7 Benefits of Using Solar Power

Solar power is increasingly becoming a viable option for many householders. With the cost of installing solar tech to residential and commercial properties set to continue to fall, there is no denying that if you have been on the fence about making the switch to solar energy, now could be the time to do so. With solar experts such as Edward Harner detailing advancements in this area, you can investigate why this is a good thing.

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Everyone has heard that solar power is good for the environment. However, there are many benefits to solar power both at home and for the environment too.

Increased Air Quality

Solar power, unlike fossil fuels, does not give off emissions. If you have ever been to the countryside or the mountains and enjoyed the benefits of breathing in the clean, fresh air, you will understand the difference and appreciate the level of air pollution around us, particularly in built-up areas with high levels of population.

Lower Energy Bills

If you install solar panels in your home, you will be generating your electricity. Depending on the amount of energy your panels are able to produce each year, you will notice a reduction in your energy bills. The more solar power you are able to generate, especially if you live in a warmer climate, the lower your bill. You could even generate an income by selling excess energy back to the energy companies too.

Increased Job Creation

As more methods and technologies emerge, so does the capacity for more jobs to be created in the industry. As solar power becomes more prevalent, more job roles for engineering solar technology, designing equipment and installation, etc.

Decreased Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are a finite resource. They are non-renewable, which means exactly what you think it means. When they run out, that is it. So while it may feel that solar power is just a fad, the reality is it is more than just a supplemental energy source, and it has the propensity to support energy users now and well into the future.

Improved Health

How exactly can solar power improve your health? An increase in the use of solar power in general means cleaner air for everyone. Cleaner air means fewer pollutants to damage our health. The US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy estimates that more than 25,000 lives can be saved due to a decrease in pollutants in the air we breathe.

Improved Grid Security

When there are multiple power plants spread out, the grid is less prone to blackouts. A system with a high solar energy penetration has hundreds of energy production centers that are widely dispersed. This increases grid security in the event of an overload, natural or man-made disaster.

Assist in the Fight Against Climate Change

The continuous release of pollutants and extra CO2 into the atmosphere harms the planet. As the carbon count rises, so will our ability to retain heat from the sun. These changing air conditions will continue to impact diverse climates, warming some and cooling others and making weather patterns all around the world more unpredictable and volatile. Solar power, by extension, reduces CO2 and therefore releases fewer pollutants leading to cleaner air.

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