 25.62 billion to clear up. Even this amount is from the 2019 statistics. With this information in mind, what can you also do to dispose of your household liquid waste properly? Below is a discussion of some tips you may find helpful.

1. Avoid pouring solvents directly into household drains

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If you have a habit of pouring solvents and gasoline down the drain, now is the time to consider an immediate change. Solvents like acetone, ethanol, and even chloroform can be hazardous not only to your plumbing system but to underground water channels that lead to treatment plants several miles away from your home. Another potential damage it can cause is fires and even explosions in the house.

Possibly, the damage may not happen immediately. However, regular disposal of such solvents down the drain can lead to long-term damage. By which time, it would cost a significant amount of money to repair. For instance, manufacturers advise against pouring solvents into septic tanks. When you have this stored underground in the home, you risk damaging them. Therefore, the right thing to do is find the appropriate liquid waste management services to dispose of such harmful substances. And this leads to the next point.

2. Use appropriate storage containers for liquid waste

Do you store liquid waste together with regular household solid waste? Apart from the health repercussions associated with it, you will be compounding the work of waste management services in your neighborhood. There is a good reason explaining the importance of using suitable storage containers for different kinds of waste. For example, there are special liquid waste containers purposely designed to contain fluids.

It would be a good idea if you invested in such safe containers for your household. Ensure they are color-coded to differentiate them from your regular trash can. That way, when waste management services come around, they’d be better informed on how to handle them.

3. Educate your household

While you’re doing everything possible to manage your liquid waste in the home, it would be a great idea to educate your household too. The reason for this is, you could be doing all there is to be done in proper disposal methods; however, your efforts could be wasted. Especially when you’re dealing with kids, help them understand the overall hazards a mistake could cost others and the country as a whole.

4. Avoid pouring food particles down the kitchen sink

Most American homes have a sink disposal trash system installed in their kitchens. This takes care of the number of food particles that find their way into the drains. It is a good idea to make an effort to scrape food scraps into your garbage physically instead of allowing the sink to do it all. That can help you limit how often you need to use and clean it out and increase its lifespan.

Moreover, it will reduce the possibility of clogging your drains. More importantly, doing the physical scraping allows you to limit the amount of food grease that finds its way into the drains. Also, you can clean the plates and bowls with some serviettes or disposable kitchen towels before washing with liquid soap to obtain the best results.

5. Ensure proper grading of your yard to avoid wastewater puddles

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Did you know that it becomes wastewater or liquid waste when rain collects in your yard and cannot drain properly? This may arise due to poor soil quality or improper grading of the yard. The best you can do is contact a professional service to redo your yard, especially with the latter. When you leave it unattended, the wastewater may seep into walls and begin to cause damage. Keep in mind that naturally, water flows from higher ground to a lower space. The professional you hire should be skilled to correct any anomaly in your yard to ensure proper drainage of wastewater into storm drains. You may want to consider a swale channel to add aesthetics to the yard while adequately disposing of sewage. 

Indeed, America’s household liquid waste problem can be managed one house at a time, and it all depends on you. hopefully, you’ll leverage these tips for the best results.

7 Benefits of Using Solar Power

Solar power is increasingly becoming a viable option for many householders. With the cost of installing solar tech to residential and commercial properties set to continue to fall, there is no denying that if you have been on the fence about making the switch to solar energy, now could be the time to do so. With solar experts such as Edward Harner detailing advancements in this area, you can investigate why this is a good thing.

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Everyone has heard that solar power is good for the environment. However, there are many benefits to solar power both at home and for the environment too.

Increased Air Quality

Solar power, unlike fossil fuels, does not give off emissions. If you have ever been to the countryside or the mountains and enjoyed the benefits of breathing in the clean, fresh air, you will understand the difference and appreciate the level of air pollution around us, particularly in built-up areas with high levels of population.

Lower Energy Bills

If you install solar panels in your home, you will be generating your electricity. Depending on the amount of energy your panels are able to produce each year, you will notice a reduction in your energy bills. The more solar power you are able to generate, especially if you live in a warmer climate, the lower your bill. You could even generate an income by selling excess energy back to the energy companies too.

Increased Job Creation

As more methods and technologies emerge, so does the capacity for more jobs to be created in the industry. As solar power becomes more prevalent, more job roles for engineering solar technology, designing equipment and installation, etc.

Decreased Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are a finite resource. They are non-renewable, which means exactly what you think it means. When they run out, that is it. So while it may feel that solar power is just a fad, the reality is it is more than just a supplemental energy source, and it has the propensity to support energy users now and well into the future.

Improved Health

How exactly can solar power improve your health? An increase in the use of solar power in general means cleaner air for everyone. Cleaner air means fewer pollutants to damage our health. The US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy estimates that more than 25,000 lives can be saved due to a decrease in pollutants in the air we breathe.

Improved Grid Security

When there are multiple power plants spread out, the grid is less prone to blackouts. A system with a high solar energy penetration has hundreds of energy production centers that are widely dispersed. This increases grid security in the event of an overload, natural or man-made disaster.

Assist in the Fight Against Climate Change

The continuous release of pollutants and extra CO2 into the atmosphere harms the planet. As the carbon count rises, so will our ability to retain heat from the sun. These changing air conditions will continue to impact diverse climates, warming some and cooling others and making weather patterns all around the world more unpredictable and volatile. Solar power, by extension, reduces CO2 and therefore releases fewer pollutants leading to cleaner air.

5 Simple Tips on How You Can Protect Your Planet

The planet you live on undergoes a lot of activities every day. Some of these are helpful, and some bring danger to it. When you decide to be ignorant, you are harming your fellow humans and the wildlife.

Generally, the living conditions on the earth become worse with every single act of negligence. Therefore, as an occupant of this planet, it is your sole duty to take adequate measures to ensure the earth is safe.


Conserve energy

Everyone needs the energy to move about to do their normal daily activities. You use energy to power your car and to warm your food. But so much of this energy goes to waste. For example, when you leave the lights on after leaving a room, a lot of electrical power is lost.

Therefore, to conserve energy, you should put strict measures on its conservation. For instance, you can incorporate the use of solar panels in place of hydroelectric power. This option is free and easy to use.

Experts such as Stephen Troese Jr have taken the step to figure out efficient ways to save up power. You should visit the website and learn a thing or two from it.

Conserve water

Water is a basic necessity of life. Without it, your body will not function properly. It is also the home to various species like fish. To conserve the water, you should put in place rules that limit people from littering river sources.

Many people depend on water to carry out simple tasks like cooking and bathing. Contaminating this source can lead to the spread of illnesses, and if worse, it can cause death. It would also be a great idea to recycle the water you use at home. 


Since you have to take care of the planet, you should volunteer to clean it up. Then, as a group, you can gather and begin a trash-collecting project. You can also come up with rules and regulations as a community against improper garbage disposal.

Educating the Community

One of the most effective ways of conserving the environment is by teaching community members the benefits of doing so. For example, you can engage them in seminars and talks where environment experts give educational speeches.

When the community members learn the importance of protecting the planet, they can judge their actions and remember to be more responsible. 

Plant Trees

It does not hurt anyone to plant trees or water them. So, it would be best if you planned events where everyone was encouraged to plant at least one tree. The more trees you grow, the better the benefits.

Trees help to freshen up the environment and to reduce pollution. In addition, according to scientific studies, trees are capable of attracting rain. So why not plant one today and reap these tremendous benefits? 

Bottom Line

You ought to take up the responsibility of taking care of the environment. Anywhere you go, you should avoid careless littering. Also, encourage your friends and family to do the same. Hopefully, you can learn from the above tips and put them into use.

3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Water At Home

Water is one of the most crucial resources that humans need. Without this incredible solvent, none of the life on the planet would be able to exist, and this is why water was one of the first services people ever had pumped directly into their homes. Of course, though, modern homes have loads of pipes, taps, and other water-related components, but they’re not always perfect. To help you to make the water in your home much better, this post will be exploring some easy improvements that anyone can make, making it possible for you to get started right away.


The water that is piped into your home comes from a wide mains system. It is treated with chemicals to make it safe to drink and use, though this doesn’t make the water perfect. Filtering can help you to remove minerals like calcium, reduce the strong chemicals in your water, and make the water taste better. Filters can come in the form of a jug that can be filled and left in the fridge, though many people prefer to explore the option of mains filtering. You can drastically improve the quality of the water in your home with a single pass through a filter, and this is nice and easy to get started with.

Water Pressure

Having low water pressure can be very frustrating, leaving showers disappointing and taps ineffectual. Many factors go into determining the pressure of the water at your home, from the local geography to your distance from the nearest pumping station. You can’t change these factors, but you can improve the situation in your home. Products like a Berkeley BVM pump can be installed in your home to improve the water pressure you get to enjoy. This will increase the pressure of your internal system without impacting the mains, ensuring that you get to reap the full benefits of the pump you’ve had installed. It will always be worth getting professional help to handle this.

Boiler Servicing

Boilers are the beating heart of many homes, providing both hot water and heating to make your home comfortable. As complex machines, though, boilers need to be looked after if they are going to perform well. Servicing your boiler can make a huge difference to your home, enabling you to enjoy hotter water, higher water pressure, and even faster heating times. This can save a huge amount of money in the long run, with boiler repairs costing a fortune when something goes wrong with them. Regular servicing is almost guaranteed to make your boiler last longer than it usually would.

With water being so crucial in life, it makes sense to spend plenty of time improving the water that you have access to. This process can take a lot of work, but this will always be worth it to make sure that you’re able to enjoy the best possible water supply. This always makes sense when you’re paying for the water you use.